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@Skillmon I could use that.
5 hours later…
Has anyone played around with the lwarp package for conversion to HTML?
@AlanMunn I made a few short tests for the doceng tutorial.
@UlrikeFischer With pleasing results?
well my summary on the slides were: - uses TEX and so can handle commands - requires changes in the preamble \usepackage[mathjax]{lwarp} - packages need special support files - creates complex HTML - relies on mathjax for math representation (no mathml). It wasn't trivial to setup the example. I ended with a batch file looking like this:
lwarpmk pdftosvg bear.pdf

lualatex lwarp-example-document
biber lwarp-example-document
lualatex lwarp-example-document
lualatex lwarp-example-document

lwarpmk html
biber lwarp-example-document_html
lwarpmk html1
lwarpmk html1
@AlanMunn but you can try it out on texlive.net texlive.net/…
@AlanMunn and it creates lots of auxiliary files. My example folder was full of them ;-)
1 hour later…
Haven't posted anything for ages - thought it was about time I did
@JosephWright Nice ;-).
@JosephWright Sad to see linguex supported but not gb4e, which is much more semantic markup. Also no enumitem?
@AlanMunn enumitem is on the list for the near future - I have it on the agenda for team meeting on Tuesday :)
@AlanMunn Mainly support is a question of what works with the new mechanisms -we've not done anything with linguex ourselves
@JosephWright That's good, as it's such a widely used package. And I have a gb4e emulation package that uses it, so I'm hoping that it will work if you get enumitem sorted.
@JosephWright So gb4e might work, but just not tested?
@AlanMunn enumitem will be replaced. Various things (e.g. optional arguments on lists) work more or less out of the box. But we need to takle the \setlist/\newlist part, and also the options to format the label.
@UlrikeFischer So its functionality will be incorporated into the kernel?
@AlanMunn yes, that is the plan. At least most options. I'm not sure if we can emulate every detail.
@AlanMunn you could test it and make a pull request to the list ;-) A large part of the list if from external tester (or more precisely one external tester ...). If you have it would be good to have a html variant of glosses so that one can one possible tagging.
@UlrikeFischer Is there some documentation of what counts as a valid test, or what I should actually be testing for? It's quit unclear to me what a screen reader should do with a glossed linguistic example. And I don't know any blind linguists (although my first PhD student was blind, but is a VP for Google now).
Hola a todos, Is there a tag-friendly way to make \footnote in minipage behave as if \footnote was part of a normal paragraph? At the moment I can (without tagging) use footnotehyper and a few other tricks from here on the forum. I know minipage works like this by default, but using this environment is good for almost everything.
@AlanMunn if you look through the list or the issues github.com/latex3/tagging-project/issues you find tons of examples for tests made by Matthew (mbertucci). If you get some errors or warning from tagpdf something is probably wrong and an issue should be opened. If the log looks ok, you can use ngpdf.com to look at the tags and the html export and consider if it looks sensible, if you are unsure mentioned it in the PR and we take a look ...
@UlrikeFischer Ok thanks.
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer you could have used texlive.net oh you said that already:-)
@DavidCarlisle for the example in the tutorial it would have been difficult to use texlive.net as I wanted to insert images and you need to convert them before to svg.
@DavidCarlisle btw: I managed to install latexml by skipping the installation tests: github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML/issues/…
@UlrikeFischer yes I do wonder if I should allow image upload (or multi-file upload generally) but i don't want to become an Overleaf competitor and put @yo' and @PauloCereda out of a job
@DavidCarlisle well files are imho not really needed, one can always use filecontents for small stuff. But one or two (not too large) images would be nice for a demo.
@DavidCarlisle Btw: on tuesday Frank told me that some of the participants of the tutorial were very happy with the ngpdf site (after they understood that they do not overwrite my presentation if they play around with it while I use it too).
@DavidCarlisle Unrelated, to lwarp, but \usepackage[linguistics]{forest} fails to find the linguistics forest library with regular pdf generation.
@UlrikeFischer all the standard texlive example-images plus shakespeare are available
@AlanMunn i get no error on the package load? or do you mean it fails if you actually use it? davidcarlisle.github.io/latexcgi/…
@DavidCarlisle Weird. It definitely gave me that error once. But not repeatable.
@AlanMunn how new is it? the server doesn't have an automated tlmgr update so it only updates when I feel like updating it
@DavidCarlisle It's not new at all.
@UlrikeFischer you mean the texlive.net ngpdf frontend, not ngpdf.com itself?
24 hours ago, by David Carlisle
@AlanMunn but I have no such qualms. I blame @UlrikeFischer
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle yes. It was really a success.
2 hours later…
user image
@JosephWright ^^^ They are taking turns on the island
@UlrikeFischer Aww
how do you end an interactive lua session?
@UlrikeFischer the other one needs (water) wings.
@cfr Ctrl+d
1 hour later…
I just built a large project with LuaLaTeX (as usual) and noticed something for the first time. In the console output, processed page numbers now appear one per line rather than side by side (e.g. [10][11][12][13]). Does anyone else see this behavior? I'm using MacTeX 2024 with all updates applied.
@LaTeXereXeTaL it's a latex feature (since the last release)
@DavidCarlisle Okay. I rather like it, and just wanted to confirm that I hadn't broken anything on my end.
@LaTeXereXeTaL it's a side effect of a change in the output routine for better marks handling, the page gets re-processed and it triggers the basic tex logging to insert a linebreak that's not under control of the macro layer, so it is what it is:-)
@cfr os.exit() if you don't like control characters
@DavidCarlisle I think it improves readability, at least for me.

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