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Oh no.... I installed teXworks right now, but....
What do I have to do?
(Linux Mint 21.3 cinnamon)
It does work in the terminal
`pdflatex test.tex`
OK.... works.... seems I have to say
'sudo apt install texworks' in the terminal, not in the "Software Manager" (or whatever the correct word)
@cis most likely tex is not in the PATH of the shell from which you launched the editor.
5 hours later…
Are there several color-palettes of a svg-graphic?

I added in INkscape some colored lines to a svg-graphic.
But by conversion to a ttf-file, they become black.
@JosephWright I never thought we were aiming for a 1:1 reimplementation, but more for a sensible alternative with cleaner interface and cleaner backend, so I'm fine with basically any name (how about scotty.cls, it could beam your presentation up)
@Skillmon we-don't-need-a-beam-as-we-have-a-flat-lcd-screen.cls
@DavidCarlisle ew, I was really assuming that \RequirePackage put the characters affected by \ExplSyntaxOn and \makeatletter on a stack, not only @.
@Skillmon I didn't test but I assume that the problem is the \usetikzlibrary.
@UlrikeFischer I'd have assumed the same, but @DavidCarlisle for instance said you should put \RequirePackage{array} outside of an \ExplSnytaxOn-scope.
@Skillmon hmm did something change while I wasn't looking:-)
@Skillmon hmm ;-)
@Skillmon (@yo'):
~.....\@expl@push@filename@@ ->\exp_args:Ne \__kernel_file_input_push:n {\tl_to
_str:N \@currname .\tl_to_str:N \@currext }\tl_put_left:Ne \l__expl_status_stac
k_tl {\bool_if:NTF \l__kernel_expl_bool {1}{0}}\ExplSyntaxOff
@Skillmon I'll clean up comments
@DavidCarlisle what should we do about the colortbl tagging issue (github.com/latex3/tagging-project/issues/80)? I could temporarly put the new \endarray definition into the latex-lab firstaid. Or should colortbl be updated directly?
@UlrikeFischer update directly, I guess
@DavidCarlisle I deleted my "wait [...]" comment as well
@UlrikeFischer do you have the update available I assume it needs to merge the intended change over the new array package code
@PauloCereda ooh no, I completely missed towel day!
@DavidCarlisle öh, sorry which update? The new array code will be there with the next latex, so you probably should test the format date or the package date?
@UlrikeFischer no I meant the code needed in colortbl. Can I not just add \CT@end to the end of \endarray so it wiill work in old or new code, or does it need more?
@DavidCarlisle Well yes, I assume that you only need to add \CT@end (that is what my fix does), but I don't know if you want to do it with patching or redefine \endarray explicitly. Currently you redefine \endarray.
@UlrikeFischer yes but I could do \tl_put_right:Nn\endarray{\CT@end} I think?
@DavidCarlisle so modern ...
@UlrikeFischer of course.
@UlrikeFischer only here to look cool. naturally in the code I'd do \expandafter\def\expandafter\endarray\expandafter{\endarray\CT@end}
@UlrikeFischer try now
@DavidCarlisle ^^^^
@UlrikeFischer push to ctan?
naturally the main question is if one of the millions other tabular packages gets confused by the change in colortbl, but then you can blame me, so it should be ok.
31 mins ago, by David Carlisle
@UlrikeFischer of course.
@UlrikeFischer I think it should be safe, or at least as the main change is in array.sty things that break will break with that not just with colortbl
@DavidCarlisle yes, I think so too.
@UlrikeFischer what letter follows g in the alphabet?
@DavidCarlisle ;-). But the date is correct, and not something like 3024 or 2023.
@UlrikeFischer ctan.org/incoming
@DavidCarlisle thanks
@DavidCarlisle I think issue #34 can be closed, rownum has been added.
3 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer someone taking blaming you too far, I fear.
@DavidCarlisle Well you have been leading by example. :)
@AlanMunn only when she deserved it, of course.
@DavidCarlisle yes saw it.
Besides all their fake news, they stated on multiple occasions that they use texlive. Why do they now rant about miktex?
2 hours later…
@Skillmon but rabbits are awesome with towels :)
@Skillmon :help! in vim <3

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