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3:35 AM
@DavidCarlisle — see equation (41) — I'm very proud of this paper, it has been a long time coming (and almost 100% the hard work of my PhD student, not me):


Sadly, the complex maths formatting seems to have confusing the typographer a little so there are other inconsisencies throughout the paper, but it's an important example IMO :)
3 hours later…
6:32 AM
@WillRobertson It is not easy to typeset long formulas in a two-column mode...
7:32 AM
@WillRobertson 👏
5 hours later…
12:05 PM
@egreg — I am always worried when real mathematicians look at work like this by engineers :)
1 hour later…
1:07 PM
@WillRobertson Of course, several symbols are wrong. 🤭
1:33 PM
ctan down... :(
Idea: use Wesh words as wi-fi network passwords
1:51 PM
@mickep duckduckgo also has problems today. They apologise with the phrase "We're currently experiencing an issue with DuckDuckGo Search. Thanks for your patience while we get our ducks in a row." :)
@samcarter Oh, indeed. And bing, probably not a coincidence.
@samcarter ooh
@mickep oh no
2:22 PM
@PauloCereda If you just don't want people to use your wi-fi, I'm sure there are less cruel ways :-)
@campa ooh :)
2:38 PM
@JosephWright I get a warning in the tagpdf repo that "Deprecation notice: v1, v2, and v3 of the artifact actions. The following artifacts were uploaded using a version of actions/upload-artifact that is scheduled for deprecation:" but I can't find a upload-artifact in the yaml, do you know where that is hidden?
2:54 PM
@UlrikeFischer One for @MarcelKrüger I think
3:13 PM
@DavidCarlisle @egreg ^^ and we thought pineapple pizza was the real issue...
3:29 PM
@PauloCereda At least it specifies “non-toxic”.
3:43 PM
@PauloCereda Yesterday, I saw an AI answer to the question "How to deal with condensation in a tent". It answered "Avoid […] breathing inside the tent.".
3:58 PM
@egreg phew!
@samcarter OMG
1 hour later…
5:28 PM
@samcarter One influential theory of the semantics of questions is that the meaning of a question is the set of true answers to the question. Answers like this clearly show the problem with this.
A similar non-AI example from a paper discussing this: Max gets off a plane in Helsinki and gets into a taxi. They drive around for a while, and the taxi driver seems lost, so Max asks "Do you know where you are?" and the driver replies "Helsinki" :)
6:24 PM
@AlanMunn not wrong :)
@samcarter Exactly!
2 hours later…
8:44 PM
@samcarter I saw the same AI answer yesterday...
@AlanMunn true is not the same as correct ;)
9:00 PM
@AlanMunn The true answer is likely "Yes" :)
@Skillmon :)
@PauloCereda ohh, deducktions!
@samcarter see the load screen. :)
9:45 PM
@PauloCereda ^^^
@samcarter oh no
@egreg Believe me, the TeX file submitted had far fewer errors!

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