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Can someone please help with this question? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/620466/…
10 hours later…
Today a colleague and I wanted to reproduce something (he reproduced it in MS Word). According to MS Word a DIN A4 paper is (at magnifying factor 100%) roughly 26.1 cm high.
@Skillmon That's great, here you can calculate the velocity of your computer from these values: thecalculator.co/others/…
@samcarter 143064737.87039 m/s!
@samcarter :D
@JosephWright let's hope the cable is long enough :)
@samcarter he's using wi-fi. Now calculate the frequency shift! :)
@Skillmon No network found -- must be outside of the receiver band :)
@barbarabeeton @UlrikeFischer @samcarter twitter.com/shouldhaveaduck/status/1453727303410728974
@PauloCereda ohh!
@yo' @PauloCereda Overleaf people: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/620531/…
@UlrikeFischer circling in for the kill
@DavidCarlisle ssh, the town doesn't know that ;-)
4 hours later…
user image
Good evening to all users from the MEDICANE :-)
Somebody, please, can help this new user? Thank you very very much.
Q: Centering of stacked bussproofs trees

aiquitaI like to stack proof rules build with bussproofs vertically. In order to use tags and labels I enclose the proof tress inside a equation, which is why I introduced the rawprooftree environment as suggested earlier in Numbering sequent proofs like equations. Directly enclosing bussproofs trees th...

@Sebastiano earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/… quite impressive, yes. Keep safe!
@DavidCarlisle New organisations :)
@JosephWright he likes to create repos ;-)
@Rmano Very kindest Rmano I attach an image...and thak you very much for your "Keep Safe!"
@Rmano Very nice nice the link of the my zone.
@Rmano Very nice nice the link of the my zone. See also this link windy.com. A considerable amount of rain is falling from the sky at the moment. Impressive. Can't see a thing.
@JosephWright Karl pushing....
@DavidCarlisle Oooh
There is also a very nice link: windy.com
@DavidCarlisle As in git push?
@JosephWright no as in social pressure:-)
@UlrikeFischer moving cutwin from my account to there means I can blame you for any errors
@DavidCarlisle didn't I have access in your repo too?
@UlrikeFischer yes but being under my account people might mistakenly blame me for the errors you push there:-)
@DavidCarlisle It seems the username github.com/blameulrike is still available - you could rename your account :)
@Sebastiano Be careful, I hope all will go well with the cyclone. All my solidarity to the beautiful land of Sicily.
@egreg Oh, very kind and esteemed Prof. We have a real tropical storm here now. The intensity of the rain is predicted to be 2 a.m. depending on the forecast. I hope it won't cause damage like it did in Catania and its province and, above all, that there are no deaths. Unfortunately, as you know, Sicily does not have good services and the road system is poor. Thank you very much for your splendid words.
@egreg There is a strong wind and this is the first time such an event has happened here. I don't remember a tropical storm in my life. This morning I saw the beach gone. The sea has left a lot of broken fishing nets and unimaginable dirt.
@egreg Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. With affection and esteem my greetings.
@AlanMunn -- The first term is a pretty good characterization of the beginning of one selection at a concert we attended last Sunday -- new music for the late 18th century, played by a duo consisting of a fortepiano and a cello. The fortepianist interrupted one selection quite quickly after it started, and mentioned that she'd started with the accompaniment for the third, rather than the first, movement. And then they started over correctly. (But a delightful concert anyway.)
@barbarabeeton Wow! I don't think I've ever had anything like that happen at a concert I've been to. Although I think once a string quartet stopped playing when someone's phone rang, and then restarted the movement! I don't remember which quartet it was, though.
@AlanMunn -- Here's the schedule for the series: museumconcerts.org/chamber-concerts.html The cello in the second picture is the one played; it's absolutely gorgeous, and doesn't show its age (built in 1755; definitely gamba style, no extender to attach it to the floor). Concert took place in the "great room" of a local church, very much a chamber environment, intimate and not overly formal. There were actually a couple of phone interruptions, but between selections, thank goodness.
There was a suggestion that academia.stackexchange.com/questions/177098/… on Academia.SE could fit better here, but I don't have enough (any) experience with this site to know if that's the case. In the meantime, there doesn't seem to be a community consensus that it's off-topic on Academia, in which case the issue is moot. In either case, I was just interested in taking the temperature here, thanks!
@BryanKrause It may be that the user has a different LaTeX distribution/version than the one in EM, and there it's erroring. Ideally, the .log file from both sides would be available so debugging would be much easier
@BryanKrause I just found in the linked manual: "EM uses TeX Live 2020". So we have to find out what distribution the user is running on
@BryanKrause If the user could replace the contents of the paper by dummy text and upload it online, finding the issue would likely be easy
@BryanKrause About being on/off topic, I'd say it's borderline. Solvable if the user shows us the document (with content replaced, as they probably won't want their paper online like that :)

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