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I want to learn to format page layouts. For example, I want to put the page number in different places on different pages. I have been trying to make a sensible MWE, but since I have no experience in this, all of my work so far has been too embarrassing to post as a question. Can someone tell me where I can go to learn more about this? I read the fancyhdr doc a bit, but could not get it to work. I also know that you are supposed to use a cleardoublepage before using a another page style
I feel pretty lost and would appreciate some guidance
Feel free to let me know if my approach is completely wrong too, I just want to learn how to approach this
1 hour later…
I read some of the relevant chapter in Lamport's book, and now its getting to work better
2 hours later…
@Jasper you don't have to cleardoublepage unless you want to. usually you'd want at least \clearpage, but it isn't mandatory. I'd use fancyhdr if you are using a standard class. but not if you are using memoir or koma or something.
@mickep what is the intended meaning of Intermezzi/Intermezzo? I'm guessing Anterliwtiau/Anterliwt, but that seems extreme niche.
@mickep also, is the 'a' really intended in thing like 'on a following page'? that's a bizarre direction to give to a reader? 'on the previous page'/'on the next page' is usual, but 'on some page or other somewhere among the 345 before this one' is a bit more unusual.
@mickep and what does 'at page' mean? (as opposed to 'on page'?)
@Jasper I prefer KOMA and scrlayer-scrpage for personal projects (generally I found scrlayer-scrpage to give more consistent results compared to fancyhdr in which I observed "jumping" elements in some edge cases).
2 hours later…
@Jasper You have several options, as explained here. I have little experience with KOMA classes, but for standard classes, fancyhdr+ geometry is the easiest way. Nevertheless, I suggest you read the introduction of the memoir package, which is perfect to understand the concepts (name of the margins/distances, issues of legibility, etc.).
This ain't right. This is not me
But the link is correct, just the highlighting seems to be wrong
@Rmano scrlayer-scrpage also works with standard classes, iirc. I prefer it (see above). There is an answer of mine on the network (but I'm too lazy to search) where OP observed jumping headlines and I only switched it to use scrlayer-scrpage instead and that worked out.
@JasperHabicht there's another Jasper... ;-)
@Rmano Yes, but it should not be highlighted if it is not me.
This is right
@JasperHabicht Ah! maybe a case of blog.codinghorror.com/… in the chat code?
@JasperHabicht Did you also get the notification for the other Jasper?
@Skillmon I'll try!
@Rmano No, no notification and also if I hover, the correct lines in the chat are highlighted. So, it seems that the highlighting is done differently from the whole other stuff
@Rmano found the question/answer: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/457051/…
@Skillmon Thanks
I didn't investigate at the time (and certainly will not do so now), so I have no idea what fancyhdr does wrong there.
@cfr Well, you do not need to translate all instances. That is an old one, not so often used probably. Maybe they needed something for some floats at some point that were not really figures, and then it stayed.
@cfr Not sure how "on a following page" is used. Regarding at, see wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/at
3 hours later…
@JosephWright why did you close the regex-avoidance-plan?
@Skillmon I fast-forwarded dev to the commit, so GitHub's not showing it as applied - but it is
@JosephWright ooh no, now I commented in vain
@Skillmon I see your point, but I don't think using a single token over just the text really makes a difference
@Skillmon Change to wording on c-type added
@JosephWright as I said in that comment, the amount of cases in which it does make a difference are very few, and since nowadays we don't optimise for memory, the 18 tokens vs. 1 aren't as bad, either. Still, from a programmatic viewpoint \AssignTemplateKeys would be the correct thing to check (assuming no one used \UseName{AssignTemplateKeys} or some such).
@JosephWright but feel free to ignore my remarks, it's not as if the code awfully degrades in practice because of this.
2 hours later…
I just tried to update texlive using tlmgr, and ` fmtutil-sys --byhyphen "language.dat"` has been running for more than an hour. is this normal? can i terminate the process and try again?
nevermind. how do i delete my own messages here? is there a duration after which messages can't be deleted?
@ApoorvPotnis You can't, but I can ;)
If I choose to - I don't see the need here
Oh, moderator privileges
@EmanueleNardi how did you know what Joseph looked like, given he uses a duck avatar?
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Quack
@JosephWright dinner
@Skillmon If I use scrbook, then how can I set the page geometry (and change it for specific pages), also what is their equivalent of titlesec? It seems scrbook makes many syntaxes not work, in favor of their own - which I do not know. The KOMA manual is huge too. Is this truly a worthwhile endeavor?
maybe I will use scrpage and scrlayer separately
Sorry guys for interrupting your conversation, just trying to learn
I am not a TeX Guru, so I don't know how to implement things like titlesec and page geometry manually without packages ;-)
@Jasper Yes, we should first let David and Joseph finish their conversation about the newly leaked image of Joseph. ;)
Sorry about that, I have trouble understanding common social situations.
@mickep lol
@Jasper Me too. I could not really understand if they were done or not. (Sorry, I don't know about your layout problem, but changing layout along the way can be a bit problematic, you do not want to do it in a paragraph for example)
I've been using latex for years, and I still frequently realize how much of a noob I am in many areas
I just want to replicate the formatting of one of those standard textbooks to prove that I can
@mickep so the translation is not used in the output?
@Jasper Just don't use scrbook.
Okay @egreg, I'll take your word for it. I think I need to ask a question on how to put figure captions in the margin without marginnote, as I've been putting it off ;)
@cfr the at in \at is not being output, just like in is not output for \in.
@egreg Why not?
@mickep ok, I think it is too complicated for me ...
@cfr If you in LaTeX refers to something with \ref it does not print "ref", does it? And if you do \pageref it does not print pageref. So, \at{X}{Y}[ref] prints X7Y, given that the ref is on page 7.
@Jasper You are not alone. Don't worry; keep learning and moving forward :)
Thank you @EmanueleNardi :)
@mickep ooh look I'm a context expert texlive.net/…
the "show structure" link is a new toy
@DavidCarlisle The HTML is beautiful.
@DavidCarlisle Oh, no real structure inthere :(
@mickep but I used up all my context tagging knowledge so that's as much structure as you get (rnv doesn't like it though)
I just noticed that \value{page} e-expands (like in \exp_args:Ne) to \c@page while \arabic{page} e-expands to the actual value. The former feels more right, but I need the value at some point … what to do?
@DavidCarlisle I will not show it to you-know-who, since I do not want to risk leaving the columnset/pagebreak mode and enter tagging mode...
@JasperHabicht \value expands to the counter, so is useful for calculations, \arabic is like \alph or \roman and expands to a print form, it's just more or less coincidental that the arabic form is also a valid input for calculations.
Probably sleep over it and then find the solution to be very easy tomorrow …
@DavidCarlisle So, which form would be best if I need the counter value? The counter directly (\c@page)?
@mickep I have read the whole of pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/interaction.pdf all the way from chapter 16 on tagging to the end, so I'm sure I have the full picture now of how it works.
@JasperHabicht define "need" if you need to print it use \arabic{counter} or \thecounter if you need to use the value use \value{counter}
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that seems complete.
@JasperHabicht Depending on the language, \arabic may be .. all sorts
@DavidCarlisle I need to compare the current value with another int using \int_compare:nNnTF
@JasperHabicht then \value or \c@xxxx
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle With \value I get missing number in certain cases … I check again. Then probably I go with \c@
@DavidCarlisle (since when are you reading documentation?)
Thanks anyways. Maybe my problem is rooted in some other stupid mistake …
@JosephWright I wonder if the kernel ought to provide \thisreallyisthenonarabicnumeralscalledarabicinwesternweurope that keeps its meaning even if babel etc changes \arabic
@mickep blame @UlrikeFischer for leading me astray
@DavidCarlisle \int_eval:n :)
@JosephWright I saw that
@DavidCarlisle :)
I think my problem is somewhere else, either the expansion is too early or too late ... \value{}should indeed work
@mickep One is tied to MK will.
@egreg I did not know that was a problem, but OK.
Oh! I got it! Indeed very stupid ... I should of course use \value{counter} for comparison, but not for typesetting ...
@JasperHabicht what I said:-)
Would \int_use:N \value{foo} be allowed for typesetting? Or maybe I just redesign the function ...
@JasperHabicht It's not N-type -so it's not 'allowed'
@JosephWright That's obvious
Silly, its \the okay ... I think I should look into that tomorrow really
@mickep Doing things differently from what MK likes is very difficult.
@JasperHabicht No, but \int_use:n {\value{foo}} is good.
@egreg unless you get your very own document option added
@mickep yes, but \ref is always \ref. it doesn't get translated.
@mickep like I said, I think it is too complicated for me. it makes no sense to me to have different names for commands to produce a citation or whatever. makes or, at least, I can see it might make sense, but it would make bilingual documents very annoying to code.
@DavidCarlisle sadly the most brilliant class option ever got renamed and the original name no longer works :(
@samcarter It produces a long warning containing an apology.
@samcarter oh
@cfr Indeed, there is no Swedish interface as well. Easier to use the English one.
@egreg Does \int_use:n even exist?
@JasperHabicht Yes, but I guess it's now \int_to_arabic:n
Omg, I just found a new tutorial to TikZ (series is still in development) on YouTube! Is there anywhere I can share this resource on the site so others may benefit from it, too?
@Atex you can post a link to it as an answer on one of the "big list" tutorial questions. This one seems most specific for tikz
Q: Materials for learning TikZ

TimI feel intimidated in learning TikZ. I was wondering if there are some nice materials (or just your replies) at different level: for providing big picture, which is important to beginners to not lose direction during learning. for comprehensive reference. Examples are important, but only exam...

@Atex -- There really isn't an obvious way to "advertise" something like this on tex.sx. But the TUG website has pages on topics of interest (for example, interviews, book reviews, printing museums), and tutorials might be a reasonable addition. I'll look into the possibility and report back. While not all possible entries for a particular topic are of top quality, we should be able to find reviewers to sort out items that give bad advice.
Good evening, everyone. I’m trying to replicate the underline style shown here. What should I search for on the website? I’m absolutely exhausted, and my brain isn’t cooperating anymore. :(
@barbarabeeton This is exactly what's been my concern, and why I've been reluctant to follow any YouTube tutorial, even though I prefer them because of the step-by-step guide. The professor I've found, however, has used TikZ/PGF for over 15 years, and watching her first video on basics, I've already learned some small details that I wasn't aware of before! You can read more about her on her site and tell me whether you agree that it's a reputable source or not.
I shall wait for your reply on whether it's a good idea to share the resource in the question @DavidCarlisle linked
I believe it's important to note that the line should be very thick (I get the sense that I might need TikZ to achieve this).
@StefanKottwitz "descenders" was the word, THANK YOU
Isn't there a package that already does this by default as of today?
@Jasper imho, yes. KOMA has some automatic page geometry setup, but if you want full control use geometry. KOMA doesn't need titlesec nor fancyhdr as it has its own (imho superior) facilities for it, but yes, you have to read (parts of) the documentation. \RedclareSectioningCommand is what you're after to change how headings should look (and take a look at table 20.1 -- at least in the German version of the documentation -- in the documentation to see the options you could use for it).
@Jasper oh don't you worry, I have written much TeX code, have amassed 70k rep on this page, do create pull requests against the L2e (seldomly) and L3 kernel, but there are areas in which I'm a total noob. Not everybody can be @DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer or @egreg.
@JasperHabicht \the\value{<counter>} or \value in numexpr etc. \value is meant to expand to the register itself, whereas \arabic{value} is meant for formatting (and it just so happens to be usable everywhere TeX expects a number).
@DavidCarlisle oh, you were (a bit) faster.
@JasperHabicht \value{<counter>} is just the user level form of using \c@<counter>.
@EmanueleNardi underlining in TeX (apart from single symbols for mathematical notations) is very poorly supported, generally. The best package for the general concept of underlined text is (by far) lua-ul, it doesn't support this. But if there is a way to get this nicely automated it's with some Lua callbacks, otherwise @StefanKottwitz seems like the best you get (not belittling it, the answer as well as the other answers to that question look sound)
@mickep at the risk of digging myself into a still deeper hole, which file(s) contain translations which are relevant for the typeset output as opposed to the interface? where does e.g. Saturday come from when that is output rather than input? (I can produce a date without specifying the names, so I assume this is somewhere defined per language.)
@Skillmon Thank you for the detailed response. I’ve decided to go with the simpler approach using the contour package, following the code provided in this answer.

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