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@JasperHabicht Input on github.com/latex3/latex3/issues/1488 welcome
5 hours later…
Does anyone happen to know the exact name of the math font in the following picture? I have seen many math fonts of the Times style, but nothing identical.
By the way, this is probably used in the American Math Monthly.
1 hour later…
@youthdoo Do you have the PDF? You can check the font name then via "properties" > "fonts" in Acrobat. The font name there might or might not be helpful, but you can at least give it a try.
Q: How do I find out what fonts are used in a document/picture?

WernerIs it possible to identify the font used in a specific document/picture? Answers to this question should identify: Possible methods to do this (perhaps one answer per method) and adequately describe how to use it (as opposed to merely stating it); Ways of finding the identified fonts, if possi...

@youthdoo From names of fonts in another Monthly file, I guess Y&Y MathTime (what later became MathTimePro 2).
2 hours later…
Just discovered that texlua has interesting glob behaviour on Windows
Interesting from a Windows POV, to be clear
I can live with it, luckily
@JosephWright Interestings things sound good.
@mickep Took me a while to work it out - but now it's OK
@mickep I will make notes in the source I'm working on: hopefully public soon
@JosephWright Glad it worked out.
2 hours later…
Whoever has sufficient reputation: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/712051 would probably profit from two more tags, namely, [dvipdf] and [debian]. He/she is kindly asked to add them if technicaly possible. My efforts are capped at 5 tags.
@AlMa1r This has nothing to do with reputation. You can't just put more than five tags. Just choose the five most relevant tags.
@AlMa1r debian almost certainly irrelevant
@AlMa1r dvipdf not needed as dvips is there, and that's by far the more common thing to look for
1 hour later…
Reading documentation is obviously evil, all my formats broke because I had one open ;-( @DavidCarlisle
@UlrikeFischer you were warned
> Easier to deal with figures.
In a discussion about reasons to pick LaTeX over Word.
I guess every beginner is gonna be really frustrated about that statement when fighting floats for no good reason :)
3 hours later…
user image
@Skillmon ^ for group_begin :-)

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