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@DavidCarlisle You're mean
1 hour later…
Jun 29, 2017 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
1 hour later…
@cfr awww thank you
@Rmano ooh thanks mr. squirrel!
@DavidCarlisle oh no
10 hours later…
I wonder why this gives a warning with lualatex for a font that's not used at all?
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\tikz \node[font=\fontsize{13}{15}\selectfont]
    { \begin{tabular}{l}X\end{tabular} };
1 hour later…
@yo' math mode is used in tabular and tikz in various places, and you are seeing the math fonts being set up badly at 13pt
@yo' we probably should do this anyway for luatex it makes no sense having legacy bitmap sizes in luatex
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\tikz \node[font=\fontsize{13}{15}\selectfont]
{ \begin{tabular}{l}X\end{tabular} };
@DavidCarlisle \RequirePackage{fix-cm} was what I missed! Thanks a lot!
But it's a funny issue at best :)
@yo' we really shouldn't make you explictly tweak 7 bit font support in an apparently Unicode document...
@DavidCarlisle I won't argue with that point ;-)
So the problem would be also solved by loading unicode-math?
cool. That sounds cleaner in a sense... (even though it means loading a myriad of never used code!)
@yo' I'll blame @UlrikeFischer raise with the team
of course it's all pointless anyway as math is just used to get hold of \vcenter so it doesn't need the fonts at all (just a setting for the math axis height)
@DavidCarlisle hm, I though we do not use vcenter with array but it loads math anyway?
@DavidCarlisle ah, no there is still a \vcenter.
@UlrikeFischer you have mail (team:-)
@DavidCarlisle should finally do the switch to drop \vcenter.
@yo' done
@Skillmon we have code to do that but it's not entirely trivial not breaking stuff, probably will do it as part of tagging if \DocumentMetadata is used as the hidden math is a pain there for other reasons
I guess if Knuth didn't implement \vcenter as centred on the math axis, it would most likely be aligned to the baseline of the middle line, and on even lines the verticle centre of the baselines of the two most middle lines. Because alignment was never meant to be straight forward :)
@DavidCarlisle Math shall be a pain.
@Skillmon yes that's one issue, it's tempting to define text v center that doesn't depend on th emath axis but then everything moves around a bit.
@DavidCarlisle ah now I remember, we still patch \@tabular in the math code to handle the $ there.
@UlrikeFischer yes

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