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I think I found a solution meanwhile; simply \usepackage[urldate=long]{biblatex}.
@psie At a guess, because the format was written by someone who used American-style date formatting (which is fine if you write the date in a long format with the month spelled out - "September 10, 2024", but ambiguous if you just use numbers - "09/10/24" - is it 9th of October, or September 10th?). You can look at tex.stackexchange.com/q/376782 for other suggestions on how to format, as well.
6 hours later…
@psie do you load babel or polyglossia?
5 hours later…
@JosephWright \mbox{a\addvspace{1in}b}
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle In other news, formats are now smaller
@JosephWright what should I do with the logo on my website when the noitemerr is no longer a mysterious error??
@mickep Have you ever tried $\mathunderbar{e}_1$ (or whatever is the ConTeXt syntax for this)?
@UlrikeFischer and the million answers here that look like:
A: Missing \item error, even though there is no list

David CarlisleThe \@noitemerr macro that generates this error is used in the list code for some cases of possibly empty lists but (for reasons lost in the mists of time) it is also used if a vertical space is added when you are in horizontal rather than vertical mode. This is by far the most common cause of th...

@egreg Yes, this is what one gets:
@DavidCarlisle Oh, that is indeed a confusing error :)
@DavidCarlisle In the picture of your underaccent answer, are the bars scaled or something? They look very tiny.
@mickep So something wrong happens with unicode-math
@egreg Could in principle also be something added to luametatex.
@mickep What I get is that the underbar is placed taking into account the whole depth of the atom, including subscripts. I guess you saw the picture
@mickep The “bad” line is obtained by \mathunderbar{e}_1
@egreg Yes, it very much looks like that, and that is indeed not expected. Is that the same in xelatex and lualatex?
@mickep Yes.
@egreg That points probably to unicode-math, then, indeed.
@mickep for some reason the exisiting accent package code forces scriptscriptstyle, I just made it work as (I think) intended, but it is small...
@mickep Yes, I'm going to report the issue.
@DavidCarlisle Always forcing scriptscript style sounds a bit strange, indeed.
@mickep Can you show plain TeX code that produces the right thing? I'm ConTeXt impaired, you know…
@egreg I am plain impaired... But you can look in math-acc.mklx how wideunderbar is defined.
(Maybe something like \Umathaccent bottom \mathovercode\zerocount "0332{e}_1 is called)
@mickep :-D
@mickep I see nothing strange: \Umathaccent bottom 7 \symoperators "00332
@UlrikeFischer blame you for X = \mathcal{H} ?
@DavidCarlisle Don't worry, we'll impement Typst and get rich!
@DavidCarlisle who else? But now that we have a parallel luamml-file, shouldn't it be possible to catch such mismatch by comparing hash and source?
@UlrikeFischer well comparing even with the existing dummy (now I have re-written it) shows the hash have been shifted. trying to see how...
@DavidCarlisle what do you mean by shifted? That the hash for mml1 is now in mml2?
@UlrikeFischer yes but the first few are right but then they drift off
@DavidCarlisle which file was it?
@UlrikeFischer /arxiv-3/2401.09965v1-tagged.tex
compare the hash with the luamml version (which is checked in) or the dummy you can right by uncommenting the tagpdf setting
eg \mml 15 is $R$ has CCC9B8400A1A5E5030D7C7D09FA64AD1 but the dummy file has that hash on \mml15 but with tex $|\zeta \rangle $
@DavidCarlisle they are all wrong. It looks as if the source is shifted by one. They seems to pick up the following source. Why don't I get a luamml file if I compile. Do we suppress that there?
@DavidCarlisle ah, no luamml because there is no unicode-math. I should read my docu more often.
@egreg And I assume that does not look good in lualatex?
@mickep ooh, German. Wunderbar.
@Skillmon Indeed, and underbar is Swedish for German Wunderbar...
@DavidCarlisle I'm still trying to decide if the old or the new version is wrong. The arxiv-2 looks ok. So perhaps in the old arxiv-3 the starting $^1$ confused things?
@mickep that's wunderbar indeed!
Today's random conclusion: It is not always better to do an extra first run with tolerance 50 instead of going tolerance 100 directly. In fact, it might be worse!
@mickep I produced the picture with LuaLaTeX.
@UlrikeFischer I fixed arxiv3 and updated that and the luamml version
@UlrikeFischer there is a ....-luamml.tex source file
@DavidCarlisle yes, after starring long enough on its code I realized that it loads unicode-math ...
@UlrikeFischer I read the documentation
@UlrikeFischer I'm tempted to upload all the luamml ones to g-drive even if they are not really announced, they may as well be there?
@DavidCarlisle as long as they are "real" (manual) mathml-files the luamml are ignored anyway. So it shouldn't change something, (only the compilation produces a file more)?
@UlrikeFischer no I mean the final pdf with luamml generated AF (there are separately named ...-luamml.tex files already checked in, so that the files have separate names to avoid that issue
@UlrikeFischer so it's just a matter of copyy the ...-luamml.pdf files to g-drive
@DavidCarlisle ah right. Yes, why not uploading them? Perhaps someone checks them for us and find the errors ;-)
@UlrikeFischer done
@DavidCarlisle currently they are then simply hidden in the drive? Btw: did you see the text-in-math discussion?
@UlrikeFischer they are in the gdrive publically visible but not individually linked from the discussion page
@UlrikeFischer you should see them here drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/…
@UlrikeFischer text-in-math?
@UlrikeFischer commented...
@DavidCarlisle very clear comment!
@UlrikeFischer you are not listed as watching that repo (just Chris and Marcel) how did you see that issue?
@DavidCarlisle I have a custom watch (only for issues) on this repo.
@UlrikeFischer oh that's not enough to list you as a watcher, apparently:-) I think I'll use an even more customised watch "wait until @UlrikeFischer pings me"
@DavidCarlisle ;-). Some of the issues are rather curious, but I learned the word "pertinent"
@UlrikeFischer oddly enough I knew that word was pertinent even without watching the repo
2 hours later…
can @UlrikeFischer have birthdays more often, please? yesterday was the first time the sun shone for weeks, but now we are back to nothing but rain.
how do I figure out which thing I need to make a comment in which part of a dtx? right now, I basically just guess.
@cfr ?
@DavidCarlisle I think I can't figure out when ^^A is a comment and when it will end up in the files or typeset. or how % interacts with ^^A. (I'm not actually sure this is what I need to ask though.)
@cfr if % is being ignored (so the comments tyoeset then ^^A is a comment) if % is being treated as a comment then ^^A is not
1 hour later…
@cfr if you want something to really be a comment just use %^^A and you're on the safe side :)
@Skillmon that was what I thought, but it doesn't seem to work everywhere.
@DavidCarlisle thanks.
but I think it was nothing actually to do with comments and I screwed something up searlier.
@Skillmon or delete the line and write wonderfully clear transparent code that requires no comments
@DavidCarlisle well, that's my usual approach as well :)
2 hours later…
user image
@UlrikeFischer Yeah!
@samcarter ;-)

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