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@AlanMunn Sorry...forgot to add your handle.
@AlanMunn As a byproduct, I did finally learn how to clear the Find and Replace histories.
2 hours later…
I concede defeat. I have no idea how to make the example work. whatever I do, I always get 400 Bad Request from cloudfare. and this isn't even the point of the example, but only the setup .... I really should know better than to try.
4 hours later…
@cfr Did you post an example somewhere? I must have missed it in chat if it was here.
@mickep no ;). different kind of example. but I think I half know why it won't work. it's just annoying.
@mickep [Lua]
@cfr you mean the removed message? I was just teasing David but removed it because after a second thought it wasn't that funny.
@Skillmon oh. I was just confused because it showed up in my notifications, but when I clicked on it it just showed me the room but not any message.
I guess deletion is that deleted ....
@mickep lua.org/pil/9.4.html but I think the web has changed too much and I'd need to wrap the requests with lua-sec for it to work. since that's not even the point of the example, I've decided it isn't worth it. (but I should probably say that I asked people not to answer my Lua questions until I've read the book.)
1 hour later…
@cfr does any of the searched words end up with ligatures in them? Not that I've looked, just noted that pdftotext gave some warnings about some ligatures, but the char names does not seem relevant.
1 hour later…
I have a strange function to plotin tikz (helping with a physics book). This tex.stackexchange.com/a/46182/3929 provides some nice code to get the max or min. The functions plotting have a vertical tangent on their left and right. Is it possible to get the values of the non undef points on the curve?
We have unbounded coords=jump so we don't have to be precise with the domain. Just want to know the left and right most point on the plot. Any ideas?
@DavidCarlisle I don't understand that
@Skillmon you just don't have the linguistic skills of @AlanMunn and me.
@DavidCarlisle agreed :)
@Skillmon although lots of text with hardly any inter-word space, I'd have thought you felt quite at home reading that.
@Skillmon :)
@Skillmon More seriously if there are readers here who can read (traditional) Chinese script, proof reading comments on that translation would be very welcome.
Found a way to get it by cheating a bit.
@DavidCarlisle 牛!
@JasperHabicht Ox?
@DavidCarlisle Or (slang): "awesome!"
@daleif curious now... ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Since I studied Japanese for roughly a year, I can quite confidently state that I have no idea of those overly complicated glyphs.
@daleif No. The name given as an example was Putnam and the word was the. So definitely no ligatures at all. I also got warnings about ligatures, but they seem to concern symbols:
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "eye" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "open" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "eye" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "open" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "eye" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
Syntax Warning: Could not parse ligature component "open" of "eye_open" in parseCharName
I'm not sure why these involve ligatures, but it doesn't seem to be relevant to characters in something like Putnam or the.
@DavidCarlisle my Japanese starts with "Hello" and ends at "I love meat"
Of the little I knew I forgot almost everything.
@Skillmon that's more than you need
@Skillmon oh no!
I think an siunitx release this week - just finalising one or two 'policy' things with the team
@Rmano The function involves two sqrt's and one is not defined on the left of a number and the other to the right of another number. So I just calculated those two numbers and used that. I should be possible to retrieve the data from the plot, just no idea how.
@daleif Ah, ok. I neither know how it's possible (and if) to access that data... thanks anyway!
@Rmano well, one can get the max and min, why not the first from the left that is actually defined.
@daleif Now I get curios. How does the expected output look?
@LaTeXereXeTaL But if it's not reproducible by others then fixing it becomes difficult. I'm still running Ventura on my Mac so my configuration is not the same as yours. But this is why the mailing list is helpful, because a variety of people can test. But unless there's reproducibility, it's very hard to fix problems like this.
@mickep It is basically something like (f(x)+g(x))^2-(sqrt(f(x)^2-a)-sqrt(g(x)^2-b))^2. Where f(x) and g(x) are some functions. There is also a lower part with + before the last sqrt.
I think it is called a Daliz plot. It is a closed curve plotted as two halfs, so I have issues at the start and ends as the curve in this case has a vertical tangent at either end of the domain of definition.
Here I'm cheating as I cannot make the ends meet even at 7000 samples. So I add some small vertical lines. The URL I gave can find the max and min of the upper and lower halfs. Just wondered if one could get it to give the left most and right most (x,y)
At 8000 samples lualatex takes 55sec to compile it. Perhaps I should get the datapoints externally and just plot that.
@daleif ooh, a potato
@Skillmon Not sure what the plus shows in the end and the example I got is a bit more pointy. But I think this is due to this plot using other constants.
@daleif Interesting, never heard of. In some such cases it might be easier to use a parametrization of the curve instead of seeing it as a function graph.
@Skillmon They are not that much more complicated than Kanji though
@mickep Me neither. Not sure if there is a good parametric form.
1 hour later…
@Werner, @StefanKottwitz See comments in mod room
@JasperHabicht yep, and I have no idea of any Kanji anymore... :p
@JasperHabicht (not entirely accurate, I could probably still read a hand few. But writing? Nah)
@Skillmon =D Okay, well ... writing is a different thing. I learned Chinese about ... 15 years ago and I am using it on a day-to-day basis. But due to Pinyin-based IMEs, I rarely write by hand. I can read and speak and understand, but writing is really something that you forget almost instantly. Even Chinese forget how to write certain characters I heard
I would think that this is very similar for Japanese
But what I wanted to say is that traditional Chinese is more alike to Japanese (Kanji) than simplified Chinese
@PauloCereda I finally got to see the new Fedora 41 installer :D...of course courtesy of Win11 24h2 which deleted grub2 and left me no other options...anyway, the installer is much, much faster and better finished than its predecessors.
@DavidCarlisle Can you show me the output of set from cmd (with administrator permissions)?...I'm trying to reproduce a problem described on the TL mailing list about windows...strangely, I don't think, as far as I've tested, that msys2 or straberry in the PATH before TL causes the problem...my suspect is smartscreen+windefender.
@PabloGonzálezL I don't have a windows tex
@DavidCarlisle I do :)
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
@PabloGonzálezL ^^^
Win11 VM on my Mac
@JosephWright Thanks
@JosephWright one more, can you run xz --version from cmd?
C:\Users\joseph>xz --version
'xz' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
@PabloGonzálezL ^^^
As I'd expect
@JosephWright Thanks, this rules out strawberry, my problematic candidate is gitcmd (which does have xz pre-installed)
1 hour later…
user image
Of all the Overleaf memes from yesterday, I liked this one the best. @JosephWright
@AlanMunn :)
@AlanMunn Oh. I wonder what went wrong...
@mickep I don't know the details, but it was down for about 3+ hours, enough to freak out many people. Probably especially students, given that this is the end of the N. American semester, so lots of people are finishing theses and papers.
@mickep And Reddit posts saying "I have inside information that Overleaf will be back up within 12 days" didn't help, lol.
@AlanMunn Indeed, I saw there were lots of people mentioning deadlines. Hopefully it won't happen again, and probably they got something to think about regarding backups etc...
@AlanMunn That was in fact true. :)
@mickep Yes, it was. :)
2 hours later…
@AlanMunn :)
@AlanMunn Yeah, this is the things you don't understand. Almost like if someone was happy we're down?
user image
Cookie season coming up
@UlrikeFischer I wonder if I could get Lucy to do that next to mine ....
fedora is driving me nuts. @PauloCereda do you use the default dracut/grub2 method to boot?

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