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if i have a file called file.pdf.pdf is there a way to import that in minted without changing the file name?
4 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle Didn't you claim you have a crystal ball?
1 hour later…
@samcarter I tried but didn't get it :(
@marmot regarding the question I asked yesterday: the mess is because of the shifts in x and y.
Q: Fill between breaks suddenly

RaajaI am trying to plot a function as shown below: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \usepgfplotslibrary{fillbetween} \begin{document} \pgfmathdeclarefunction{gauss}{2}{% normal distribution where #1 = mu and #2 = sigma \pgfmathparse{exp(-((x-#1...

Stefan made a nice solution to overcome it.
1 hour later…
@samcarter Got it! But the hat flies away when you're driving a convertible :)
@baxx the file name doesn't make any difference what is in it? I would guess it is a pdf file in which case minted can't do anything as it is a verbatim-style package for including text files.
@marmot probably egreg stole it along with all the ticks
@DavidCarlisle Let him have them. Ticks are dangerous – their bite can give you meat allergy, and where would you be then?
I think you could still have duck, though, even if you did get meat allergy. It's mainly mammals you'd have to avoid. Along with dairy products, plus contact with leather wool in severe cases.
ooh ducks
@CarLaTeX @samcarter I got it too, but I had forgotten, that one can wear only one hat at a time, so I had to use it as a river ...
@UlrikeFischer :) On your avatar it looks like a castle moat :)
@Raaja I would actually use group plots for this.... much less trouble.
@samcarter a moat, also used for keeping the evening meal fresh
@CarLaTeX Oh no! Better ask @marmot to ride in the back of your car and catch your hat!
@DavidCarlisle I like another definition better: a moat to keep hungry duck-eating English men away :)
@DavidCarlisle you can't get this duck - it would proof that you found the question button.
@UlrikeFischer I really can't find it now as since the "re design" I'm using a user stylesheet to restyle the page, and I removed that useless button while I was setting up the new style.
@UlrikeFischer What a limitation! We should protest with the Powers!
@samcarter :)
@CarLaTeX get Phil to write a letter
@marmot I think I should have gone for that at first.
@DavidCarlisle there we go again
@DavidCarlisle I have a macro for this: \marmot[askphil] (but it won't result in a letter)
@samcarter ooh a4paper
@PauloCereda :)
@DavidCarlisle it is always a good idea to remove temptations from sight ;-)
1 hour later…
@samcarter how do you like my new hat?
It's brand new. :)
Quack <3
@PauloCereda Oh, a double duck :)
@samcarter $\duck^{\duck}$
and they say quack quack
@samcarter @PauloCereda sort of like a big mac compared to an ordinary burger
@DavidCarlisle You are mean :)
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
@DavidCarlisle Good to see that some things never change :)
@samcarter plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
How can I make a macro that produces smaller sized math? I'd like something like \newcommand\foo[1]{\footnotesize\ensuremath{$1}} but that produces tons of warnings when I do \foo{\foo{A}}.
@AlanMunn what do you want the nested one to do? be the same size or be smaller still?
@DavidCarlisle Same size.
@AlanMunn \def\foo#1{\mbox{\footnotesize$#1$}}
@DavidCarlisle Perfect. Thanks.
1 hour later…
@AlanMunn \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\substack{#1}}
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@egreg Thanks, any advantage of one over the other?
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
@AlanMunn That mine also works in the context of \Large or \footnotesize.
@egreg Ok. Probably not an issue in the actual use case, but yes, that's useful. Thanks.
@AlanMunn Add \ensuremath around the code, if you need so.
@egreg Yes, that's what I'll do.
@AlanMunn Or \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\mbox{\check@mathfonts\fontsize{\sf@size}{0}\selectfont$#1‌​$}}
@egreg Hmm. That shrinks when embedded which I don't want. (Weirdly there's also two spurious invisible characters before the last $).
@AlanMunn he'll try to steal a tick even when there are none to be had.
@DavidCarlisle Indeed. But I like the irony of the fact that the most recent version has spurious (invisible) spaces. :)
@DavidCarlisle hmm
Apr 15 at 9:38, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda dinner!
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle mml-redux
Mar 30 at 19:59, by David Carlisle
@egreg stop putting escape characters in your comments:-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
Mar 6 at 12:20, by Paulo Cereda
We ducks are not good at keeping secrets
@DavidCarlisle quite possible that we can keep the conversation stream going only by posting past comments
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle I see. I should've read the documentation. :)
@PauloCereda Missing $ inserted. The units weren't actually specified. :)
@AlanMunn ooh I like this approach
@AlanMunn I see no difference



Abcdef \fooA{aabb} abcdef

Abcdef \fooB{aabb} abcdef

@egreg Try doing \fooB{aaa,\fooB{bbb}} (which I need without a size change).
@AlanMunn I see. Not sure why you'd want to do that, but…
@egreg Because linguistics not math... :)



Abcdef \foo{aabb} abcdef

Abcdef \foo{aabb \foo{ccdd}} abcdef

@AlanMunn ^^^^^^^
@egreg Also now I see a downside to the \shortstack approach, since the embedded one is slightly lower than the other one. So this version is better.
@egreg Although in the actual use case the argument is wrapped in \langle...\rangle so it doesn't actually matter. Is there a reason to prefer the most recent version over the \substack version otherwise?
@AlanMunn Up to you.
@egreg The \substack version is certainly cleaner although it kind of abuses the semantics.




Abcdef \fooA{aabb} abcdef

Abcdef \fooA{aabb \fooA{ccpp}} abcdef

Abcdef \fooB{aabb} abcdef

Abcdef \fooB{aabb \fooB{ccpp}} abcdef


@AlanMunn ^^^^^ You can compare and judge
@egreg \fooA wins. :)
@egreg @DavidCarlisle do you know why the n below the j moves up (with xelatex and lualatex, so it is not my fault ;-))
%\setmathfont{Cambria Math}
$f_n f_n^j  f_n^{\smash{j}}$

$f_n f_n^i f_n^{\smash{i}}$
@UlrikeFischer Nice! The obvious difference is that j has a descender.
@UlrikeFischer in classic TeX appendix G different font params are used for the case with sub and sup on same base, so i guess the settings derived from the Math table don't have quite the values you'd want but can't look just now.
@egreg yes compared to $f^j$ the j is moved up when the n is there too and seems to "pull" is with it.
@DavidCarlisle you mean I should read the docu?
@UlrikeFischer looks vaguely familiar

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