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12:39 AM
Nadolig llawen i bawb nad ydynt yma ... :-)
2 hours later…
2:15 AM
@cfr ac i'r rhai sydd yn cael eu!
2 hours later…
3:55 AM
update received from the norad santa claus watch: the sleigh has completed its tour of europe, and is on its way to south america. @PauloCereda -- you're next.
5 hours later…
8:46 AM
@barbarabeeton Yay! :)
Merry Christmas to all!
@PauloCereda To you too
@JosephWright <3
I got myself a video game. :)
1 hour later…
10:06 AM
Merry Christmas to everybody!
10:51 AM
@egreg Merry Christmas @egreg for you and your familly
@Sebastiano To you too, and to everybody you care of!
@egreg Thanksssssssss. I have sent an email yesterday.
@Sebastiano Will sort email later.
@egreg okkkk. Now I go to prepare the lunch.
@egreg best wishes to you and to all into room.
@egreg My English is very bad. Sorry.
@egreg Good lunch with all my heart. Regardsssssssssssssssss
1 hour later…
12:05 PM
Oh boy, lots of presents! When presents = 1. :)
1 hour later…
1:09 PM
@egreg: I just heard Palmeiras wants to get Felipe Melo!
1 hour later…
2:34 PM
@PauloCereda Oh, no!
2 hours later…
4:37 PM
hi :)
I just got the talk in chat privilege :D
@bttX just in time for Christmas:-)
hahaha yes it's just what I told myself
@bttX unfortunately not much Cricket at this time of year so @egreg and @PauloCereda passing the time discussing some game called football (again)
May god help them .. I don't like football
Actually I HATE football è_é
5:08 PM
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle: Merry Christmas!
5:22 PM
@PauloCereda Merry Christmas
@PauloCereda you should have a present for Christmas, a new book: goo.gl/IgQHXx
4 hours later…
8:59 PM
@DavidCarlisle Merry Christmas for you and your parents.
@PauloCereda Merry Christmassss from Sicily.
Merry Christmassss everybody
9:47 PM
@TorbjørnT. Hiiiiiiii and best wishes

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