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@mickep oh no
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer silently accept those two ho-tex PR doc fixes with no version change so they can go out "for next time" ?
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle hm, as there are in oberdiek, would we catch that a version change is needed at an update?
@UlrikeFischer if we didn't the world wouldn't collapse:-) But I suppose we could merge then use l3build tag auto to bump the versions (or ask the PR be updated, I suppose)
@DavidCarlisle I only wonder if Petra would catch us ;-). But oberdiek has no auto tag, or has it?
@UlrikeFischer oh it doesn't I guess we didn't want to bump all files at the same time.
@DavidCarlisle yes. One of the reasons why we use the sword ...
@UlrikeFischer updating ho-tex versions by hand is a pain I'm tempted to copy over the auto-tag stuff but then for just this release set tagfiles = {"*.dtx", "*.md"} to be just the two dtx files to change plus readme.md and oberdiek.tex
Say I have two clist's, is there a way to just run \clist_map_inline:n {\l_tmpa_clist,\l_tmpb_clis} { ... } without first concating the two into a third variable?
@daleif you could use :e if the list contents are safe in an e
@DavidCarlisle ok with me, put it would be could if tagfiles would then be empty by default in build lua, so that one doesn't suddently tag everything.
@daleif \clist_map_inline:nn {\l_tmpa_clist,\l_tmpb_clist} {\clist_map_inline:Nn #1 { code using ##1... } }?
@UlrikeFischer yes exactly, it might be possible to make the list an argument to l3build tag otherwise you would have to rely on locally editing tagfiles and restoring it (or never checking it in) but still easier than finding all the places where the version number s hidden
@UlrikeFischer I'll look later
@DavidCarlisle are you ok with the atveryend PR too?
@UlrikeFischer sorry missed that, probably, but let me check...
@DavidCarlisle they are just ascii words, so using a en variant that works. Though @UlrikeFischer is probably more clean code
The equivalent of \savebox is that just a \hbox_set:Nn ? Not really cleear from the hackers notes
@daleif You want a coffin
@JosephWright urgh, isn't the coffin stuff marked experimental?
And I'm guessing the coffin stuff also cover \parbox etc.
@daleif Nope
@JosephWright Stable from when? (need to know due to users not having up to date tex installations)
might be interesting: accessibility2024.arxiv.org
@JosephWright Was probably confused by "see the xcoffins module (in the l3experimental bundle)."
@UlrikeFischer atveryend looks fine, I also added auto tag to oberdiek/build.lua
1 hour later…
Anyone with good understainding of makeindex config? See tex.stackexchange.com/questions/724009/…
I added a modified MWE as a comment answer. I do not understand why item_01 is only used if the parent have a single page number. From TLC3 it item_01 should be used in subitems at level 0.
@daleif looks like a bug to me.
@UlrikeFischer Me too. Bug report where to?
@daleif not sure. I would try the texlive list and hope that Karl has an idea ;-). Btw: with upmendex it seems to work correctly, but that seems not to be in the restricted list and so can't be run automatically.
@daleif you can try upmendex with this + --shell-escape
\makeindex[columns=2, options=-s simple.ist]
@daleif, @UlrikeFischer It is almost as if one could upvote the question. :)
@UlrikeFischer Just tested it with TL20-23, all give the same output.
@daleif not unexpected. makeindex bugs should normally be old.
@UlrikeFischer It just show it is not a feature that is used particularly often.
1 hour later…
Using l3draw is there a way to position coffins absolutely on the page? Similar to the current page anchors used by TikZ? Or: How can I place something at the top left corner of the paper?
@JasperHabicht without l3draw or tikz you can use the shipout hooks to place anything by coordinate in the background or foreground of a page
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that's what I also just found.
Right, that would be enough for my use case. Thanks!
@JasperHabicht just proving that all you need is picture mode:-)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed! In most cases, that's all you need
May 17, 2013 at 21:33, by David Carlisle
A: Draw an aircraft with Tikz

David CarlisleIt was suggested in chat http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/9482087#9482087 That picture mode would be the ideal tool for the job here: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{picture}(200,100) \put(30,40){\line(1,0){150}} \put(30,40){\line(0,1){60}} \put(30,100){\line(...


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