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12:28 AM
Does this have a different name in LaTeX? I tried searching for pictograph or pictogram plot, with no luck... It can't be that hard to make it with pgfplots, or is it?
5 hours later…
5:32 AM
Happy birthday, @PauloCereda!
3 hours later…
8:10 AM
@G.Bay pgfplots is probably over engineered for that, you just want to repeat \includegraphics n times which you don't need any package for, use \prg_replicate:nn or \int_step_function:nnN or \multiput all of which are defined in latex and don't need any package.
@CarLaTeX we should have roast dinner to celebrate
8:44 AM
@CarLaTeX awww thank you
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda Happy birthday Mr. Duck!
@samcarter thank yoooou! <3
@PauloCereda Have a good ducky day!
@mickep awww thanks mr. dodo!
8:54 AM
@UlrikeFischer awwww <3
@PauloCereda Happy Birthday!
@UlrikeFischer thank yoooou! <3
9:43 AM
@DavidCarlisle you're mean
@WillRobertson ooh AUMAG
Jun 29, 2017 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
3 hours later…
12:30 PM
Updated tools now in TL :)
2 hours later…
2:31 PM
Happy birthday, @PauloCereda!
2:43 PM
<3 You have to love expl3: \int_step_inline:nnn { #1 * ##1 + 1 } { #1 * ##1 + #1 }
@Skillmon awww thanks mr. rabbit! <3
And then in another place: \seq_item:Nn \l_my_seq { #1 * ##1 - #1 + ####1 }
1 hour later…
4:22 PM
@yo' having some fun...
@PauloCereda -- one more happy birthday!
@yo' expl3 has a depressing lack of #### constructs, plain tex is better
2 hours later…
6:32 PM
@barbarabeeton awww thank you! <3
1 hour later…
7:37 PM
@PauloCereda ^^
3 hours later…
10:52 PM
And another happy birthday, @PauloCereda
@Rmano he gets two birthdays, like the King? (who also had one of his birthdays today)
@DavidCarlisle you know, ducks are special ;-)
11:08 PM
@Rmano especially wrapped in a pancake with soy sauce

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