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10:13 AM
> \pagenumbering{arabic} %
^^^ I guess one could give kudus to the user for at least trying :)
3 hours later…
1:36 PM
user image
1 hour later…
2:48 PM
@samcarter -- Er, a kudu would be pretty hard to maintain, I think. (A kudu is an antelope with marvelously beautiful twisty horns.) I think you want to award "kudos" (which, by the way, is singular, even though it doesn't sound like it; it's Greek).
3:00 PM
Hi guys.
What would be the best forum to pass maintainer ship to someone else? I am technically the maintainer of the sanskrit package but I know nothing about Sanskrit and not enough about TeX itself. People keep coming with meaningful questions that I cannot answer or help them with.
@AlanMunn Ducks are very good in the park. Just like her.
@wilx Let CTAN know it's unmaintained, then if someone else wants to pick it up, they will be able to upload
3:40 PM
@barbarabeeton Oh, I'm very sorry for the typo! I met some kudus while in Namibia. They were usually hanging out in the shadow of the parking lot when we left for our night shift - a bit intimidating, but beautiful creatures.
3:50 PM
@JosephWright OK. Thanks.
2 hours later…
5:56 PM
@JosephWright Some cool pictures about chemistry typesetting: fosstodon.org/@[email protected]/112922576594965003
6:14 PM
(I particular like the first photo, it looks very artistic)

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