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@DavidCarlisle Er ... ? Come again?
I think my happyholidays answer may have gone a bit off-topic ;).
4 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@cfr are you implying that my Welsh translation may have been less than perfect? Unbelievable.
@DavidCarlisle boo
@PauloCereda Meu galês é tão perfeito quanto meu português
@cfr I spent the longest time on my answer getting below the 30k limit, and you simply posted two answers, unfair:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
Windows 10 VM installed: adding TeX now ...
Time to look over all of the those GitHub bugs
Thinking about email setup too: I worry that 'reply below' may be a lost cause ...
(At least at work)
So, did everyone get good presents?
@JosephWright I got this one for TikZ inspiration:
@StefanKottwitz Cool
@JosephWright I got neat donkeys
@UlrikeFischer Cool
@UlrikeFischer I don't want to disappoint you, but someone else got the donkeys. You just got the spaces where the donkeys were.
@DavidCarlisle The donkeys are outside during the day ...
@DavidCarlisle Sorry :(. Was very, very tired by that point. My code doesn't just work like yours.
@DavidCarlisle Perhaps it isn't the translation which is the problem? What was the original?
@UlrikeFischer :-)
@cfr I translated your comment as "Merry Christmas to all those who are not here" and replied something like "and to those who are!" :-)
@PauloCereda don't tell me.you got only one present :-O
Regards to everybody
@DavidCarlisle Again Merry Christmas
@DavidCarlisle I have changed, again, my question.
@yo' yes. :)
@PauloCereda hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii paulo
@Sebastiano 'ello.
@PauloCereda Regards to everybody without @ is visible everybody? Still I must understand the chat, badges, others rooms, ecc.
@PauloCereda oh no! You have to come here, I'd give you some more! :)
@PauloCereda I have not undestand how I can take antoher bronze. Three days ago I had 10/20 answer. Now 7/20! Why?
@PauloCereda How I can obtaine 100/100 score and 20/20 answers? Sorry
@Sebastiano Every message posted in the chatroom is publicly visible. The only feature of using @ is that the user gets notified, nothing else. I tihnkTorbjørn already addressed this to you.
@Sebastiano I have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. I don't follow.
@DavidCarlisle I hope it has not caused you to spend some time with my question about Adobe Illustrator and LaTeX.
@PauloCereda Look my image.
@PauloCereda How do I get to 100/100 score and 20/20 answers?
@Sebastiano Dunno.
@Sebastiano That's a badge tracker: you'll get there if you answer 20 questions and got a score of at least 100 for those answers
@JosephWright Hi Joseph. Thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I hope to understand it.
@PauloCereda Dunno? What is Dunno? ahahahaha
@JosephWright Why three days ago there were 10/10 answers and now 7/20?
@Sebastiano Is it the same badge?
@JosephWright Yes, of course.
@cfr thanks a lot lot
@DavidCarlisle Oh, I see. Well, nobody was here but me when I said it. But that is not actually what you said. I'm not actually sure how to make sense of what you said. Something like 'And to those who have them'.
@cfr You answer is really educational, as my knowledge of welsh Christmas tradition is zero and all my knowledge of English Christmas comes from the Christmas episodes of "Downtown Abbey" :) Thanks a lot!
@samcarter Thanks for your suggestions
@Sebastiano The number of answers can go down (deletions/downvotes/retaggings), but the number needed shouldn't
@JosephWright I have delete my answer with 0 score.
@samcarter Good morning from Sicily. Thanks a lot for your help. What is the website to recognize the characters? i.stack.imgur.com? This is not work.
@TorbjørnT. Good morning to you from Sicily.
@Sebastiano Just look at the properties in your PDF viewer. The picture is just a screenshot of the font properties for the PDF. That site just hosts images for SE.
@Sebastiano What @cfr said :)
@cfr I have not understand.
@samcarter I have not understand. My English is very bad
@Sebastiano It's not an online service. i.stack.imgur.com is just the website where the images for tex.stackexchange are uploaded. if you want to know the fonts, open the pdf for example in adobe reader and have a look at file->properties...->fonts (or whatever this is in your language)
@cfr What is the link?
@Sebastiano The image @samcarter posted listing the fonts is from the PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader or Evince or Okular or whatever). To see which fonts are used in a PDF, just look at the Properties in your viewer.
@Sebastiano There's no link. It is a programme on your computer.
@samcarter I admit I am poor. But in the end I succeeded thanks to you and to @cfr
@samcarter Thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. There are many many fonts
@samcarter @cfr There are many fonts: symbols, mathematica, times, baskerville
I must go. See your later. Thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss‌​ss
best regardssssssssssssssssss
@cfr hallooooooooooooooooo @samcarter, hallo @TorbjørnT. hallooooooooooooooooo
@Sebastiano I spent no time at all on it:-) (and even as edited, to be honest I would not vote to re-open, you have not shown what you want to do or any code to show what you have tried_
Hi @Sebastiano, hope Christmas has been good so far.
2 hours later…
'@Sebastiano So there is Times in it (which is not Times New Roman, but is similar). We can't see what else and I don't understand what it says - whether they are embedded or not. But, really, did you look in the Font Catalogue? Just pick what you like and copy-paste the code it gives you into your preamble. If you need more help, post code as @DavidCarlisle says.
2 hours later…
@egreg Why doesn’t this answer have code highlighting?
@HenriMenke I used <pre> and </pre>; I don't remember why. Perhaps exactly for not getting LaTeX syntax highlighting.
@egreg Ah, I see.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Probabily if I will have a little time, I will put my code. Actually I use a old pc where I have not installed MikTeX. Now I use Papeeria. At least for now, leave the question hold.
@cfr I said that there was something like Times New Roman. Really, did not I have looked in the Font Catalogue. This procedure for me is familiar. I must, still, re-installing InKScape with plug-in for LaTeX, I would understand, very well, if Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Distiller e InDesign. After I will change my question.
@DavidCarlisle, @cfr Good evening. And thanks
@egreg Hallo egreg thanks a lot for your wishesssss.
@Sebastiano Sorry. I don't understand what you mean. If you are asking me something, could you try explaining again? Do you mean that the Font Catalogue is familiar? Why would you need to reinstall Inkscape? I'm afraid I've never used Adobe Illustrator or InDesign. I used to have Distiller on my Mac when I had Adobe Acrobat, but I've not used a Mac for a while. Now I only have Adobe Reader and I avoid it whenever possible as it is so awful :(.
Happy Boxing Day everybody!
@cfr two days too late :-P :-D
@yo' Right on time here, though. I guess this is the British class system: the working classes only get Christmas the day after the upper echelons celebrate ;).
@cfr since 2015 or so, we've got three holidays here: the Eve, the Day and St Stephan the Martyr.
I live a nightmare again after a computer crash. This time when I try to compile the file I see it's completely blank.
Using TeXworks here.
The file is around 1MB size, but when open it with notepad nothing appears.
One way would be to convert pdf to latex (I have the pdf file), and I need only a little part of the file to save.
@Then What if you use something saner, like Notepad++ or anything else?
@wilx Thank you! Trying now.
@wilx The only thing that appears with Notepad++ is a long sequence of NUL.
Heh. Well, your PC is broken, it seems. Dunno.
2 hours later…
@Then texworks crashing and leaving the file all null seems depressingly common if you haven't got a backup, best would probably be to cut text out of the pdf and just re-add the tex markup by hand.
@Sebastiano I honestly can not guess what inkskape illustrator, Indesign etc have to do with your question which as far as I can make out is asking how to generate diagrams with tikz?
@cfr just watched s4c.cymru/clic/e_level2.shtml?programme_id=536082290 good job I'm fluent in Welsh:-)
@DavidCarlisle Sorry David. I wanted to know simply if the programs that you have shown can be combined. In the coming days I will try to make clear in my mind and change my application detailing what I want. Excuse me ever so much. When I was little I feel guilty when someone gets angry with me.
@Sebastiano over and over again you say people are getting angry with you, they are not:-)
@DavidCarlisle I do not know why I always feel wonder absurd things.
@DavidCarlisle I'm going to sleep. Good night
Good night everyody
good night

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