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@cfr I will try it. When I have difficult, I need your help.
9 hours later…
Am I correct that \AddToHookNext{shipout/background} is the equivalent to eso-pics \AddToShipoutPicture*
@daleif yes.
Seems to work when adding it inside a pagestyle ;-)
It is a nice way to place a colophon that is only needed on the first page of a letter.
2 hours later…
Quick question to the LaTeX devs: Are Sockets already in use? Didn't find any in the newest latex.ltx. If not, are there plans to build them into the LaTeX Kernel and if so, where?
@Lupino yes, e.g. in array.sty, lttagging.dtx, hyperref. Mostly related to the tagging code currently, but hyperref uses them also for other things. They will get more, everytime we change some code, sockets will be considered.
@UlrikeFischer i thought, maybe, a good use-case would be footnotes vs. endnotes?
@Lupino the new footnote code in latex-lab uses lots of sockets.
@UlrikeFischer thanks, i'll have a look
@PauloCereda Oh, the Brazilian girls are good skaters. And a Canadian is running with her "lucky Duck feather" in the helmet. I just assume you watch.
1 hour later…
Hey folks, just wanted to drop a heads-up about this QA -- the user has a history of posting vague, poorly-received questions on sites around the network
They bump their Qs with invisible edits (seen in side-by-side markdown view) and get very angry if their question goes unanswered
their impetus for asking questions is somewhere being 'site of the day' on the network
I previously highlighted this over in The Heap (DBA chat room) when they posted a question there-- there's more context there, including their Wikipedia editing ban
they've been suspended on a couple of network sites here for poor questions / being disruptive
like I said over to the DBA folks:

> How y'all handle it is your business of course, but just wanted to let you know some of the background :)
I'll hang around for a bit if there's any follow-up; I find their behaviour a bit frustrating and don't want people potentially wasting time on something not asked in good faith
@mickep ooh
1 hour later…
@bertieb Thanks for the heads up. It looks like we'll close the question; the user actually accepted an answer that doesn't in fact answer the question. Hopefully they'll get bored of us.
@AlanMunn but but but we are so very interesting
@PauloCereda :)
1 hour later…
For those who don't read the manual, here's a short survey. -Dick Koch knows his audience.
@AlanMunn Context?
@FaheemMitha From the text of the update installer for TeXShop.
@AlanMunn Oh. Thank you.
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda oh, roasted duck
2 hours later…
@AlanMunn Glad to be of some minor help -- though as you may have already seen, they have asked another broad question
fwiw, from what I've seen their MO is to accept ANY answer that comes in, regardless of merit
I've said elsewhere that a CM would ideally have a look at their network contributions, but that sorta call's above my pay grade ;-)
@bertieb you mean I would get a tick if I answer blub blub? I should try that ...
@UlrikeFischer lol, I haven't actually seen them accept an actual NAA, but...
hm- I though there was one recently-ish that basically boiled down to "uh, what? no" or similar that got accepted but I can't find it now
might have been deleted
in any case, content on SE seems to have ramped up since they were banned from editing wikipedia
@UlrikeFischer even @egreg got a tick (he does need the points)

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