@SeanAllred sure chat is chat but the latex sources have switched from rcs to cvs to svn, but I don't think there has ever been an real proposal to switch out of svn
@FaheemMitha For a long time, I never used git branches. I never really had the time to try out different ideas simultaneously. It was only during my thesis that I actually started using branches.
@JosephWright Well, complex projects don't necessarily subdivide so neatly. There is lots of scope for people to step on each others toes. They might be editing the same files while working on a different feature, or something.
@DavidCarlisle I just don't see how we can logically say that's a thing – I really believe that the 'project team' would grow if it was easier to contribute.
It becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of what everyone is doing. After a certain point you can start spending as much or more time keeping track of what people are doing as geting work done.
The other great thing about DVCS's is the ability to commit locally. This is really useful. And then you can back up to your own private repos. Don't have to worry about losing your changes.
@SeanAllred, @FaheemMitha One thing SVN offers that Git is violently against is that the sources themselves have the revision in ($Id): that's still important to us
@JosephWright It's generally useful. Do you guys just have unsaved changes till you commit? And what about while you are working on it? What happens to intermediate changes?
Of course, if there are only 3 people working on it at any given them, and you are all talking to each other all the time anyway, then it may not really matter very much.
@FaheemMitha yes some do, but google didn't kill goolecode to push people on to mercurial, they left a strong hint to use github, microsoft didn't opensource the .NET runtime on to mercurial (or even their own codeplex) they used github the w3c HTML test suite was on mercurial but now it' on github, there is sort of a theme...
@FaheemMitha, @SeanAllred I don't think you'd get on with the rules for the LaTeX2e sources, which predate using SVN and are 'step the version for each code change'
@FaheemMitha there are plenty of people using CVS (I was using it a few minutes ago:-) but it would be a strange choice for a new project, given the way the tide is flowing
@SeanAllred we also have \changes entries for a typeset change log, which are currently date and version based. Of course there are alternatives but that is an unbroken 25 year change log, and not something to just drop as it doesn't fit a natural distributed git flow..
@DavidCarlisle DVCS is almost a superset of centralized VCS. There are a few things DVCS can't do that centralized systems can, but they are pretty marginal. Everything else can be emulated.
@SeanAllred the \changes entry has a filedate and version number, which implies that the changed file has a (new) date and version, which was what you were implying ought to be dropped in favour of an automated hook on push
@FaheemMitha of course, as I said above, but if you are not using the decentralised features, using svn as it is designed is simpler than using git in a way that emulates svn
@SeanAllred We have a mirror of the SVN for LaTeX3 on GitHub, originally Will's idea but generally quite handy (notice how I never point anyone to the SVN web interface)
@FaheemMitha Discussion still seemed to be going on
@FaheemMitha I think it's fair to point out I have no proper programming or CS background, only what I've learned 'on the job', so may well miss things that are useful/standard. I know how I use version control (Git nowadays for my own code, Mercurial in the past, SVN for the team stuff): there may well be other approaches.
@FaheemMitha You are missing the fact that I'd welcome a move from SVN to Git :-)
Now if I could have made David exclaim - how could I have been so blind! the scales have fallen from my eyes! etc. etc. Well, that would be something.
@JosephWright From what you describe of your workflow, it doesn't sound like it is critical, and if what you have is working well for you, I don't see a problem.
@FaheemMitha You can download a TeX file and use it without compiling the source: that's not true with anything that builds binaries. So there is a lot of concern in making sure if some user picks up a file the file itself can be traced back to a specific version.
@FaheemMitha SVN has a globally unique checkin serial number and (by convention) an incremental version number. You can arrange for SVN to add an $Id$ line to the sources (expl3, for example) or always increment the version on every checkin (LaTeX2e). The former plan fails with a DVCS, the latter is certainly more tricky (although still workable)
@FaheemMitha We've had some pull requests for l3build, which at present I have to add by hand. I'd probably rework some bits of them in any case, but it would be better to accept the merges then modify after-the-fact.
@FaheemMitha For LaTeX2e I don't think we'll do anything: SVN works, development is very restricted and needs a lot of understanding. For LaTeX3 things are different.
@FaheemMitha I do see the business that @SeanAllred alludes to about being 'accessible': GitHub is certainly a better place to report issues than Gnats (the LaTeX2e bug tracker)
@FaheemMitha Probably we (or at least some of us) would pick up branches and the like for features if we switched: would be a cultural change so not immediate
@FaheemMitha I know about branches in SVN: I do not want to try that! (siunitx went from no version control to SVN with two branches. It's fine if you only want dev/stable and to merge rarely.)
@FaheemMitha I might be wrong about the Git business: I think though this is one for a face-to-face discussion, which handily will be possible at TUG2015 for quite a large part of the team
When running pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode I am looking for:
Ways to detect whether there were errors solely based on the log files (assume we don't have access to the process exit code).
Extract a user-friendly error message from the log file.
Error messages seem to always start with a !...
@DavidCarlisle I know you mentioned auctex David, but I was hoping someone who already knows the solution (and doesn't need to refer to auctex) would be able to answer ... then I wouldn't need to try to understand emacs lisp ...
@JosephWright If you send me what you think may be of concern with the transition, I'll try to put together solution sketches. You know where to find my email :)
@DavidCarlisle That sort of makes sense: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=posh Maybe I just picked it up from someone. Funny how language can act as a virus.
@Cortizol 64-bit binaries are not distributed for Windows by default
@Cortizol but see tex.stackexchange.com/a/227731/21344 if you really want them for some reason. Not a lot of benefit to getting them as far as I can tell.
I can reproduce your problem if the figure is too high to fit in the remaining part of the page after the chapter style. There's nothing you can do about it other than reducing the figure height or letting it float.
Here's an explanation.
After a chapter title, LaTeX disallows a page break. The...
@FrankMittelbach The only legal break point is the space or penalty before \chapter; this vanishes at the break; then on the second page no break point is available.
@egreg chapter uses \vspace* and that doesn't vanish -- it is the \topskip space that produces the problem and because of the mark or the \write-{} that one becomes a breakpoint
\begin{document} \vbox to 1.2\textheight{} \end{document}
@egrep while this doesn't show the problem:
\begin{document} xxx \eject \vbox to 1.2\textheight{} \end{document}
@egreg technically no but the explanation is slightly different then. anyway I wonder if there shouldn't be a nobreak following that \write in \document
@FrankMittelbach I was just looking at latex2.09 earlier:
% \begin{macro}{\mark}
% \LaTeX~2.09 initialized an empty mark. Who knows, someone may have
% relied on it:
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
Hi, I noticed my question from over half a year ago is still untouched: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/202242/…. So can I conclude from this that it's hard to do / typographically not sound / or otherwise?
The multicol environment is not designed to support column floats. The concept of balancing makes this next to impossible to automatically provide correct results in the general case and therefore I decided not to extend multicolin this direction for 2e.
For example, with multicol you can change...