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Jan 3 at 18:45, by Rmano
@FelixMaldonado so they should not float --- that's ok. Use the figure plainly and, if you want a caption, use \captionof (from the same-named package). I always say that figure and table where poorly 😉chosen names; the environments should be called put-a-thing-here-that-can-float-and-is-captioned-as-a-figure 😘
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer Alsmot sorted ...
@DavidCarlisle Do I need to look? I have a flight later ... ;)
@JosephWright fixed I think, graphics-pln not in the tl_packages file so all the plain tex tests failed (and don't really show in the tlg log as they fail early:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda Nice example image :)
4 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer l3kernel-dev off to CTAN
@cis Suit in English doesn't really correspond to colour, though because it encodes both a colour and a shape (really a shape, with colour inferred.)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright waiting for my train ...
@UlrikeFischer Waiting at the airport - flight delayed
@JosephWright I guessed that you are there and writing mails ...
@UlrikeFischer Indeed
@UlrikeFischer Mainly pondering github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/726 at the moment
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer ooh choo choo
@JosephWright oh no
@JosephWright ooh we have a secret project
@PauloCereda dinner
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@CarLaTeX ooh
@JosephWright Uhm, but \__jsonparse_parse_[:w is not a valid CS name, so I would need to do some replacement first, I guess?
@CarLaTeX ooh, ducks!
@PauloCereda I've heard you are good at secrets. :)
@JasperHabicht for c-usage such things are fine, so the scheme proposed by Joseph is fine.
@Skillmon But wouldn't I still need to define a function with this name?
@JasperHabicht \cs_new:cpn { __jsonparse_parse_ [ :w } { <something> }. If you need that name space often I'd set up a generator function like \cs_new_protected:Npn \__jsonparse_parse_new:nnn #1#2#3 { \cs_new:cpn { __jsonparse_parse_ #1 :w } #2 {#3}.
@Skillmon Yes, I just got this working. Crazy! Did not know that such things are possible. No, I will only need this for [, ] and ".
Cool! Thanks
1 hour later…
@mickep ooh more secrets
@mickep dodos and ducks are very good at secrets

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