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@FaheemMitha "input line" has a specific meaning in TeX (read the book or something else); or just try it yourself tex.sprint("aaa") tex.sprint("") tex.sprint("bbb"), replace sprint with print and see the difference
@L.J.R. Hm? How do you even come up with the idea???
6 hours later…
@user202729 OK
@CarLaTeX cool :-D
@CarLaTeX mischief managed :)
@yo' the stain is a reflection
3 hours later…
@CarLaTeX ...of a hand ;-) (with a cellphone?)
6 hours later…
@Rmano of the lights, but yes, the photo was shot by my cellphone
@CarLaTeX I can see three fingers in the reflection ;-)
@Rmano oh, yes, there are also the fingerprints :D
@Rmano Perhaps they are mine, when I inserted the card
@CarLaTeX I see no fingerprints, just fingers:
(training for CSI ;-P)
1 hour later…
@Rmano It's too flat to contain fingers :D
user image
^^ Tomorrow the last stage of this year‘s Giro d‘Italia (a time trial) will take place at Verona. The course passes about 200 m from the place we are staying at.
@UlrikeFischer Ooohhh doesn't is end at Milan this year?
@CarLaTeX no it stops in the arena.
@UlrikeFischer Ooohhh I didn't know
@CarLaTeX we neither. Enrico warned us
@UlrikeFischer @egreg always knows everything :D
I'm trying to get the last example from the threeparttablex documentation to compile.
For some reason the example aren't actually compilable as written. I was able to get the first to compile, but not the second. No doubt I'm missing something obvious.
I don't know if this is a suitable question for the site. Thoughts?
Hello @BuddhiniAngelika
Is there a way that we can make an underline to appear for some part of a text on mouse click in latex beamer? That is, appear on \onslide<2> or \only<2> ?
Can someone please help? Thanks a lot
Hello @mickep :)
@BuddhiniAngelika Sorry, I know nothing about beamer.
Okay, thanks for telling me @mickep
If anyone else know please kindly let me know.
@BuddhiniAngelika You can use:
\RenewDocumentCommand \underLine {d<> m} {{%
  \underLine<2>{Only on frame 2 underlined}
Thank you very much @MarcelKrüger :) :)
Can I change the color of the underline too?
I know for \ul command. But its difficult to figure out for underline command

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