From which release was \pageref* supported in the kernel? 2022/06/01? Because then I don't need to check for hyperref I can just use \pageref* directly (I'd like to support at least a little back in time). (For something that will never be on CTAN)
That seems the correct date. Hadn't figured out the syntax in source2e
2022-04-13 Ulrike Fischer <[email protected]>
* ltxref.dtx:
Added starred versions of \ref, \pageref and \Ref
Added expandable version for \pageref and \ref
* ifthen.dtx:
use new expandable version for \pageref and \ref
is it just me or is that update wrong \let\@kernel@ref\@kernel@sref \let\@kernel@pageref\@kernel@spageref Shouldn't they be reversed sref pointing to ref etc. (it is overwritten by a later one), just regarding users that are still on updated TL22.
@daleif why should it matter? In the initial state I simply want both to be the same, so I define one (sref in this case) and make the other a copy. And what do you mean by "overwritten by a later one"?
@UlrikeFischer I wrote that the wrong way. Would have been rather bad if that table was wrong. On the other hand very usefuil when explaning to people why \sin \circ f (x) comes out wrong (yes, I know the solution)
@UlrikeFischer I suspect a table of that form doesn't reach the threshold for copyright - we have that at work with chemical schemes (at least one published makes this explicitly clear)