@barbarabeeton They even locked the meta post with the discussion so that users can't comment on it meta.stackexchange.com/questions/395062/… Seems they really don't want any feedback from users.
It’s been a long time coming but I am in the process of publishing a legitimate scientific paper that uses both sans serif and serif normal weight Greek letters. (Just a few of them, but it’s enough!)
Hello I have a bug when working in MSE for some weeks. When I edit my answers for the second time, the online displayer does not work on any devices. I don't have this problem in meta or CV, or when I type my answer for the first time in MSE. Should I post it as a bug or need to contact IT section to help?
@DavidCarlisle I did not want to imply any statement about your age and I think I have not done so. I was just surprised it took so long to compile. When I started with LaTeX, it was always fast for me.
@DavidCarlisle If have done this, I would like to apologize sincerely.
@JosephWright I guess you could just pass the figures to steinmetz using a key that is enabled only if the package has been loaded. Alternatively, reimplement the thing, which is possibly doable with l3draw than with picture mode.
Can anyone help me with this? I'm getting some errors. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `math shift' on input line 3.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `superscript' on input line 3.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `\infty' on input line 3.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `math shift' on input line 165. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `superscript' on i…
@PNDas math shift means $ you have some math in a section heading (most likely) in order to makepdf "outline" bookmark hyperref has to make a plain text version, sometimes it needs help to do that
@PNDas hyperref manual section 6.1 you could use \section{\texorpdfstring{$ complicated math$}{simple text string}...}
@PNDas you'd need to ask a real question with a small complete test document as a question on the site, but I would guess you have \flushbottom and a large unbreakable box at the top of the next page
LaTeX uses \flushbottom for two-sided documents (book by default). Odd pages and even pages are forced to be aligned. In one-sided documents (article, report by default) LaTeX uses \raggedbottom, extra spaces will gone. cf. classes document.
You can use \raggedbottom if you meet too many bad pag...
@mickep I think it is ic, the width of $\displaystyle\int_{}$ is the character width, the width of $\displaystyle\int$ is character width + italic correction (with tfm fonts and pdftex)