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@DavidCarlisle -- Oh, please don't break amsmath!
2 hours later…
when I apply \begin{abstract}…\end{abstract} the title of the document and the abstrract moves to different pages,
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images


\title{An Analysis of Manufacturing Sector in India Through Cobb-Douglas Production Function}
\date{November 2023}

In this paper, we will apply the Cobb-Douglas Production Function to the Manufacturing Sector of the Indian Economy. We would use the Multilinear Regression, the Least-Square Method, to calculate the coefficients. This paper has tw
This is producing a result like this:
The abstract is appearing on the firrst pagge, and then the title and author name (but not the address) is appearing on the next page, and then the first section begins.
I wanted:
Designation or current educational level
Abstarct (in a centralized manner)

and thhen usual document...
2 hours later…
@ConGovDeIn these question are Better asked on the main page. Why do you add \newenvironment{abstract}? You should get errors, when you have errors the PDF is probably broken...
2 hours later…
@barbarabeeton what could go wrong ...
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle Most important is that you have someone to blame when it does...
@mickep of course yes. I understand the benefits of teamwork.
Gotta love SO; downvote of an answer without any explanation whatsoever, even though the answer clearly highlights its own limitations...
@Skillmon :)
@JosephWright it's things like this that keep me from really participating there, all my experiences on SO were bad so far...
@ConGovDeIn What do you expect? You get an error about abstract being already defined. Next, you have abstract before \maketitle. This is wrong with the article class.
`$ texdoc catoptions
texdoc warning: No viewer defined for ".md" files, using "viewer_txt" instead.` @DavidCarlisle ^^ :D
@PauloCereda Hola don Pato ;)
@PabloGonzálezL you can fix that locally (but it's only a readme that says nothing)
@DavidCarlisle Have you added it to your collection or is it only for pop-up patches?
@PabloGonzálezL no: I use a simpler solution, don't read doc
@DavidCarlisle Jajaja...muy bien
One for @JosephWright typo \text{110000}=1114112$ to~$ (ctan.dcc.uchile.cl/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/…)
@PabloGonzálezL ctan prefers readme.md to readme with no extension these days, so I renamed the file (although actually it has no markdown in it so far) you only get the warning here as (a) you haven't locally set up a markdown reader (neither have I) and (b) there is no pdf doc because the tex source of the doc uses a private class that I don't have (and didn't want to ask for last week when doing teh update)
@PabloGonzálezL hola! :)
@DavidCarlisle But catoptions should have a .mew file of course.
@mickep ooh cats
@PauloCereda more Pokemon
@mickep it could be arranged
@DavidCarlisle hehehe...I understand, years ago I had communication with the author for something similar, but he faded away and then his packages were broken :(
@PauloCereda Holaaaa :D
@Skillmon ooh I forgot about it! YES!
@DavidCarlisle Separate question, what version of perl is included in cygwin?...version 5.38 is already available for windows, but not natively on TL23 windows...I don't know if it is the same under cygwin.
@PabloGonzálezL I only fixed it here to the point that \usepackage{catoptions} does not error. If you actually try to use the package you will still get errors with other packages 9such as biblatex)
@PabloGonzálezL I have This is perl 5, version 36, subversion 1 (v5.36.1) but I haven't updated recently, i could look...
@DavidCarlisle Mmmm... tlperl windows is version 5.34
@PabloGonzálezL cywin has 5.36.2 so a bit ahead of me but not 5.38
@PabloGonzálezL does it matter, it's not using any bleeding edge perl features is it?
@PabloGonzálezL cygwin texlive does not include perl, it uses the system perl, like linux texlive
@DavidCarlisle Haa...muy bien
@DavidCarlisle More than that it is because of the deprecations in some things (I still have things that work...but they just work and are not well written).
@AlanMunn Thank you @AlanMunn for being informative and helpful. Actually, I'm using ICRA IEEE template for preparing a paper. I came across this issue. I don't know why. As far as I know, IEEE provides horrible templates. not sure why
Is it hard for them to hire a latex expert to do it properly?
@CroCo Maybe David is too expensive for them.
@mickep It is unlikely that they will hire him. The first day he takes office, he will fire all of their staff.
@CroCo Maybe that is what is needed, if the templates are so bad.
Fire all the staff? Who will bring him crispy duck for lunch?
@samcarter oh no
@PauloCereda :)
@CroCo Pay attention to the difference between latex expert and LaTeX expert
@PauloCereda lunch
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@CarLaTeX and never hire a LaTeXpert, only LaTeXnicians?
@DavidCarlisle -- whimper ...
@barbarabeeton more seriously the opposite is true, it's important not to break amsmath so it's in all the early tests, so it shows up in test breakages in early experiments. Although the particular breakage here is not with amsmath itself as with the "interesting" markup in the one-off amsldoc.cls used for amsldoc.
@DavidCarlisle -- Where's the source for amsldoc.cls? I associate that very much with Michael, although Frank and Rainer were probably involved at the beginning. I can't find it by name on CTAN.
@DavidCarlisle One simple question: Would it be too hard to change tabularx to accept a "column weight"? Now you can do that with the \hsize hack, but you need to make sure they avarage to 1.0\hsize. I was thining of something that would calculate the avarage and apply a correction on the fly... (Just a thought as we discuss internally how to improve the Table Modal in Overleaf, it's not crucial)
@egreg So, should I simply change the class to Report or add \begin{abstract} after \maketitle?
@yo' er well yes sort of trivial to do really, see tabu and tabulararray and other packages that have an X-like syntax. i would have done it except that I documented the whole \hsize nonsense after documenting that all X columns have to have the same width and the package had already gone out, it wasn't part of the design at all....., only question (as always) now is can a syntax be devised that doesn't break stuff.
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, how many people have already defined an [-column? :D
@yo' best would be to open a feature request issue at github, it will probably get flagged as long term and parked but you never know we might actually do something, it does sometimes happen
@DavidCarlisle Fair! Will do (if I get the time...)
Thanks @egreg using \begin{abstract} after \maketitle worked
Can someone please tell me how to add designation and college name after author name? Is it done simply by using \\ in \author{name \\ college name}?
@ConGovDeIn Why not ask a real question on the main site? This way any answer you'll get will also be useful for future users with the same problem.
@Skillmon that, too
@samcarter or maybe google "latex article class affiliation" which gives tex.stackexchange.com/questions/214404/… ... ;-)
@Rmano :)
@Rmano The site would have much less traffic if people googled or read the documentation...
@campa I also blame the site search box, whose answers are inscrutable...
@Rmano it works better if you search for the answer rather than the question. So people should wait until they know the answer before asking. or something
@DavidCarlisle that's a sound strategy
@DavidCarlisle -- Oh. amsdtx.dtx The date on that is 2009, but the last update documented at the end of the file is dated 2004. So that's still mostly Michael and Frank. Well, the best I can suggest is to negotiate with AMS TeX support.
@barbarabeeton no need to involve ams at this stage we are just using it as an example for pdf accessibility tagging, not as a production version of the class
@DavidCarlisle -- Okay, but if updates to the documentation are needed, ... On a related topic, I know that testmath uses article, but have any suggestions been made for additions or other improvements?
@barbarabeeton ooh I'd forgotten about that, it would also make a good tagging test (@UlrikeFischer) no changes have been suggested as far as I remember
@DavidCarlisle -- Yeah, Michael used that as a testing ground for slightly odd or unusual things, and I continued it when I got inspired or bored.
@Rmano I'm sure we will dearly miss the current search once meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/425766/… makes its way around the network ...
2 hours later…
@Rmano yes, always search on your preferred search engine with -site:tex.stackexchagne.com, never use SX's search box!
Oh no, seems like Overleaf died: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/702545/… (note the title)
Worst package by far: vectorlogos, doesn't even have a single decent editor's logo available!
1 hour later…
@samcarter -- What a rotten prospect. I suspect that, secretly, super-clever individuals are pushing this so that they can get more glory (or grift) from cleaning up the bad results. I guess I'll have to become more diligent at dissing questionable answers. (I promise to keep ignoring material I don't know well enough to decide whether it's good or bad. But I will continue to add to "Often referenced questions" when I find something that is really good.)
@barbarabeeton The search could be much improved if it would just show a link to the "often referenced questions" :)
@UlrikeFischer no tex errors...
@DavidCarlisle ?
@UlrikeFischer amsldoc (with table support loaded)
@DavidCarlisle ah good. Any tagpdf warnings?
@UlrikeFischer yes and still:
\tag_get:n {struct_num}}}{\hook_gput_code:nne {tagpdf/finish/before}{tagpdf/fo
Package tagpdf Warning: Parent-Child 'Formula/pdf2' --> 'TR/pdf2'.
(tagpdf)                Relation is not allowed (struct 998, /Formula -->
(tagpdf)                struct 999) on line 976
Package tagpdf Warning: Parent-Child 'Formula/pdf2' --> 'TR/pdf2'.
(tagpdf)                Relation is not allowed (struct 998, /Formula -->
(tagpdf)                struct 1006) on line 976
Package tagpdf Warning: Parent-Child 'Formula/pdf2' --> 'TR/pdf2'.
@UlrikeFischer ^^
Package tagpdf Warning: Destination section*.35 has no related structure.
(tagpdf)                /Ref for structure 261 not updated
@samcarter -- I'm thinking of putting together an "annotated list" of substantive TeX-related FAQs for my next TUGboat column. (GUTenberg just announced a nicely updated one in French.) If you know about others, let me know, please, I am very sorely tempted to include a screed about depending o AI.
@barbarabeeton the french one uses my texlive.net server from learnlatex.org
@DavidCarlisle i think the first is gone in the development code. Does this help? github.com/latex3/tagging-project/issues/…. I didn't track the section warning yet.
@DavidCarlisle -- Nice! I may ask you more about that offline.
@UlrikeFischer thanks, just the section*.35 one now
does this ngpdf/pdfjs error mean anything to you? @UlrikeFischer
@barbarabeeton Nice idea! Maybe ask the Japanese user group? I could imagine that they might have something like that.
@samcarter -- On my list. Thanks.
@barbarabeeton I tried to generate you a list of all faqs but unfortunately I can't at the moment:
@DavidCarlisle -- Yeah. Right. Sure. NBL.
Q: Stack Exchange’s image hosting arrangement with Imgur is ending - advance notice

SlateFor more than a decade, Imgur has provided image hosting services to Stack Exchange, but that hosting contract with Imgur comes to an end this upcoming April 2024. This April will conclude a decade-long successful relationship between Imgur and Stack, for which the whole company has been deeply ...

@samcarter Not really enough information yet to know, but it's certainly going to hit us hard if things go south.
@AlanMunn I predict several months of chaos :)
@AlanMunn well it could be like the \\ change, get the community to update every post on the site throttled to no faster than 5s per edit.
@barbarabeeton I have the data you asked for now
second try:
@DavidCarlisle -- Well, that's interesting, and at least all the sites listed do cover (La)TeX. But the two well-structured and curated FAQs I've identified so far are the new French one and the one that used to be the UK TeX FAQ, and neither of those is listed. So the usefulness-quotient approaches zero. Thanks for trying, but sorry.
@barbarabeeton I think the first try summarises this very well :)
@Skillmon -- Check!
Seen on Reddit: OP complains about how long it takes to make Powerpoint slides. Someone suggests beamer. Then you'll never complain again how long it takes to make Powerpoint slides. :)
@barbarabeeton when does a faq become a tutorial or a list of frequently asked questions, eg learnlatex.org or the frequently asked meta question here?
@DavidCarlisle -- Although not advertised as a FAQ, I think that learnlatex is well structured, and I'd already included it in my list of resources to consider. And while not nominally a FAQ, the meta question here also has questions grouped by subject, so on list to be considered. (Admittedly, i'm biased, since I keep adding to it when I see something I think is really useful.)
@DavidCarlisle -- I also intend to consider the LaTeX WikiBook, although the last time I looked there for something, I found it was recommending some bad practices. The structuring looked good, but I refuse to recommend something that gives bad advice. Bad advice was never true of the UK TeX FAQ, and from what I've seen, the French one is reliable. Warnings about variable quality will be given in my review where warranted.
@barbarabeeton the ex UK one is highly variable, mostly as most of the answers are 30 years old, so while they may have been true once now they are what they are.
@DavidCarlisle -- A reasonable reaction, and I intend to mention that. But it's still a good model for organization. (Please keep going; you're helping a lot.)
@barbarabeeton also of course @JosephWright or I do update it if things are raised but I don't think either of us have the energy to systematically update it
@DavidCarlisle True: unless we have some clear kernel change we need to show (might happen one day with \label, for example)

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