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@cfr I take it here, since it does not have with the question to do really: 1) If you find something on the wiki that can be improved, please do (that is how the wiki works). 2) If you want cy, you can add it with \installlanguage (see lang-def.mkxl for examples). If you think it will be useful for more people, send it to Hans.
@DavidCarlisle But then \codepoint_str_generate:n is right, and the question of typesetting doesn't come up
@mickep well, you can't translate mult-def.lua for welsh. it isn't possible.
@cfr Oh, why not? Is there something specific with Welsh?
@mickep well, there is the issue of yes and no for a start. what question are those possible answers to and who is asking it?
@cfr Is your nick cfr? yes. Is your nick crf? no.
But, not everything in that file needs to be filled. Some of them (like yes/no) are not really used often. I cannot remember seeing it once in a Swedish document.
@mickep so always present tense about a third-personal thing?
@mickep but also how is, say, month being used? just in isolation? i.e. not in a sentence?
Of course you do not need to contribute anything, but you must understand that Hans is Dutch, and knows English pretty well. Other users have contributed with languages, and there is Tomáš who is interested in languages and does a good work managing those files. It is not that all those entries came from nobody. Maybe nobody needed Welsh up to now.
@mickep I realise that. babel used to have anti-support for welsh i.e. it had a file, but it was mostly wrong. (most of it was not even welsh.) but correcting babel was straightforward.
@cfr Well, like yes and no in English. If there is no counterpart in Welsh, then one has to make a decent choice. And I don't know about where month is used, but I could say directly that it would be månad in Swedish.
@cfr I like 'anti-support' :)
@JosephWright I could do the \ifnum#1 > 127 test and use \codepoint_generate:nn{ } { 13 } or (if false) \codepoint_str_generate:n
@cfr Maybe it would be easier for you to add support for ConTeXt if you were a user and needed the stuff.
@mickep @mickep welsh has numerous words for 'yes' and numerous words for 'no'. which is correct depends on the question and the questioner. there is no 'decent choice' in general.
In fact, I would probably leave mult-def untouched. You do not need it to be able to use the Welsh language in ConTeXt.
@mickep no doubt, but I could not give you a general translation for 'yes' or 'no'. I can tell you the word for 'month' but I cannot tell you if it should appear that way in a document or whether it should be mutated unless I know the context.
@JasperHabicht I'm confused: you seem to want part-string-part-typesetting catcodes?
@mickep is the date format wrong for uk english in lang-def.mkx? it seems to use the us format, but I don't know context to know if I'm misinterpreting it.
@cfr Well, I think that file is more for the interface. If you want to type your macros and keys in Welsh. Not for the output of words like "Chapter" and so on. And then you can set keys to yes or no, and that are the yes and no that are there.
@JosephWright Hm ... I see the logical clash ... maybe I need to think again about how to handle Unicode in the different engines
@mickep oh, in that case, I'd translate 'OK' and 'Cancel' and forget 'yes' and 'no'.
@cfr I must say I don't even know how the date should be written in uk.
@mickep so it should be day - month - year rather than the us month - day -year.
@cfr Well, I don't know Welsh, so no clue if that makes sense.
@cfr I guess then one shall add a date key to that language definition.
@mickep I don't know how many people even use cy interfaces. and most of them are partial at best. it gets tricky if I end up with a mix of welsh and spanish, as our library system used to use.
@cfr I do not see a reason to use another language in the interface. For labels and similar stuff, one needs to add to lang-txt.lua.
@JosephWright it does if what you are doing is tyesetting, surely. Classical example {text='AT&T — stock went up 5%'} you don't want the tex specials to have their normal meanings but you do want (in 8 bit tex) dash to be inputenc active) (ie you want it parsed like verbatim)
@mickep that is just the file Max directed me to. there are reasons to translate interfaces, but they are a lot of work and tricky to get right. it is also easy to screw them up. e.g. I have interfaces where it should say 'select' and it says 'delete' in the welsh ....
@cfr I would not think of using anything else but the English interface.
@DavidCarlisle That's just \codepoint_genearate:nn { <whatever> } { 12 } though
@mickep I use Welsh by preference. In practice, that means a mix of Welsh and English but this is partly a political choice, partly a consequentialist one and partly a matter of preference.
@cfr OK
@JosephWright yes as I said last night I'd forgotton that you lost the 12 when it made no sense, so @JasperHabicht doesn't need the <127 test that I suggested and can use 12 (which is what you said at the start:-)
@mickep it may make a difference if there have been attempts to eradicate your language in the recent past ;). or if people have gone to jail or on hunger strike for language rights.
@cfr Yes, I see that could be a motivation to add something.
@mickep we have two words for 'and' depending on whether the next word starts with a vowel ...
@mickep but if it is only for 'and' in authors or editors, it wouldn't matter?
@cfr I don't know Welsh, so I don't know if it matters. :)
(I guess it could be for "and" in list of authors for example)
@mickep so it really should be a if followed by a consonant and ac if followed by a vowel. but it won't cause a mutation followed by a person's name unless the name is welsh, in which case it probably does.
1 hour later…
What have I forgotten here? Why does the ~ gets eaten
BTW: t3.chat is rather impressive.
@daleif ~ is just a space in Expl3 which is then gobbled after \today. Use \c_space_token (or \space).
Same with \NewDocumentCommand\foo{}{foo} \NewDocumentCommand\foobar{}{\foo ~ bar} > \foobar outputs foobar.
@daleif does it get the TikZ-unicorn challenge correct?

% Body
\fill[white] (0,0) -- (2,0) -- (2,-1) -- (0,-1) -- cycle; % Body
\fill[white] (1,0) circle (0.5); % Head
\fill[white] (1.5,0.5) -- (1.8,0.8) -- (1.5,0.6) -- cycle; % Ear
\fill[white] (1.5,0.5) -- (1.2,0.8) -- (1.5,0.6) -- cycle; % Ear

% Horn
\fill[yellow] (1.5,0.5) -- (1.6,1.5) -- (1.4,0.5) -- cycle; % Horn

% Eye
\fill[black] (1.1,0.1) circle (0.05); % Eye

% Mane
\draw[purple, thick] (1,0.5) .. controls (0.5,0.8) and (0.5,0.2) .. (1,0.3);
But it is only ChatGPT 4 anyways. Looks a bit better than when last checked I think
The explanation it gives is already ridiculous: "Legs: Two lines represent the legs."
@JasperHabicht Looks a bit like @DavidCarlisle s drawings.
@JasperHabicht modern art :)
@daleif use \space (or an l3 name for the same)
@JasperHabicht clearly ridiculous to use tikz lines for legs, you should use \oval
A: Welcoming 2019 Lunar New Year: How to draw a (lovely) pig?

David CarlisleYou really don't need any packages for this \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{picture}(100,100) \put(43,56){\circle{6}} \put(43,56){\circle*{1}} \put(57,56){\circle{6}} \put(57,56){\circle*{1}} \put(50,45){\circle{12}} \put(48,45){\oval(3,5)} \put(52,45){\oval(3,5)} \put(50,50...

@mickep mine are much better
@DavidCarlisle Not worse
@DavidCarlisle You mean \draw_path_ellipse:nnn ...
@JasperHabicht Do note that you can change LLM (though one have to pay for those)
I did ask it to print the current time and it suggested that I use \the\time and explained that it was hour and minues, but did change it when I noted that it was wrong.
1 hour later…
Smiley of two knights engaging in a sword fight: oXo
1 hour later…
smiley of a TeXnician holding a large mug of (Vietnamese) coffee: ủo
@JasperHabicht that's a very large mug.
@Skillmon That's what identifies the person as TeXnician ...
@Skillmon Looks like a standard tea cup to me.
@mickep Right?
@mickep I have a big tea cup, it's not as big as my head.
@Skillmon ủO <- better?
@JasperHabicht yes, looks good.
@JasperHabicht portrait of a night having a good time: \[T]/
@Skillmon We can create a cross-over; ủ[T]X[T]
A knight and a TeXnician (with a helmet) fighting
4 hours later…
Good evening, everyone!

How can I award additional points to someone for an accepted answer?
After two days, you can start a bounty on the answered question. It will take around a day or two, then you can award it. @EmanueleNardi
So, if I accept the answer today and wait a couple of days, will a button labeled "award" appear next to the checkmark?
@EmanueleNardi There will be a link at the bottom of the question "Start a bounty". This will open a dialogue during which you can select something like "award existing answer"
... then you will have to wait another couple of days until you can actually award the bounty.
@EmanueleNardi Thanks in advance!
@mickep vim? ;-P
@Rmano Oh no!
@cfr ^^ ooh
@PauloCereda <3 maybe we should tell @mickep to send context there.
@cfr ooh let me see if there are dodo communities in Reddit. :)
@samcarter Clunky
@mickep It's not for you...this time :)
@EmanueleNardi Indeed, but I guess it is supposed to be clunky to prevent abuse.
@samcarter Understood
Apologies for the trouble, but could someone please confirm if this animation isn't working? I tested it on Firefox (Developer Edition) and with the PDF.js extension on Chrome, ensuring the "Enable active content (JavaScript) in PDFs" option was enabled. However, in both cases, the controls don't seem to have any effect.
A: How to Optimize a TikZ Animation of Quicksort?

QrrbrbirlbelWhile I suggested creating an algorithm that does the sorting itself and returns the results for each step, the drawing can be made much easier without that. Placing all nodes on one path allows us to use in front of path (the default) and behind path to place the dashed nodes behind the others....

@EmanueleNardi works fine in adobe reader
@samcarter I've always tried to steer clear of Adobe products, but I guess it's time to give in.
Thank you for checking
@EmanueleNardi me too, but for tricky things like animations, it is usually the safest bet.
@samcarter indeed, it works like a charm!
user image
Almost there...
@EmanueleNardi only 8000 more and you got yourself a nice palindrome.
@EmanueleNardi Nice upwards curve!
@EmanueleNardi ^^^^^
@Skillmon 🫠
(it's a melting face emoji)
@egreg Thank you very much! You can tell I started using this site properly in November :)
@egreg Just curious, were you aware of your Facebook fan group?
@EmanueleNardi Yes, but I had no part in it.
@egreg Of course, I wasn't implying anything about it. It's simply a reflection of how much your work is appreciated at the university :)

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