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Is LuaLaTeX and bxjscls easy to make a poster in Japanese? Is beamer and beamerposter easier?
poster size:a0; dunno if portland or landscape at this point;
Also I found that academic poster should have gothic family
Very opinion-based but what font is the most appropriate; haranoaji, ipa, etc?
I've just managed to \renewcommand{\kanjifamilydefault}{\gtdefault} and \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} to obtain both Japanese and alphanumeric font to be gothic and sanserif.
should have I read the code carefully
I guess I do with either beamerposter or tikzposter
oops I forgot I haven't supplied power to laptop
0. I don't get it why beamerposter requires frame environment
Maybe I should give up omitting it
1. I must write both Japanese and English text and name
2. Have my posts of today ignored
5 hours later…
@AlanMunn Apple pretty much enforces the App store nowadays, so these developer links are a life saver. :) I believe they force you to download the full Xocde and then the app will fetch the corresponding command line tools (as they need to match versions).
@AlanMunn I'd go with the latest non-beta version. :)
@AlanMunn in this state, homebrew will pretty much build everything from source instead of attempting to use pre-built binaries. I remember having to wait for hours until everything gets compiled...
@samcarter Wow! I wonder the size of the installer (Xcode.xip IIRC which was an archive format). I used to have Xcode matching all the Mac versions I had (Mountain Lion, Lion, etc) and the sizes started to grow almost exponentially.
4 hours later…
@PauloCereda ohh :)
@PauloCereda Yes, it grew very fast. Back on 10.6 it was something like 4GB, then 8GB on 10.9. These amounts of disk space were imho OK to sacrifice to get nice syntax highlighting and auto completion. But now on big sur, this is simply getting too big. I'm seriously considering to switch to another editor. I don't need all these build tools and stuff, because I usually sync my scripts to a computing cluster and then compile there from the command line.
And just for a nice editor this is too much space on my disk
@samcarter Definitely. Before turning my Mac machine into a Linux box, I had to stop at High Sierra and things were already out of hand with size and requirements...
@nrgmsbki4spot1 beamerposter requires a frame, because it uses, as the names says, beamer. And a frame is what beamer uses to build the content.
1 hour later…
First one to get a latex badge on SO :) stackoverflow.com/help/badges/10882/latex
@samcarter yaaaay
@samcarter wow
@PauloCereda @CarLaTeX Thanks!
@samcarter Well done! :)
@mickep <3
4 hours later…
Yay, I've created issue #222 on l3build!
@samcarter only because you don't redirect them to TeX.SX! :)
@samcarter @egreg will be so jealous!
@samcarter Impressive.
@Skillmon I'd formulate this a bit different: despite mean helpful users doing there best to migrate them away and nearly destroying my palindrome :)
@DavidCarlisle You'd be proud, nearly none of the answers is actually about latex. Most are just some variation of "how to smuggle stuff past rmarkdown/pandoc"
@FaheemMitha thx :)
@Skillmon Now work on adding 111 bugs so you can make 111 more bug reports? :)
2 hours later…
@samcarter my "issue" is an enhancement request (mainly because I'm too lazy to script this myself I think other users will profit from this feature)
(stupid different markdown flavours, I never remember which one is strike through where.... Another request to l3build to add this information to the documentation?)
hello! can i have help defining my own proof environment (working in overleaf)? my notes have a table of contents, with sections for chapters, subsections for parts of chapters, and subsubsections for individual results. each subsection has a list of results, and each result has a "Proof." at the end which links to a proof further down in the document. this way i can have a list of results to easily reference, without the proofs taking up space
i'm looking for a way to make whole process as painless as possible - there's a lot of repetition with how i have it set up currently, and i'm wondering if it's possible to e.g. create a new proof environment which automatically sets up the links and stuff for me so the only stuff i have to type are the result and its proof
here is an example:
as you can see i have the results with links to proofs and each proof itself has a link back to the result it came from. i would prefer the proofs section doesn't show up in the table of contents like how i have it right now
my main issue is... i'm a huge noob. i've been using latex for years but it has more or less always been with a plethora of packages available and me just spamming align* environments and fractions, so i really don't know much about this sort of document organization stuff
@samcarter you should take a screenshot!

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