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1:01 AM
@LaTeXereXeTaL Thank you very much! It feels good and motivating to hear that!
2 hours later…
3:02 AM
@UlrikeFischer Grazie! ❤️
5 hours later…
7:34 AM
@JosephWright can I merge the branch?
7:55 AM
@UlrikeFischer Looks good to me
@JosephWright ok. If @DavidCarlisle already approves the longtable fix I could merge both and you could make the dev release.
@UlrikeFischer I'll try to do that now (just finished a bunch of comments on the luamml PR:-)
@UlrikeFischer looks fine to me
@UlrikeFischer Grazie!!! 😊
@DavidCarlisle and regarding the unicode-math: github.com/latex3/unicode-math/issues/442
8:15 AM
@JasperHabicht What exactly is the orignial problem on this one? I did not quite understand it when read earlier.
@UlrikeFischer oh I was just about to open an issue there:-)
@UlrikeFischer and that 2018 issue links to an even earlier stackexchange query with a suitably brilliant answer, i see.
@daleif Yeah, well ... the problem is that I am very confused now. The MWE I posted above works with my local TeX installation (which I think is MikTeX-up-to-date-ish) but not on Overleaf (2024). This already makes ist tricky to come up with a MWE to show my problem =D
The problem really is: I would like to have a \twocolumn[...] header (that is a one-column header and below two-column text that will then continue onto the next page. On the first page, I would like to have a larger bottom margin than on the pages that follow.
Now, it would be great to have a command such as \maketitle that automatically does everything: inserting the title and changing the layout including the margins for the first page.
@JasperHabicht Are you using pdftex? I wonder if overleaf updated that, they had a version which broke afterpage some time ago.
@UlrikeFischer I need XeLaTeX and use this on both platform for testing currently
@UlrikeFischer Okay, this might then be an explanation for my "problem" which would then not be a problem anymore =)
Well, the above MWE works for me. I don't know whether it is the best approach, but as long as I don't find a better way, I'll stick to this. Since I will compile locally, it should be good
@JasperHabicht could you try this on overleaf: github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/1311 . If this is still broken you should write them.
@UlrikeFischer Interesting, it works with TL 2023 on Overleaf
@JasperHabicht that is not a surprise. The broken pdftex was at the start of tl2024.
@UlrikeFischer This works with TL 2023 (XeLaTeX) on Overleaf, but not with TL 2024
@JasperHabicht it fails with xelatex??
@UlrikeFischer Yes, it also fails with PDFLaTeX (24)
With LuaLaTeX (23 and 24), it works.
8:32 AM
@JasperHabicht ah right. I had forgotten xetex was affected too. Well write overleaf. They should update the binaries (I told that Ben at TUG and he said this is in the pipeline, but it seems not to have happened. @yo').
@UlrikeFischer So, they should update afterpage, right? Or something else too?
@JasperHabicht no. The binaries are broken. So they must update pdftex.exe and xetex.exe (or however they are called in linux).
@UlrikeFischer I see
@JosephWright I merged all that I wanted to merge. (The longtable fix is in tools).
@UlrikeFischer Thank you! I was really wondering whether something was wrong with me this time.
8:49 AM
@UlrikeFischer So we are good-to-go for a dev release?
Looking at the open pull request we could also merge (or do manually). github.com/latex3/latex2e/pull/1410. I don't think that we should do github.com/latex3/latex2e/pull/1388, but leave that to the next dev.
@JasperHabicht How much control do you have over the text on this front page, and why a larger bottom margin? What is in it? (just seaching for alternatives).
For the letter class I'm converting to expl3 (when time permits), the footer on the titlepage is placed globally via a shipout hook unitiated inside the titlepage page style. As is the colophon on the side. So one could do a lot of nasty alternatives.
@JosephWright OK I merged the one small docu correction. You can do a dev release if you want.
9:05 AM
@daleif Control? It is a journal, so I have not control over the contents, but I could insert stuff somewhere. Would be nice if I could avoid this. The footer will contain two lines of information about DOI, ISSN, Licence and so on. I tried how pages would look without this information, but I think the margin is then quite large without anything in it.
@UlrikeFischer Cool
9:23 AM
@JasperHabicht I'm just trying to understand what is so special about the design of the first page in this case. It seems it is a two column set up (even though your MWE is not). The title should be in one column, and there needs to be enough space at the bottom for the journals custom footer?
@daleif Yes, more or less it is like this. As some parts of the journal might be one-column, I opted for a \twocolumn[] solution instead of adding the twocolumn option to the document class
I might put the development on GitHub once I have something that is usable. Currently I am still playing with different options
10:09 AM
@JasperHabicht Ahh, I see the problem, I would have thought that one might be able to make the first page run short (enlargethispage with a negative number), but taht does not affect twocolumn in the "right" way.
And it does if you use \afterpage to add it again to the "next" page, which ends up in the right column.
Just a MWE trying to illustrate the big footer.
\usepackage{lipsum, graphicx}
\usepackage{titleps, afterpage,transparent}
% not sure how titleps places its stuff

\twocolumn[\huge The Title \bigskip]


10:26 AM
@daleif Exactly!
I would assume that this is a problem that other journals will have as well. So one need to figure out what they are doing. Or somehow make \enlargethispageevenifitistwocolumn
10:45 AM
@DavidCarlisle Do I include amsmath in the pre-release or do I skip it? I think \dots might be an issue
@JosephWright I'm tempted to say leave it
@DavidCarlisle What I suspected: I'll skip amsmath in this release (there is nothing else in the changes anyway)
@JosephWright yes i just looked.
there are two changes one for \protect and one for \protected only the second causes issues (I think) but a fix will probably require adjustments in more places so just doing neither and waiting fir next time seems best to me
@JosephWright is the change mentioned in ltnews?
11:02 AM
@UlrikeFischer Yes but, well, tough basically - I don't want to break pre-testing for people in docs
@JosephWright no it is ok. I only wondered if one should comment that.
2 hours later…
12:37 PM
How do you align a function definition like that? I mean the part with $|\delta_i^n|$. I am about to go proper mad from trying it
12:55 PM
@ephe nice WM, is it awesome?
With \includegraphics{...}in vertical mode I get \parindent-glue. Do I get it right that \includegraphics causes LaTeX to switch to horizontal mode?
@Skillmon Thanks. It's dwl
@UlrichDiez Yes, it has a \leavevmode
> \includegraphics=\protected macro:
->\leavevmode \@ifstar {\Gin@cliptrue \Gin@i }{\Gin@clipfalse \Gin@i }.
@JosephWright Thanks. Should have seen that myself. Seems I am not in the condition for proper thinking. Sorry.
@ephe I guess you could fake the arrows by placing them via TikZ using tabularray or similar, though those fancy new table packages are not my forte. Not sure how to achieve that with simple means (so just core LaTeX).
@ephe Are you using Zathura as your pdf viewer or is it one I don't know? :)
1:01 PM
@ephe Most clear is probably not to align there.
@Skillmon yup that is zathura
I tried it with tikz but the row of |\delta_i^n| was too far away from the rest
@mickep So I should just let it be and that would be easy to read?
@ephe I'd set an array with tabularray, iirc, it allows you to access your cells as TikZ nodes and draw a tikzpicture over it (or was that one of the other such packages?!).
There are two relatively new table packages around, at least one of them allows for this.
@ephe Indeed.
You could ask a question on the main site (to get a wider audience). Chat isn't well suited for such questions. Though on the main site you should post more than just a screenshot (for instance your failed attempts using TikZ).
I'll see if it doesn't really bother me without any alignment and if not I will post on the main site. Thank you both!
1:19 PM
Can anyone please help with: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/724473/…
@yannisl Well I can :)
@JosephWright Thanks very much, has been bothering me for a long time :)
@UlrichDiez yes there are essentially no latex box commands (apart from a few accidental survivors from plain tex like \centerline) that expose primitive tex boxes, they all start hmode.
1:38 PM
@yannisl Your question was 4 minutes old when you pinged chat... Please refrain from doing so, most of us will see your question even without this noise.
@DavidCarlisle My use case: \chapter[chapter.format=...,chapter.font=...]{some long title}. I have coded about 30 different format (shaped headings) and I am missing only to handle the short title better. But I will go for your suggestion to just add it as an extra key.
@yannisl Answer posted (but what @Skillmon says is true - I'd already seen it)
@JosephWright I'm not Ulrike :)
@Skillmon Oh, sorry, I''ll edit
@JosephWright :D
1:52 PM
@Skillmon 'They are the same picture' ;)
2:47 PM
@cfr My code

probability tree/.style={%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ab}{2/5} %
for tree={
% nodes
draw, rounded corners=2pt,
if level=0{circle}{minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1.3cm},
@cfr It is incorrect
3:25 PM
Oh, I frist thought it was @DavidCarlisle asking a longtable (well) question!
@mickep lots of people want to appear to be DavidC
@ephe Now on a bigger screen: A different thing, what text font are you using? Maybe there is something better than Computer Modern to match it with for math?
@DavidCarlisle Or one of them have multiple accounts to try to force the reputation up.
@mickep it allows practicing use of the ask a question button without polluting the main account
@DavidCarlisle I understand you have been very curious about that button.
Oh, a co-worker of @PauloCereda and @yo': reddit.com/r/LaTeX/comments/1erwlqo/…
3:57 PM
@DavidCarlisle Great minds ...
@DavidCarlisle I'm thinking \text_map_function:nN
@JosephWright my first thought was \@car
@mickep What would you recommend? I am generally using eulervm + beamer defaults for presentations
@DavidCarlisle :)
@ephe Maybe also the euler math font?
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer, @MarcelKrüger, @egreg Dev release with CTAN
4:13 PM
@mickep ... but then the big disappointment: DavidC isn't actually using longtable :)
@samcarter Oh no! (I did not look that closely)
@DavidCarlisle \protected
@mickep They actually use longtblr, what a plot twist!
@JosephWright yes... I was going to show a simple take first token version then just show how it fails on anything remotely complicated, but the requirement to expand macros on input means there basically is no simple solution.
@samcarter not using longtable proves they must be me
@DavidCarlisle how else would better know all the problems :)
4:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle \text_purify:n?
@DavidCarlisle I was pinged 😀
@JosephWright yes sure I assumed you were going to provide a \text_ answer, but if it hadn't have had macro expansion and robust commands in the initial set I'd have provided a plain-tex-ish \@car version for comparison, but making something that works for the given list means a simple version wouldn't look so simple, so isn't worth it
@CarLaTeX you are always my first token.
4:34 PM
@DavidCarlisle I'm pretty sure I've posted an answer to a similar Q before
@JosephWright would you trust an answer from @Skillmon?
A: Expandable macro that extracts the first characters of many words for UTF-8/cyrillic or UTF-8/ASCII string without additional packages

SkillmonThe following does what you want. I coded it in L3 instead of on the low level David used. The basic idea is still the same, if it starts with something that expands to \UTFviii@two@octets we collect those two octets, else we just use the first character. However, this also uses \text_purify:n on...

2 hours later…
7:02 PM
@DavidCarlisle ❤️
7:13 PM
@DavidCarlisle :( Why are we picking on me?

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