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4 hours later…
@barbarabeeton oh no
In LaTeX3, we have \skip_horizontal:N, which is \hskip joining the costume party. Is \kern also to be found somewhere in that party?
@Gaussler no you can essentially always use a skip
But isn’t there the issue of line break or not?
@Gaussler possibly, but then there's always penalty you can add (not with an l3 name though:-) or use a kern
@DavidCarlisle ... which gets us right back to \kern :-)
Maybe I should be an evil bitch and use \tex_kern:D, just for fun, if that exists
I like the :D commands since they resemble a very happy smiley
@Gaussler better to define your owm \mypackage_kern_horizontal:n that uses the primitive internally so it isolates such things in one place
@Gaussler At present, we've not got a 'typesetting' module but there are experimental ideas, e.g. xbox in l3trial
% \begin{macro}{\kern_horizontal:n, \kern_vertical:n}
%   \TeX{} does not treat kerns differently in horizontal and vertical mode.
%   As we want skips and kerns to have similar behaviour, we try to get similar
%   results.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \kern_horizontal:n #1
    \tex_kern:D \dim_eval:n {#1} \exp_stop_f:
\cs_new_protected:Npn \kern_vertical:n #1
      { \par }
    \tex_kern:D \dim_eval:n {#1}  \exp_stop_f:
@JosephWright xbox? Are you saying that I can soon play Halo in TeX? :-D
@Gaussler It's the use x... pattern :) No Fallen Order for TeX
@JosephWright Damnit ;-). Speaking of boxes, I often run into the command \@begin@tempboxa. It has a not very enlightening definition. What is the benefit of using this over ordinary, primitive (or l3) box handling commands?
@Gaussler It's doing things to set up \height, etc.; again, take a look at xbox and it's \@@_via_internal_box:nn function (does the same thing, is perhaps clearer in why)
@Gaussler Ah, sorry: I'm doing a bit of tidying up, the version on GitHub calls it \@@_via_tmp_box:nn
@JosephWright But it’s not up on CTAN, right? I could not find l3trial nor xbox there, so I assumed the github version was the only one avaiable?
@Gaussler Yup:it's something experimental, really a proof-of-principle (I'm just working on a few things on it)
@JosephWright Great! Will it also have stuff like a re-implementation of \mathmakebox from mathtools? I feel slightly uncomfortable about using it too much in LaTeX3 writing since its implementation is very non-LaTeX3
On the other hand, if I try to re-implement it, I run into \@begin@tempboxa
@Gaussler No, at the moment it is about seeing if I can cover all of the kernel box structures
@Gaussler the height thing as Joseph said but perhaps more importantly it is color-safe if you use a primitve \setbox you are quite likely to trash the color stack:
Thanks to all :-). With what you said, I provided an answer to my own question here: tex.stackexchange.com/a/559720/19809 However, I’m quite unsure about whether I am doing it the right way. Any comments are appreciated :-)
@DavidCarlisle mathb.in
user image
@DavidCarlisle ^^ an important app
I just wonder what a cactus is doing there
@DavidCarlisle is learnlatex down? (I mean latex online)
@UlrikeFischer oh. let me check...
@UlrikeFischer try now
@DavidCarlisle compiles again ;-)
@UlrikeFischer applied standard high tech solution to computer issues.
@DavidCarlisle ashts= reboat?
@UlrikeFischer sudo service apache2 restart
@PauloCereda presumably it's an edible variety
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda I think you are missing an ó in your machine name
@DavidCarlisle Just in terminal (and hostname). :) The machine name has the correct ó in other places. :)
@PauloCereda we linguists worry about getting the right squiggle thing on letters
@DavidCarlisle ooh we also have one under c
@UlrikeFischer you broke hopatch at miktex?
@DavidCarlisle looks so. I also broke zref ;-(
I don't understand this release system. Do I have to undefine a new command for older releases?
@UlrikeFischer yes probably then update the annoying rollback tests to keep travis happy (simpler just to do it directly than via a pr:-) You can do it in the existing latexrelease block though I think
@UlrikeFischer was an issue reported for currentcounter or is it just something you spotted?
@DavidCarlisle I was checking some older documents against lthooks and ran into an error and then looked. basically this failed:
\documentclass{article} %

@UlrikeFischer can you run Frank's update-rollback-tests.sh in the git bash on windows? (or just run the equvalent in the cmd window since it's only one line
@DavidCarlisle I can try. What does it do?
@UlrikeFischer just calls l3build to update two tests that always fail if you touch latexrelease (it's only a one-liner you can look at it in an editor)
@UlrikeFischer I left a comment on your checkin....
@DavidCarlisle grr ;-(
@UlrikeFischer now I am confused though, how come travis just passed?
@DavidCarlisle where do you see that it passed? I see a failure.
@UlrikeFischer so do i now, for some reason I was being shown travis-ci.org/github/latex3/latex2e/builds/720374828 (which is green) later ones fail
@DavidCarlisle I did replace the path manually, I hope it works and the file ending is not wrong now ...
@UlrikeFischer now it's happy
@egreg I tried taking your excellent answer to a question of mine (tex.stackexchange.com/questions/557655/…) and made a modified version, generalizing it to arbitrary symbols. I was wondering if you have any comments? Again, thank you very much for your excellent answer :-)
4 hours later…
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz I know you are no longer active here. But would you consider editing your answer tex.stackexchange.com/a/445641/35864 along the lines suggested in my comment? If not, would you mind me editing the answer? Or would you rather have a separate answer? (The problem with a separate answer that comes in later is that it gets fewer upvotes and can look 'worse', but given the total number of votes that probably doesn't matter.)
@moewe god, it is difficult to keep track with biblatex ;-). Which reminds me: it would be perhaps good if the extended name input (with giveni=... would be mentioned in the biblatex docu too, and not only in the biber docu).
@UlrikeFischer Well, sometimes I wonder whether the stuff I pressure PLK into putting into biblatex is useful... Especially with stuff like this, it's documented somewhere, but it's hard for people to find out about.
@UlrikeFischer Agreed about the documentation for the extended name format. Tracked at github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/1038. I'm bad with documentation, though, so this may go to the back of the queue quickly
@moewe ;-). I only realized that it is missing because of question - I was so sure that this format exists that I tracked it down in the biber docu.
@UlrikeFischer Oh, I can never remember if it's given-i, giveni or given_i. And I'm never sure about where to put commas and braces, either. Hopefully PLK can find the time to write something up.
@MarcelKrüger did you see the harf mode question?
@UlrikeFischer Yes, I just pushed the fix.
@MarcelKrüger sounds as if we should really start to work on an update. Do you have list of the important changes for the docu?
@JosephWright the question tex.stackexchange.com/questions/559757/… used the tag "harftex". Can/should one rename this to harfmode?
@UlrikeFischer Yes: I guess I could mod-rename
@UlrikeFischer I added a list of the imprtant thing I could think of to the docu. There was also some Windows business, You probably know better what that was about.
@MarcelKrüger why does travis fail on the aaa-loading test? locally it worked for me.
@UlrikeFischer I don't know why it works for you, but here all unicode-math tests fail because unicode-math isn't yet compatible with the current latex-dev.
@MarcelKrüger ah right, the filehook problem, and the amsmath problem. Well locally I get errors in the log but the check pass nevertheless.
@moewe I just made the answer community wiki. Please feel free to edit whatever you like. (Thanks a lot for asking!)
@moewe and as you are already here I'd like to say thanks a lot for v2.15 - I love the new hooks!
I want to shift many \draws to the left, right, upper or down. Do you know an easy way of doing that?
@nbro \begin{scope}[xshift=1cm] ... \end{scope}
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz the values specified in (x, y) of the \draw command are in cm?
or what?
@nbro By default yes, but this can be changed
hm, I am not sure cuz I have a \draw that starts at (1.5, 0) -- (2.5,0)
so the bottom points are 1cm apart
oh, never mind
smaller than \scriptstyle?

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