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@Atex labelling axes, drawing grids, constructing timelines, adding to or creating any thing where there is some pattern to the things ... whether any of that is 'constructive' is a moot point (in the british sense - not the american one).
9 hours later…
@Atex I don't really understand your comment. There is nothing really specific to tikz, more or less any program in any programming language will have a loop somewhere if it isn't just a small example.
2 hours later…
anyone with miktex care to test github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/1546 ?
Or I could just blame @UlrikeFischer
@DavidCarlisle What is easiest for you?
@mickep well I may do the latter anyway
How is it possible to read this error message as "Report a bug to the core latex repository"?
! Package latexbug Error: Third-party file(s)
(latexbug)                This test file uses third-party file(s)
(latexbug)                ==============
(latexbug)                perltex.sty
(latexbug)                ==============
(latexbug)                So you should contact the authors
(latexbug)                of these files, not the LaTeX Team!
(latexbug)                (Or remove the packages that load
(latexbug)                them, if they are not necessary to
I read it as "please bug the LaTeX Team!"
@mickep you are not a great linguist like what I is
@DavidCarlisle I added a comment (and it dies on texlive 2024 but not in 2022)
@DavidCarlisle If you scramble some words and so on, and make up your own, not so difficult.
@UlrikeFischer what version of perl do you have in each case?
@DavidCarlisle v5.38.0 (not completly sure if perltex in texlive uses that)
@UlrikeFischer hmm I have 5.36 on cywin and 5.34 in wsl2/ubuntu, so it's possible they added more checks (perl syntax checking has got tighter over the years)
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer In the middle of rebuilding my VM setup so not the best time for me to check :)
I don't have Perl on the VM - @UlrikeFischer you using Strawberry or ?
@JosephWright "using" is saying to much, I have it installed.
@UlrikeFischer Well yes - as I'm setting up Win11 working out which to go with
BTW, I tired the PowerShell as default terminal for about 20s, couldn't work out how it deals with the path - decided it's stupid and gave up - either use the classical Command Prompt or a Unix approach, not some bonkers netiehr-of-the-above
@JosephWright I suspect you are not alone
5 hours later…
@JosephWright codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext/issues/7#issue-914262 (not sure where to put this)
3 hours later…
I wonder why @UlrikeFischer suggests zref-clever instead of cleveref :)
@Skillmon ;-). I'm currently wondering if I dare to disable the cleveref patches for hyperref completly github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues/361#issuecomment-2465129547
@DavidCarlisle :)
1 hour later…
Does anyone here know whether it could be (or is) possible to wrap text around a centered figures/tables like illustrated here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/309896/318574
I saw in the wrapfig documentation that it's explicitly mentioned that this functionality is not supported, and it isn't mentioned in the wrapfig2 package documentation, either, so I'm assuming it isn't possible in that package as well? Is it even possible at all, or could there be a package designed for this purpose in the future?
A: How do you create pull quotes?

Stephan LehmkeI wrote a package pullquote which allows to create circular as well as rectangular inserts. See Two-column text with circular insert.

@Atex or for the easier single column case cutwin package
Q: How to embedding the clipping values from illustrator image

Rajesh KumarHere I using cutwin package for clipping images wrap around text and the values of each and every line need manual intervention. I have an illustrator clipping values of the image. Is there any possible way to embedding the values into LaTeX. MWE: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{cutwin,wrapfi...

@DavidCarlisle nice to see that it's possible to do so, both for single and 2-column layouts! It does seem a bit strange that these features are scattered throughout different packages, however. I'd personally expect that all of this should be included in the wrapfig2 package, because they all serve the same purpose: Wrapping text around objects, right? And thus, you shouldn't need to load a different package for "center wrapping" and "left and right wrapping".
This does raise another question, however: Is it possible to develop a "complete" wrapped text package in the future?
@Atex see wrapstuff

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