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@DavidCarlisle Nice
@DavidCarlisle We should get the Powers to adopt latexcgi then pay actual cash to support it :)
@JosephWright Of course I decided to do it 5 minutes after I closed the issue as feature request declined...
@JosephWright You could ask @StefanKottwitz for real world experience for whether it is well used at latex forum and co
@DavidCarlisle I am semi-serious ...
@JosephWright so I guessed
@JosephWright ooh
@PauloCereda breakfast fragment
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle I see the upcoming MWE discussions ;-) "Why do I have to show a complete example it works with fragments too!" Could the code replace the fragment in the editor with the complete example after the compilation?
@UlrikeFischer it does update the editor
@JosephWright the \@raw@classoption error is from \__keys_options_class:nnn. It compiles if one replace that with \@raw@classoptionslist but I'm not sure if that is the intended logic.
@DavidCarlisle there one can see that I never compile fragments ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I'm just looking at that: I'll log an issue then push a fix
@DavidCarlisle that is not only a compiler, it is also a minimal example generator
@UlrikeFischer yes the actual server doesn't guess anything and the preamble guesser is disabled at learnlatex as you want people to try real documents, and the original examples are all curated, but @StefanKottwitz asked for the javascript to fill out incomplete fragments with a guessed preamble as in a forum the examples are... less well curated
@DavidCarlisle yes I know I saw the discussion. But I really like that fragments are expanded. It is a neat demonstration about "guessing" the content.
@UlrikeFischer That is correct - I'm just about to check in
@UlrikeFischer yes although they are not just expanded for documentation reasons, that's really how it works, the submission code always sends what's in the editor, just the preamble guesser runs first
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer I think we have 4 things to merge for PL5 - all should I suspect be more-or-less ready now
@JosephWright Spanish Inquisition, Our three main issues are $$, Unused options, biblatex, and Title casing,
@DavidCarlisle Well the options stuff could technically wait, and even biblatex is not super-urgent (I think Bruno made a good case for $$ being important)
@PauloCereda pie for lunch
@DavidCarlisle oh
@JosephWright yes sure but probably important enough not to be skipped if we are doing a PL anyway.
@DavidCarlisle Quite, hence getting everything ready - we need another PL, so I'm aiming to cover all of the issues
@JosephWright "We might need a bigger boat"
@DavidCarlisle do you have any idea if \Hy@MaybeStopNow is of any use somewhere?
@UlrikeFischer the weird and confusing "stopped early" message thing?
@DavidCarlisle the message is normally ok (if implicit is used and hyperref did stopped early). But \Hy@MaybeStopNow seems to be an interface to stop hyperref after loading the cfg, but there is no key or explanation and it isn't used anywhere. It could be something related to vtex as the command is set just before its driver.
@UlrikeFischer yes just looking at the code. I never liked the stopped early message as it gives no indication if that is good or bad. Is it "you arrived at your destination in good time" or "you drove into a wall"
@DavidCarlisle I can try to improve it by adding "check the code to decide if that is good ..."
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?477#comment10
@UlrikeFischer Well yes, the new code just works
@JosephWright yes, I just mention it as point in case that there are questions.
@UlrikeFischer Cool - the code they have is very odd indeed
\:CheckOption{new-accents}     \if:Option \else
\def\@tabacckludge#1{\csname #1\endcsname}
\long\def\:temp#1{\bgroup  \let\@tabacckludge\:tabacckludge
   \csname o:MakeUppercase :\endcsname{#1}\egroup}
\expandafter\HLet\csname MakeUppercase \endcsname\:temp
\long\def\:temp#1{\bgroup  \let\@tabacckludge\:tabacckludge
   \csname o:MakeLowercase :\endcsname{#1}\egroup}
\expandafter\HLet\csname MakeLowercase \endcsname\:temp
\let\@acci\' \let\@accii\` \let\@acciii\=
@JosephWright like other packages (I only mention hyperref) they have quite some history. But happily Michal is quite active and willing to correct and update. I could remove various patches for tex4ht from hyperref with his help.
@UlrikeFischer Indeed
@JosephWright PL100-party here we come!
Just seen the following comment about a problem with the loading order of hyperref:
> Guess from now on I'll stop ordering my packages in an alphabetical order .. x)
Interesting way to organise the preamble :)
@samcarter Link?
A: Glossary items stopped linking to the actual word

Maxime BouhadanaSolution found : For some very very VERY obscure reasons, loading the \usepackage{hyperref} before \usepackage{glossaries} worked. Guess from now on I'll stop ordering my packages in an alphabetical order .. x)

4 hours later…
@JosephWright Nice!
@JosephWright I am in winter now
I need to lose 5 pts.
@AlanMunn Easy. Null the delimitershortfall.
ooh low carb diet
@AlanMunn (a) give me a 100 bounty (b) write a good answer and get a +15 accept, (c) coast on +10's to your target
@DavidCarlisle ooh maths
@DavidCarlisle Had a chance to check the final PR for PL5?
@JosephWright ah yes I looked at diff email, just approved the pr
@DavidCarlisle Cool - I'm starting the build process
@DavidCarlisle :) I hadn't thought about bounties as a way to lose rep! Maybe I'll award a bounty to one of your stellar TikZ picture answers.
@AlanMunn we should have a picture mode gallery, just like tikz.net. Just checked domain pricing, looks ok.
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer PL5 to CTAN
@DavidCarlisle thanks for working on the issue inspired by Denis
@DavidCarlisle Nice
@JosephWright good. latex-dev will have to follow at some time I guess? (I'm busy with setting up my new laptop - my old one died on friday and still can't find everything)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, I guess I will sort that
@UlrikeFischer Eeek
@UlrikeFischer Emergency shopping trip?
@DavidCarlisle I tipped Nicola Talbot off about \MakeTitlecase (work email ...)
@JosephWright yes.
@UlrikeFischer What did you go for?
@JosephWright what I had before: a surface. I liked my old very much (I had it more than 7 years).
@UlrikeFischer Cool

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