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@UlrikeFischer I've pushed updates on the tagpdf branch ...
@JosephWright oh, I just finished the tests updates too. I will pull and merge.
@AlanMunn something changed in gb4e? tex.stackexchange.com/a/38233/1090
@JosephWright looks good, I think I can simply delete my local branch. You could move expl3 into it for the test (it should imho give some test failures as the intarray changes font numbers but not much).
@UlrikeFischer a theorem anchor point question on the main site (just to make a change:-)
@DavidCarlisle yes saw it. I will check how one can move it up.
@DavidCarlisle something changed between 2014 and 2015 according to overleaf...
@UlrikeFischer yes that;s what I commented :-) it's new@fontshape this has come up before
@UlrikeFischer try \show\mathrm :-)
@DavidCarlisle yes just saw it too that they redefine it.
@UlrikeFischer I posted an anwer, possibly I should have used blub
@DavidCarlisle clearly!
@UlrikeFischer I knew it had come up before, almost identical answer... tex.stackexchange.com/a/709605/1090
@DavidCarlisle I wonder if one should start to use the comment function on ctan and leaves remarks and some links to such obvious errors.
@UlrikeFischer there is an email address in the doc, but I wonder if @AlanMunn knows if it's really still maintained or orphaned now, it hasn't been touched since 2009
@Rmano will be pleased to see the large white image in my answer:-)
@DavidCarlisle and if it is actually recommended ...
@UlrikeFischer linguists obviously should do more math, then these things would get fixed
@UlrikeFischer seems someone at least uses it: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/41?m=63571422#63571422
2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle I've emailed Alexis a couple of times about the problem. He's still around, but hasn't fixed it. As for it still being recommended, yes it's still a perfectly good package despite its quirks. I still recommend it over the other popular alternative linguex.
@DavidCarlisle I have an unreleased (to CTAN) version called gb4e-emulate which uses enumitem, but there are sill some issues that I'm not happy with, so I haven't put it on CTAN.
@DavidCarlisle I can try again.
@AlanMunn or there's github.com/LaTeX-Package-Repositories if he wants to give it up (you could have write access there:-)
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer A bit later on today
@JosephWright ?
Should there be a 'space' after \else or only after \if ?
@DavidCarlisle I've sent another email to him, so we'll see if it gets a response. I've offered to take up maintenance and set up a repo for it (which was what I suggested two years ago).
@cis the question doesn't have an answer. You only need a space if you want a space.
@DavidCarlisle Mail bounced. Not a good sign. Trying alternative methods.
@AlanMunn A Fax.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that's the one. It used to work.
@mickep Carrier pigeon.
@Skillmon Is it possible to have an NewDocumentCommand like \test[red, blue]{text} (e.g. red above, blue below) with a default-value (e.g. red) in

% Does not work this way....
%\NewDocumentCommand{\test}{ >{\SplitArgument{2}{,}}O  m }{...}

\NewDocumentCommand{\test}{ O{red} m }{%
\node[minimum size=11mm, draw,


@cis bit weird to use comma separated value but it would work: just split on comma and the test for empty and use red or blue in each case if there is no suppled value
@DavidCarlisle Ya, but I don't check the syntax... it is not that way:

\NewDocumentCommand{\test}{ >{\SplitArgument{2}{,}}O{red,brown}  m }{%
\node[minimum size=11mm, draw,


\test[blue, red]{text}
If I want to use l3keys for both package options and options for a command within in that package, I do so by subdividing the keys, correct? \keys_define:nn { package } and \keys_define:nn ( package / command } That's what I did last night and it seems to work. Couldn't find anything about this on the main site.

\NewDocumentCommand{\test}{ >{\SplitArgument{2}{,}}O{}  m }{%
\node[minimum size=11mm, draw,




@cis ^^
@LaTeXereXeTaL yes or use the same for both depending what you want to do
@DavidCarlisle Excellent. Took me two days to figure that out.
@LaTeXereXeTaL if the kevals onthe command are unrelated to the package options, just happen to be defined in that package use a different family *which could be package/command} or anything, it;s only a name, if they are related eg ike \hypersetup{...] is really accessing the package options but from a command, just use the same family
@DavidCarlisle Okay got it. Many thanks!
Off to do yardwork.
1 hour later…
Wow, way more complicated than I thought.
No idea how I could have pulled that out of the xparse manual.

@cis it doesn't use xparse:-) (current documentation is in texdoc usrguide) but it's not that complicated it just does what you suggested except after splitting on , test for empty or no value and uses the specified default in that case,
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer Been busy - hoping to check in shortly
1 hour later…
How do you call the property A,1,2,...,10,J,Q,K? "Value"?
@cis yes, "value" is a bit odd for "king/queen" in normal speech but is normal for cards I think
In German it is called "Farbe" & "Wert".

's/h/d/c' ---> "Farbe" ('color' or sophisticated 'suit')
'A,1,2,...,10,J,Q,K' ---> "Wert" ('value' or 'worth')
@cis you could also use "rank" rather than "value" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playing_card (I suspect that's possibly more correct but probably less used in casual card players) I don't know, ask a card player:-)
@DavidCarlisle 'Rank' looks more formaly:
A playing card is a piece of specially prepared card stock, heavy paper, thin cardboard, plastic-coated paper, cotton-paper blend, or thin plastic that is marked with distinguishing motifs. Often the front (face) and back of each card has a finish to make handling easier. They are most commonly used for playing card games, and are also used in magic tricks, cardistry, card throwing, and card houses; cards may also be collected. Playing cards are typically palm-sized for convenient handling, and usually are sold together in a set as a deck of cards or pack of cards. The most common type of playing...
Feature request: go back in time and change the {figure} environment to {floatingfigure} and similarly for {table}.
@DavidCarlisle a dvipdfmx test with pdftex -- the graphic-def tests are so weird
@UlrikeFischer well they check that they error, and also I think they mostly predate the current version of the l3build config system so it wasn't so easy to have engine-specific tests so simpler just to check in the error cases as passing. there are a couple where the error has changed though whihc seems a bit wrong I'll check in the morning
@UlrikeFischer ah no I see, so I think it's OK

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