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@DavidCarlisle do you know what this question is about? I only saw one of your comments, but from the OP's comments, I guess you figured out whatever the question is, it is not possible. (but I can't figure out what the question is.)
Q: CMR12 change with bidi

AviroumConsider this example : % !TEX TS-program=xelatex \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Script=Arabic]{Amiri} \usepackage{bidi} \begin{document} %Just for example %\setRTL %.جودة كل شيئ \setLTR Quality of anything. \end{document} If I comment Amiri mainfont, then th...

7 hours later…
@cfr no I had a long cycle of comments trying to work out how cmr12 or bidi were related to his question but in the end i decided i had no idea what the question was and the comment thread would just confuse any other readers so i told the OP I was backing out and deleted all my comments.
user image
@Skillmon yaaaaaaaay
1 hour later…
Latest expl3 sent to CTAN
@JosephWright Any cool news?
@mickep it uses _ in command names
@mickep Smaller format files
@DavidCarlisle o_h!
@JosephWright aha, nice, what is typically removed?
@mickep Nothing - it's about how we arrange to run a series of steps - using a typical expandable replication uses up memory - it's reclaimed during a run but TeX dumps the unused space in the format - so we are now using a different loop structure to do the same thing, save the memory, reduce format size
Aug 31 at 10:22, by Joseph Wright
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  3328652 31 Aug 10:57 pdflatex-dev.fmt
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  8239424 30 Aug 06:27 pdflatex.fmt
@JosephWright Neat.
@DavidCarlisle Oh, rather big difference!
@mickep Yes, but in a real run it simply gets mopped up - load time doesn't make a big difference - but we have tidied up (well, Bruno has)
@JosephWright in any case, it seems to make sense to have 3.3MB instead of 8.2MB, if possible.
@mickep it's that pesky unicode encoding, it has more than 26 letters for some reason.
@DavidCarlisle Has the Unicode consortium made anything good for you on the islands?
@mickep they let us keep the £
@DavidCarlisle Very generous.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Hello, Is there an easy way to switch x-axis and z-axis to appear instead of each other?
\begin{axis}[width=1\textwidth, height=1\textwidth,
xmin=-4, xmax=4,
ymin=-4, ymax=4,
zmin=-4, zmax=4,
xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$, zlabel=$z$,
axis equal,
axis lines=center]
Could anyone help me, please?
@DavidCarlisle that makes much more sense than the question. and I'm sorry. I did not mean to drag you back into a discussion you'd left. only that the op said they'd been told whatever-the-question-wanted wasn't feasible, which made me think you had some idea what that thing was.
@user91500 guarantees you overfull hbox.
@cfr what is hbox?
@user91500 horizontal
@user91500 If you would ask on the main site, other users with the same question, could benefit from any response you might get...
@user91500 Under a different user name...
It is not different really
1 hour later…
@Skillmon live is unfair. I would need 70 minus 2 for a palindrome and that on my birthday ;-(
@UlrikeFischer Happy birthday!!!
user image
@UlrikeFischer you'll soon be as old as @egreg!
@UlrikeFischer you have time for one downvote before 333,333
@UlrikeFischer ...and you can retry if you miss it, just give a 200 points bounty to @DavidCarlisle or @egreg ;-P
some things never change:
Aug 15, 2014 at 21:36, by egreg
@PaulGessler I need a couple of late downvotes in order to get at 333,333. :P
@UlrikeFischer Alles Joode zom Jebootsdach! (I am not from MG, so it is probably not perfect ...)
I need 0.05 points for a palindrome ...
@DavidCarlisle Yay! Magic!
@DavidCarlisle not much ;-). Does one really loose one if one downvote an answer?
@DavidCarlisle I completly missed that this option exists ;-)
@DavidCarlisle what does one get if one downvote and then upvote an answer? 0 or -1?
@UlrikeFischer 0 I think although I have not done it for a long time as it's a "remove downvote" not "downvote and upvote"
@user91500 what do you mean? how is it not different? except they both start with user and are followed by some numbers ....
@PauloCereda how do people know? (why do I keep asking this?)
@UlrikeFischer penblwydd hapus? fydda i ddim ofyn 'faint o ganhwyllau?'.
gobeithio bod pobl yn mwynhau dyddiau gwell 'na fi.
@cfr ducks have insider info :)
@cfr not more than David ...
@DavidCarlisle That was 800000 points ago. :P
@UlrikeFischer ah, yes, forgot: happy birthday!!!
@PauloCereda ah, yes, and ducks are good with secrets!
@cfr and even better with a bit of soy sauce and chinese pancakes
@DavidCarlisle you don't expect a vegan to agree, do you?
@UlrikeFischer I said I wouldn't ask ;).
@cfr as much as I expect an Italian to agree with my pizza suggestions
@DavidCarlisle oh, is pineapples you?
@cfr anything to annoy: pineapples, @PauloCereda's suggestion of nutella (that sounds really gross:-), McDonalds McPizza, there is a long list
@DavidCarlisle hmm ... italians are easily annoyed, then, so not much of a challenge.
@cfr yes I'm sure @CarLaTeX would get annoyed if you said a Wiener schnitzel came from Austria not Milan for example:-)
@cfr I'm here with my math.se account while that one is my tex.se account
@user91500 sounds complicated :)
@cfr yes! <3
@DavidCarlisle oh no
Also, Nutella pizza is really good
@DavidCarlisle if I got annoyed by people eating things they oughtn't eat, I spend my life being annoyed. I find desserts are more effective.
@PauloCereda not vegan, though.
@cfr I think it might be vegan because it doesn't take any meat (it's a sweet pizza).
@PauloCereda nutella isn't vegan :(.
Apologies for not knowing too much. We only abstain from eating meat on Fridays.
@cfr Oh my! I didn't know that. Sorry!
@PauloCereda that probably explains why your family was banished from Italy
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle maybe we could try Marmite pizza
@PauloCereda good plan, I wonder if @cfr is OK with that?
@PauloCereda why? don't be sorry! I think nutella has milk in it. I don't eat animal products. (well, actually, I eat honey because I'm not a good vegan, but the vegan society would not admit me. not that I want to be a member. just they are the de facto arbiters of such things.)
@DavidCarlisle marmite is vegan, so marmite pizza is potentially vegan ;).
I'm not sure I would want to eat it, but I wouldn't have a moral problem with it.
@cfr ooh
@DavidCarlisle OH NO
@PauloCereda being vegan (or at least vegetarian) is something of a professional hazard.
@cfr I can imagine. :) We don't have any plans to being vegans/vegetarians, but we are considering reducing the meat consumption. It's already challening!
@PauloCereda most vegan pizzas are awful. never eat anything with vegan 'cheese' if you can possibly help it. it isn't cheese and it is uniformly awful.
Thankfully, living in a huge city like Rio has good resources
@cfr ouch!
@PauloCereda I'm not a good vegan. (and not just the honey, which I'm not convinced is problematic.) the current world does not make it easy. I figure you do what you can and other people do what they can, which may be very different.
@cfr that's absolutely true!
@cfr vegan cheese has got a lot better in recent years even approaching a taste of cheese (we have some medical rather than moral reasons for avoiding milk and nuts in the family, so nutella pizza is sadly out)
@PauloCereda don't know why. vegan cream cheese is fine, vegan yogurt, vegan cream ... all fine, but vegan cheese just doesn't work and I wish places which now do vegan food would just not use it.
@DavidCarlisle you can buy something similar to nutella in health food shops. does vegan cheese melt? I admit i have not actually tried it in recent years.
@DavidCarlisle oh, but it would still have nuts. you'd have to have plain chocolate spread, which wouldn't be the same.
@cfr yes there are some now explicitly designed for melting/cooking, not so long ago if you heated them at all they just separated into liquid and a kind of sludge but things get better
(might be good, though.)
@cfr I once order a plant-based burger, it was quite good.
@DavidCarlisle yes, I know. that's why I stopped. I can't stand cold cheese.
@DavidCarlisle any you'd go as far as actually recommending?
@cfr I good look up the names we use, but as it's not me I tend to avoid and have the real stuff:-) (non dairy cream is now really good it whips and tastes just like cream but cheese still tastes rather er processed.
so recommendation depends a bit on the context, if it's "do you prefer a or b" then there might be a different answer to "do you prefer a which may kill you or b which will not"
@PauloCereda they vary massively, but I guess that's true with burgers generally. also, portobello (which I can't spell) mushrooms make excellent burgers if you brush with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and grill.
@DavidCarlisle are they that dangerous? I've not tried vegan whipped cream for a while. It used to be awful. I make a substitute at christmas from scratch. nobody likes it but me. (in my household - other people like it.) it doesn't taste like cream, but it is very rich and creamy. (it is also very simple to make. but you need a lot of real vanilla.)
@DavidCarlisle yes, that's the other thing. it seems rather like eating cheese-flavoured plastic. and there are so many good things to put on pizza, I don't really see the need.
@cfr yummy!
@DavidCarlisle oh, yes. not the vegan bit but the non-vegan bit. that was terrible. and the cases where allergens haven't been listed on food because it was ready-to-eat. getting the entire thing wrong is worse, in one way, but human beings will always make mistakes. but systematically not providing adequate labelling seems worse. I didn't know there was a shortage of epipens. is there anything we're not short of?
I mean, the uk runs out of picu beds every winter, pretty much, but that's not even news.
I'm so glad we didn't run out of respirators here during the pandemic. we thought we'd have to choose ... (and they did in london).
but this is not really chat material.
@UlrikeFischer Happy birthday!!! If you want you can downvote two of my questions to get that palindrome :)
@Skillmon thanks ;-)
(would be funnier if I had the same question count as some others here)
@Skillmon questions don't count: you need to downvote answers @UlrikeFischer
@UlrikeFischer or you could get a user removed whose answer you accepted.
@DavidCarlisle Better indeed, but the ones we have here still feel very "chemical".
@mickep yes but as I say, when real cheese isn't an option the choices are more limited
@DavidCarlisle Indeed! And there are a lot of brands to test for the one who wants...
@DavidCarlisle still fine by me :) @UlrikeFischer you might downvote @DavidCarlisle's answers to reach a palindrome
how accurate are ctan version histories?
@cfr the announcement list is 100% accurate for ctan announcements as far as I know, although package authors can make updates and request no announcement
@UlrikeFischer you could downvote each of my donkeys.
@DavidCarlisle I was trying to reconstruct the version history for nfssext-cfr, but it seems only to begin in 2015 with an update.
@cfr ah I meant it was accurate as derived from the actual submission data, the website version may cut it off at a certain point, I'm not sure.
@cfr yes amsmath list starts at 2013 which clearly isn't the real start
@DavidCarlisle hmm. it doesn't consistently cut it off. that's how I know I'm not imagining it. cfr-lm has a submission date 7 years early, even though it depends on it.
so I will make something up.
you could check the mail archives at lists.dante.de/pipermail/ctan-ann but you can only search a year at a time (I think)
@DavidCarlisle thanks. and no, you don't have to tell me.
@cfr I thought there was a full list search but seems like I was remembering the w3c list archives which are similar but different:-)
phew:-) back on a 2-7 cycle heading for all the 7's:-)
@UlrikeFischer trick for keeping in the right cycle when you get an undeserved downvote ^^^
@DavidCarlisle if the archive is accurate, it wasn't announced.
@DavidCarlisle what is the trick?
@UlrikeFischer rep cap
@DavidCarlisle Milan was under Habsburg rule for many years
@samcarter Happy birthday!
@CarLaTeX shame you were not part of the British empire, we could have had you eating fish and chips
@DavidCarlisle No problem with fish and chips, the important thing is to stay away from pineapple pizza
@DavidCarlisle ah you mean if some one downvotes you now it doesn't count?
@CarLaTeX I think the ping should go to @ulrike. I need to wait a few more days :)
@UlrikeFischer the truncate answer got a -2 this morning so I was at ... 0 instead of ....2 but just now the upvote on "preamble" just gets +2 instead of +10 due to rep cap so I'm back on 2-7 and yes until midnight utc up or downvotes have no effect
@samcarter ops, sorry, I did "reply" hahaha
@UlrikeFischer Happy birthday!
@CarLaTeX thanks ;-)
3 hours later…
You probably have gotten this question in the past, but when I use urldate it requires for me to fill in the YYYY-MM-DD, and then when I compile, it is displayed as MM/DD/YYYY. This is so illogical to me. First we conquer a day, then a month and then a year. Or if you live in some other universe, I'd accept the reverse; a year, a month and then a day (like the input). But why month, day and then year? Grateful for an explanation.

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