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12:17 AM
@cfr How can I write the result in frac form of this list?
probability tree/.style={%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ab}{1/7} %
for tree={
% nodes
12:37 AM
@minhthien_2016 sorry. too late to think about it right now. post a question or update me later if not solved ... number formatting options are in the tikz manual - look for printing/formatting numbers. there are options for fractions.
10 hours later…
10:29 AM
Are there some recommendations with classes loading hyperref, should it be delayed? I've been using \AtBeginDocument { \RequirePackage[options]{hyperref} } and seems to be getting this error
LaTeX hooks Er
ror: Sorting rule for 'begindocument' hook applied too late.
(hooks)              Try setting this rule earlier.
@daleif @UlrikeFischer has been working hard to make delaying not as needed as it was, but AtBeginDocument is a bit late, you could use \AddToHook{begindocument/before}{...} instead
@daleif you shouldn't load any package in \AtBeginDocument. Always use the begindocument/before hook. And generally: tex.stackexchange.com/a/709547/2388
Phew! I ping @UlrikeFischer and she doesn't completely contradict me.
@UlrikeFischer That works thanks.
@DavidCarlisle ;-).
10:42 AM
In my class I have hyperref as a class options. But some packages can also react on that (of course), though, not a fan of getting this:
@daleif generally I think it that nowadays the danger is more that hyperref is too late. E.g. cleveref and hyperxmp both want hyperref to be loaded earlier ...
Package xcolor Warning: Package option `hyperref' is obsolete and ignored on in
put line 266.
@UlrikeFischer This is a letter class, not sure if any of those two are even relevant.
@daleif why are you passing the hyperref option to xcolor? As the message says, it does nothing.
@UlrikeFischer It is a class option
then being passed on to xcolor (automatically I assume)
@daleif ah I see. Good question. I wonder if xcolor can detect if an obsolete option was passed explicitly or implicitly through the class options. @DavidCarlisle?
10:50 AM
@UlrikeFischer Perhaps they should use a PackageInfo instead of a warning
11:03 AM
@daleif that would be seen by nobody ;-(. I mean the main point of such a warning is to tell user, that they can/should remove the option from the option list. But naturally it is bit confusing if they don't have it in the option list. I could remove the option, then \usepackage[hyperref]{xcolor} would error but I'm not sure I dare. You will perhaps to wait until we have code so that you can mark the hyperref as a class-only option that should not be passed to packages. @JosephWright
@UlrikeFischer that is fine. It is a lot easier to explain to people than the
Unused global option(s):
that comes from the original using xkeyval. Those are now gone.
11:17 AM
I don't think the hyperref option is that used, as I just noticed that the old version cannot compile with the hyperref class option on TL24 (due to the Atbegindoc + requirepackage)
We're using mathdesign for the math setup in the class. It hasn't been updated since 2013, thus getting a lot of
LaTeX Info: Font shape OT1/phv/mc/sl has incorrect series value `mc'.
            It should not contain an `m'! Please correct it.
            Found on input line 59.
Are there any way of silencing this? I think I've asked about it before, but probably haven't written it down
12:23 PM
@daleif various people have tried to contact the maintainer. Unfortunately with no success.
1:15 PM
@samcarter I know
1:33 PM
@daleif you too? :)
1:52 PM
Ducks on google today: google.com/?doodle=308474498
2:15 PM
@samcarter Ducks are very good swimmers.
Out of curiosity the switching (in equation) between \abovedisplayskip and \abovedisplayskip, when the preceeding line is "short". Can we control this "shortness"? (pdflatex)
@UlrikeFischer well depends a bit what happens with the general issue of packages opting out of class options.
@daleif no it's a built in tex feature
A: Font shape declaration has incorrect series value `mc'. bitstream-charter

DavislorYou are probably trying to use mathdesign. If possible, disable its expert option, which is obsolete. If you are trying to use \usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} Add the line immediately below. \usepackage{XCharter} If you were instead trying to use [utopia], add the line \usepackage{erewh...

@DavidCarlisle grr
@DavidCarlisle Now I get curious on the condition being used.
2:32 PM
@mickep it could be nice to be able to see the h-distance between the eq and the text down to say 1em
@daleif I'm a bit surprised it was not configurable. The TeXBook is 4m away, so I cannot look right now. lazy
(I'm not sure shortdisplayskip is a good thing, though, spacing becomes inconsistent.)
@mickep the last line of the paragraph before the display has to end 2em to the left of the math in a display math to use shortdisplayskip, the 2em is a length param in luatex, fixed in everything else
@DavidCarlisle OK, thanks for checking/knowing.
2:50 PM
First gold for DK (Badminton, mens singles)
3:47 PM
@minhthien_2016 which list? I'm not sure what you're trying to change. do you really want the result nodes as fractions when the edge labels are all decimals to 4dp. (I assume you want those as decimals because you asked about changing the sig figs earlier.)
2 hours later…
5:46 PM
user image
6:01 PM
@UlrikeFischer regarding tex.stackexchange.com/questions/723692/… wasn't there a binary with debugging symbols shipped for a while? Might as well be my faulty memory injecting stuff :)
@Skillmon yes perhaps. But in view that the question doesn't give any details it could be anything (and a document that takes 15 minutes to compile is clearly not something simple).
@UlrikeFischer agreed :)
It just crossed my mind.
7:05 PM
Are draft questions on the main site saved or are they gone if we leave the page without publishing the question?
@LaTeXereXeTaL gone, I think
@DavidCarlisle Okay thank you.
@LaTeXereXeTaL If the draft is longer as a certain amount of characters, I think they are saved somewhere. I don't know if locally or on their server.
@samcarter I am having difficulty formulating my question and was hoping I could save the draft.
@LaTeXereXeTaL post it then delete it you can undelete it when you are ready
@LaTeXereXeTaL high rep users can see the deleted post but still..
7:11 PM
@DavidCarlisle @samcarter My main problem is that I don't know the correct terminology to use in certain places and I may end up asking something I didn't intend to ask.
@LaTeXereXeTaL it doesn't matter, if the answers don't answer the question you really wanted you can ask another
A: Allow questions to be saved as drafts prior to posting

wafflesThis is now complete for answers and new questions. If you start asking a question, but do not successfully submit, you will see your last saved question draft the next time you visit the ask a question page. If you start answering a particular question, but do not successfully submit, you will s...

@DavidCarlisle Yes but I wil be downvoted for being an idiot.
@LaTeXereXeTaL no one has ever downvoted my questions.
@samcarter Aha! Thank you!
7:17 PM
@LaTeXereXeTaL You're welcome!
@samcarter It works! My draft was saved!
@DavidCarlisle I don't have the street cred that you and others here have.
@LaTeXereXeTaL Great! (if the question is very important, manually copy it to a file)
@LaTeXereXeTaL That's not the reason nobody downvotes David's questions :)
1 hour later…
8:41 PM
3 hours later…
11:28 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- but there are other ways of recognizing an idiot.

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