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@mickep oh no
@PauloCereda A well-known moderator was very quick...
@mickep ducks are very quick at doing stuff
@PauloCereda very duck at ducking stuff...
@mickep ooh
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1100 to go...
I'm worried that maybe someday in the future CTAN will remove my packages and GitHub will delete my repositories for the only reason that I'm from China.
@L.J.R. ctan never remove anything
@L.J.R. If you don't trust GitHub you can host the repositories somewhere else too. If you put them on your own server then no one can take them down without your consent. Since git is distributed you can still keep another version on GitHub if you want to.
@PauloCereda I was thinking of an example more like "they even still have arara"
@DavidCarlisle oh
@PauloCereda oernxsnfg
@DavidCarlisle oh
.... countdown to bu ab
3 hours later…
@JosephWright tlmgr: Local TeX Live (2021) is older than remote repository (2022).
@barbarabeeton I don't know what is going on. Perhaps some kind of mathjax or similar is used inside the browser version?
@L.J.R. I'm worried that maybe someday in the future CTAN and GitHub for whatsoever obscure reason abruptly get removed. So many worries these days. I'm so worried about...
@DavidCarlisle Yes, by design
@JosephWright yes but if I read it right my PR failed at that line?
@mickep -- Very peculiar, and I don't have any better idea than you do. But it's clear that the "open" style of blackboard bold in Cambria is an intentional design choice; the outline is Cambria, not Times-like as in amsfonts. Interesting to know.
@barbarabeeton I'm a bit surprised that the look is completely different when editing and when exporting. Imagine having to keep some.control of line/page breaks and so on. Maybe that is better in the desktop version, though.
@mickep -- Yeah. This is supposed to be WYSIWYG. (But I can't check it; working on a Linux box, and even if not, am totally incompetent trying to use Word.)
The answer to the question is probably along more complicated formulas. For the small formulas in the answer it is more up to the font.
@DavidCarlisle Is there a reason why you didn't base that branch on current develop but on develop from February? (The build fails because that was before we set the explicit mirror)
@MarcelKrüger does incompetence count as a reason?
@MarcelKrüger I definitely did git pull somewhere but I have terminals open for latex, mathml and work and probably pulled in one and branched in another....
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda do not say yes
@DavidCarlisle ooh
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@yo' My locker at work ^^^
3 hours later…
Ha, 4 seconds faster than @egreg :)
@Skillmon I added a recommendation… :-)
@egreg yes, you did.
When the LuaTeX manual describes the tex.sprint function as "Each string argument is treated by TEX as a special kind of input line that makes it suitable for use as a partial line input mechanism:", what does that mean in simple terms?
@JosephWright -- Is someone working on this, please? tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/8947
In contrast to tex.print, which is described as "Each string argument is treated by TEX as a separate input line."
Hi Marcel. I'm wondering where the function string.split comes from. This isn't part of standard Lua. It seems likely this is part of LuaTeX, but there is nothing of that name in the manual. However string.explode seems like it would match. Did they change the name, perhaps? I can't find any further information about this on doing a search. — Faheem Mitha 15 secs ago
Just in case anyone can shed light on this. Thanks in advance.
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha tlbuild/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lstrlibext.c (I think:-) static int str_split

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