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@AlanMunn Sounds good. So you found a way preventing David from spoiling egreg's pizza?
@AlanMunn: my favourite word is aviong for silly phonetic reasons. :)
6 hours later…
Meanwhile im Czechlands... [The Guardian: Czech protesters inflamed by police role for Communist MP ](theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/05/…)
3 hours later…
@yo' oh my
@PauloCereda “Parché corer cossì?” is exactly how we say here. But we say “zalo” for yellow. I guess “gialdo” is more from Trentino.
@egreg That's awesome!
@PauloCereda I don't think you can correctly pronounce “zalo”, however. ;-)
@egreg ooh challenge accepted
2 hours later…
I just got a gold badge for \mbox{thatshouldnot}
@DavidCarlisle undeserved, of course :)
@PauloCereda it's well deserved, as well deserved as an image from wikipedia
@DavidCarlisle grandma cookies
@DavidCarlisle: secret message poking :)
@PauloCereda the thing about secret messages is that you are not supposed to announce them on a globally readable internet page
@DavidCarlisle oh no
We ducks are not good at keeping secrets
@PauloCereda Poderíamos discutir isso em um idioma que ninguém entende, então seu segredo seria seguro.
@DavidCarlisle Very good. Just s/seria/estaria.
@DavidCarlisle I am going to teach Portuguese to @egreg. :)
@PauloCereda write Italian and add some spanish ~ accents here and there?
3 hours later…
hello, is it possible to build a texinfo file in Windows?
@antonio Pandoc, perhaps?
hmm, I will check. MikTeX texify does not seem to work
@PauloCereda: from pandoc.org/demos.html it requires makeinfo and texi2pdf and I do not have them in MikTeX
@antonio what do you want to do make an info file from it or typeset it with tex
@antonio texi2pdf is usually installed as texi2any these days I think (or at least it is in texlive)
@DavidCarlisle I have a texi file and want to build a PDF (and possibly html)
@antonio see if you have texi2any although just using tex directly is also a possibility a texinfo file is just tex
@DavidCarlisle texi2any is for Windows?
@DavidCarlisle I do not have it in MikTeX
@antonio it is a perl script so should be available in anything I use the cygwin texlive on windows rather than miktex and it is installed here
not in the path
sorry let me check better
@DavidCarlisle there is no texi2any in MikTeX setup dir
@antonio I know nothing about miktex, sorry:)
@DavidCarlisle I have texify btw
@DavidCarlisle I have nothing like texi2any in my texlive(s).
@UlrikeFischer so it isn't (@antonio) I think I have a direct install of texinfo from cygwin, sorry.
@UlrikeFischer @antonio the reference texinfo implementation is called texi2any and/or makeinfo: gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/html_node/…
@DavidCarlisle there should be a perl script to download
@antonio Ah sorry, I have no experience in that format
@DavidCarlisle @UlrikeFischer please, can you tell if texinfo.tex is somehow relevant?
texyfy claims to be the same as texi2dvi, however it is unable to find texindex
@antonio downloads are all here if you want to install from scratch gnu.org/software/texinfo
@PauloCereda you should use a proper editor then you would be more used to the info format
@PauloCereda 3 years and have you reached page 4 yet?
Q: How long does it take to make a 4-page paper?

fierro martinI need this information for a project. A paper completed with TikZ, tables, eps and vps graphics, text structure, bibliography.

@DavidCarlisle oi
@PauloCereda sorry, 4 years:
Jan 12 '16 at 12:15, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda finished your thesis?
(I'm sure I gave you a couple of years writing time before asking if it was done:-)
@DavidCarlisle oh
@DavidCarlisle: more secret messages
@PauloCereda é um segredo
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle So far not super clear. `texinfo-6.5.tar\texinfo-6.5\util\` has `texi2any.bat` and a README
`texi2any.bat` is just a generic perl caller. The README not even mentions `texi2any.bat`. There are `texi2pdf.bat` etc which are btw shell not perl scripts
@antonio years since I did this but as far as I remember the perl/bat/shell scripts are only a convenience and you can simply use the docuemnt as a plain tex file if you simply want to typeset it
@DavidCarlisle that means you are old?
@PauloCereda no, just that I was very young once
@DavidCarlisle ooh
6 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle No devious tricks this time?
@egreg no just getting ticks that you didn't get:-)

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