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Say I want to make my own special \if_foo:nTF macro for my class/package, is there a naming convention here as well (as with variables and macros)?
@daleif should follow the normal naming scheme for commands just using TF for nn by convention, so \yourmodule_if_something:nTF
@DavidCarlisle was also what I thought
@daleif do you use \prg_new_conditionaletc to create it?
And I'm getting it is ok for it to have side effects (here I want to check that a key exists in a prop and that it is not blank. If so save the value in \foo to be used insiden the T part.
@UlrikeFischer yes, was looking in one of the l3X.dtx how things were defined and has forgotten about the \prg_new_ macros.
@daleif yes I guess so
@DavidCarlisle I just find it wasteful to first do \prop_get into \foo at the test, and then again in the T part where I'm going to use it.
Does seem to work
@daleif although TF examples that set don't usually get called ...if... I think. eg \file_get_mdfive_hash:nNTF where the TF tells you there is conditional behaviour and get tells you theer is an assignment, you don't need if_ in the name
1 hour later…
Do we have equivalents for \two@digits and \hspace(*) in expl3
@daleif None for \two@digits afaik (except for coding it yourself), but for textual usage I'd probably use siunitx anyways. \hspace isn't exactly covered either, but there is \skip_horizontal:N, which is the same as \hskip (and \skip_horizontal:n which evaluates a skip expression).
@Skillmon I don't want to load siunitx just to typeset 03.08.2024 given \the\year, \the\month and \the\day
@daleif Well then \two@digits is petty easy \int_compare:nNnT {#1} < { 10 } { 0 } #1, assumign some value is #1
6 hours later…
@JosephWright I know. ready defined that one.

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