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New appearance of the ghost: tex.stackexchange.com/q/702895/4427
@egreg looks that way
@Skillmon if only there was a kv system that expanded values on input
@DavidCarlisle well, only if you tell it to :P o: foo = \bar.
@DavidCarlisle or directly via expkv-cs, yes, but it still doesn't expand anything without you telling it, it just forwards unaltered (modulo space-brace-stripping)
@DavidCarlisle but I guess I'll still not answer... In the worst case I get the most exhausting demanding user, in the best case the answer is ignored and we'll get the next identical question.
@Skillmon I won't answer either, he should ask @samcarter at topanswers and stop making accounts here.
@DavidCarlisle I'm at topanswers as well, not sure how we'd deal with this over there...
@Skillmon well if he only has one account and asks civil questions I guess you just treat as a standard user.
@DavidCarlisle yes, obviously. But things turned sideways here pretty fast, so the "civil questions" assumption might not hold very long.
@Skillmon Veak was a member for several years before things went south. Their previous questions might not have been the most brilliant, but they as far as I know they did not edit in insults all the time. No idea what happened this summer that they suddenly started to insult people.
@samcarter oh, didn't know, thought it was a relatively new user (had no contact with him/her earlier, as far as I recall)
@Skillmon yes he's been using expl3 for years and somehow can't distinguish an integer from a string, despite explaining to us in great detail how he's a brilliant software engineer and we should re-design the whole latex/ctan/texlive distribution system based on his suggestions.
@UlrikeFischer I failed to get rid of > Package tagpdf Warning: Destination section*.35 has no related structure. in that amsldoc example, either i didn't understand your comment or it's because imakeidx also patches the index, or I don't understand what tagpdf is telling me:-)
@DavidCarlisle is the changed file in the repo?
@UlrikeFischer no because I copied theindex from book and/or imakeindex into the document so i could change them, and made several changes but all either gave tex errors and no output or gave the same warning so I discarded my attempts
@UlrikeFischer oh your \twocolumn[{\MakeLinkTarget[chapter]{}\@makeschapterhead{\indexname}}]% does fix it if I use makeindex not imakeindex and run makeindex by hand. I think that's enough for now (and we can blame @egreg for the rest)
@DavidCarlisle index is really an open point. There are so many redefinitions of internals that one really lose the overview who is doing what.
@UlrikeFischer I could commit the version I just made that removes imakeix and has no warnings from tagpdf
@DavidCarlisle but I should look at it. I thought I had tested with imakeindex and it worked.
@UlrikeFischer yes but here it is patches on patches on patches.. I'll commit anyway so we have a common baseline that has no warnings
2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle Don't forget that you also should rewrite all docs and make all books available for free :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle On the other hand, no TeXbook exercise today.
@egreg I'm sure I can come up with one if you feel the need ;-)
1 hour later…
@egreg Oh, you almost sound disappointed.
@mickep Refreshing the basics is always useful.
@egreg how else would you get 1000000 points for adding % at ends of lines?
@egreg I can see that.
\ruledvbox spread 50pt limit \bgroup
    \hrule height 1pt
    \vskip 0pt plus 5pt limit\relax
    \strut X%
    \vskip 0pt plus 5pt\relax
    \strut X%
    \vskip 0pt plus 5pt limit\relax
    \strut X%
    \vskip 0pt plus 5pt\relax
    \hrule height 1pt
New keyword "limit" to limit stretch. Experimental in luametatex...
@mickep Very interesting!
@egreg It is. There has for a while been possible to do this on a page basis. So that one can have "flush bottom" in general, but if stretch becomes too big, then one freezes the stretch.
(That was the first application...)
@mickep oh what-most-people-think-plus-means
@DavidCarlisle Indeed!
Non-English speaking reviewer puts article through Grammarly and it gets most things wrong. "Sugiro que o texto passe por uma revisão do inglês" Nope.

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