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In the following example:
  a & b \\
adding the multicolumn stretches out the other columns. Can I choose a length for the multicolumn which is the existing length of the table, normally of the form p{...}, so that the text will wrap?
So it might look something like
which is obviously not the correct choice, because \textwidth is the width of the page.
@daleif Your examples in threeparttablex aren't complete/selfcontained. I.e. one would need to add some frontmatter etc. Is there some reason for that?
@FaheemMitha I think I have an answer on site somewhere, you can get the column widths from the aux file of the previous run and make a suittable p entry,
What is the official user documentation for things like \NewDocumentCommand, which used to be only in the xparse package, but nowadays are integrated into the module ltcmd.dtx of the LaTeX 2ε-kernel?
@UlrichDiez usrguide except it isn't updated so source2e probably (unless @JosephWright reminds me of something else)
@DavidCarlisle Thank you very much. I was asked this question and I didn't know the answer off the top of my head. Maybe I looked in the wrong places, but I didn't find this in either usrguide or source2e. So I referred to the xparse documentation.
@DavidCarlisle usrguide3
@JosephWright ah yes (not sure it makes sense to be "3" these days though, especially for document level commands:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Why not 3?
Because it is "the default"?
@mickep yes we tell users they can use \newcommand or \NewDocumentCommand but split the manual into usrguide or usrguide3 depending on which century the command was integrated into the format.
@UlrikeFischer can we blame you ^^ ?
@DavidCarlisle Oh, I see.
@DavidCarlisle where came this up?
@UlrikeFischer just noticed (again) \if #1t\vtop \else \if#1b\vbox \else \vcenter \fi\fi in my emacs buffer while I was looking for something else, and thought that looks like a bug waiting to happen....
So next attempt coming up, hope I don't get bitten by:
May 16 at 14:52, by David Carlisle
why do people accept answers at exactly the wrong time?
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda shame, an \expandafter question just got asked but I dare not answer it
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh. That would be a more useful pointer if you had fewer answers. :-)
Does the method you mentioned work with longtable?
Anyway, I'll try and do a search.
Any idea when this answer was written? And also, does anyone know if it is possible to restrict searches by date on SE?
@UlrikeFischer Thank you. I'll try using @daleif's incantation. Though I have no idea how it works, no doubt it will work regardless.
@PauloCereda ooh indeed! :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle I just found this test in cleveref: \expandafter\ifx\@tempa\@empty\else.... Gives a nice error in the preamble if \@tempa is zzz ;-)
Actually, it looks like threeparttablex does exactly what I need. I hope it doesn't disappear at some point.
@mickep Luca Casarin from Pisa and Daniele Nemmi from Padova
@mickep The prize was handed by the Fields medalist Alessio Figalli
@egreg Oh, nice!
@mickep Big emotion for everybody; there were Gustavo's wife and brother.
I do not find the subject of Luca. I can see that Daniele does some kind of algebra.
@mickep Kac-Moody things
@egreg Oh, sounds also algebraic to me.
@mickep Quite impressive master theses.
@mickep And good LaTeX as well.
@egreg That is also important. For communication.
I'm trying to find example of tex.tprint usage but not finding any.
Can anyone point me to one?
R does not want Operator spacing, it is not like \sin in sin x hataksa following argumen. — David Carlisle 34 secs ago
@egreg For real? :)
@mickep A few real typos, in @DavidCarlisle' best tradition!
@egreg keyboard playing up...
@egreg He wants to be teh first...
(@DavidCarlisle Do you pronounce teh like TeX?)
@mickep I need to discourage @egreg from copying my comments in to answers to pickup points
@DavidCarlisle He will soon get a 200 bounty for sharing his own math commands...
@mickep Throat-Warbler Mangrove
@DavidCarlisle Hehe

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