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@cfr who is Lucy?
5 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer :
user image
1 hour later…
@Skillmon I think @UlrikeFischer has a more cooperative subject.
@cfr Bär is very wellbehaved indeed.
@Skillmon google tells me 'Bär' is Swedish for 'Arth' and 'bär' is Swedish for 'aeron'. only if I force Almaeneg does it admit 'Bär' is 'arth'. Though the Swedish translation is probably more accurate in this case ....
1 hour later…
@cfr The Bär might be more cooperative, but Lucy is just as cute!
@UlrikeFischer xkcd.com/3020
@cfr Bär is bear in English (since I have no idea of Welsh I have to guess that "arth" means "bear" as well), but it's used as a given name here.
@samcarter ;-)
@Skillmon Not if you take him to some exhibition then he sneaks away vvvv
@samcarter love the mouse over!
@Skillmon yes!
@samcarter lot of bosses and little of soldier, seems like real life...
@Rmano :D
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer Today I learnt the Polish word for "cute little bears" atlasobscura.com/places/bemisie
1 hour later…
Anyone know how to change the bounding box on a tikz image that has a pgfplot? If I apply \fbox to the tikzpicture the image that the correct size, if we later on run pdfcrop on the PDF, there is a lot of extra space at the top that I do not know the origin of. There is nothing visible.
I'd normally use \path[use as bounding box] (...) rectangle ++(...); but that does not seem to have an effect in a tikz plot.
We are handling the plots a bit strangely, they sit in one large document, one image per page, and it is then cropped before use.
Note that it does not happen if one uses standalone
@daleif pdfcrop doesn't care about bounding boxes but on visible stuff. Try a clipping path. Or make an example.
@UlrikeFischer I know, issue is that what ever it things is visible, cannot be seen.
@daleif well if you make an example I could check if there is something in the PDF that ghostscript views as something that matters.
Manually creating a clipping path works. Will look into what ever is being drawn outside the image some other time.
@UlrikeFischer Is there a description of that process somewhere?
@JosephWright If it isn't too much trouble, could you please sent me a mod message so I can reply with a suggestion?
@UlrikeFischer I've noticed memoir (memhfixc) is now giving the following warning
LaTeX Warning: Command `\theHpagenote' already defined -- not changed on input
line 315.
Since memoir adds a Hpagenote counter. Does that mean that we can assume that counter now exists under hyperref and remove it from memhfixc
@daleif no, you get the warning because the \newcounter{pagenote} in memoir directly defines both \thepagenote and \theHpagenote. \newcounter{Hpagenote} then wants to define \theHpagenote and \theHHpagenote and the first clash. The best would be to rename the counter e.g. \newcounter{H@pagenote} or \newcounter{memH@pagenote} or something like this.
And yes, I know hyperref has for an unknown reason a counter Hfootnote which has the same problem, but I hadn't yet the time to check if I can safely rename it.
Regression in lstlistings or it worked by chance before? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/732203/…
@UlrikeFischer thanks, I'll put it on my todo list.
@daleif but you should test that ;-) (hyperref's footnote handling isn't really easy to follow).
@daleif, you could also like hyperref first undefine \theHpagenote - as the clash between the two \theH... exists since a long time, it probably doesn't matter if it stays.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle ngpdf has an interesting way to present a \frac{1}{2} ...
@UlrikeFischer ?
the long line is from the frac ... @JosephWright
@UlrikeFischer :)
@JosephWright seems to be a browser issue, firefox is ok, but chrome and opera fail.
@UlrikeFischer Ah, makes some sense
@JosephWright David will try to track it down.
@Skillmon sorry, yes.
@UlrikeFischer You need math.inline {display:inline math !important ;} the original works in firefox as it doesn't fully follow mathml-core (as it predates it by 25 years(
@DavidCarlisle what does the original setting do instead?
ngpdf is adding style="display:inline" which is normal inline style but it needs to be display: inline math which is a modified version that's inline but for math layout. You don't need anything at all as inline math is the default, but since the style attribute is there the suggested !important css rule forces it back
so it could have just been <math> but it is <math class="inline" style="display:inline"> the style attribute is wrong, but the class attribute allows that global rule to correct it
@DavidCarlisle ok, so we can simply report that as ngpdf bug ...
@UlrikeFischer or maybe a bug in the deriving from html doc table 4 which I think says to use css inline for inline elements without special casing cases where that is wrong
You may have noticed reduced activity: since Tuesday night I’m in the hospital with a broken leg and I’ll have surgery tomorrow
@egreg oh, how did that happened?
@egreg Oh my!
Slippery tram rail
@egreg with the bike?
@egreg !!!
How else?
@egreg hope the surgery goes well
@DavidCarlisle I do too 🙃
@egreg guarisci presto!
@egreg don't worry, we will continue to earn rep in your absence
@DavidCarlisle That’s why I informed here! 😜
@egreg Ouch! I can relate: I broke a foot ("some" years ago, at the end of University studies ;-P) running over a slippery tram rail in Turin... Auguri di pronta guarigione!
1 hour later…
@egreg Get well soon!
@DavidCarlisle When the cat is gone...
@mickep ... the ducks are being put on the table?
@JasperHabicht Oh, since there were no dodos ...
@egreg oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. good luck with the surgery.
@mickep Lucy says she's not going anywhere. she's wrong though. she's going to the vet tomorrow.
would anybody with adobe reader be willing to search a PDF for the words Putnam and the? I can't make a minimal example because I can't reproduce the problem. according to the complaint Putnam isn't found at all and only about 5 occurrences of the. (the PDF is about 16M, though, so this is definitely begging-a-favour.)
@cfr I think, she is still right: It's rather you who brings her there, I doubt that she will walk on her own to the vet
@cfr I could do that.
@egreg oh dear! Get well soon and all the blessings for your surgery!
@cfr Link?
@JasperHabicht you probably have a point, true.
@cfr Works for me on the Mac
@cfr I get 4 hits
@cfr Seems to work: Putnam: 29, 10 of which: Putnam's;
@JosephWright for Putnam?
@JasperHabicht that's about right. thanks for testing. is that Windows or Mac?
the: 2556 ... (including there, they ...)
Windows 10
@cfr Correction, 29 hits - it took a little while to 'catch up'
@JasperHabicht yeah, rather more than 5 ;).
@cfr Well, depending on who you ask 5 is close ...
@JosephWright thanks. so I think this is on the student's end and I can stop trying to figure out what's wrong with my pdf?
@egreg A speedy recovery!
Acrobat Reader should be the latest version
@cfr Yes
@cfr only by a small error margin of a bit over 50000 %.
@JasperHabicht close in what sense?
@Skillmon :)
@Skillmon There are more numbers > 2556 than 2556 > n > 5
@cfr the magnitude of the magnitude is the same.
@JasperHabicht not if you count all numbers.
@JasperHabicht another way to put it.
@Skillmon ??
@cfr 2556 has 4 digits, 5 has 1 digit, both 4 and 1 have one digit, so they are basically the same.
@Skillmon well, if you insist on base 10.
@JasperHabicht @JosephWright thanks very much.
@cfr Well, the size of the infinite amount of numbers between 2556 and 5 is still less than the size of the infinite amount of numbers between 2556 and ... well, infinity.
I don't know how to express this in proper mathematical English though
@JasperHabicht it is a long time, but I think that is not true if we are talking about reals. there are as many reals between 5 and 2556 as between 2556 and the smallest infinite number, I think.
but maybe I'm just misremembering ... it has been more than a long time ...
@JasperHabicht no. both in the rational and the real number that is the same infinity.
@UlrikeFischer Even though the one infinity is "open" (that is going infinity)?
@JasperHabicht Yup
Okay, than ... there is obviously as large a gap between 2556 and 5 as there is between 2556 and infty ... so, should not be neglected probably ... =)
@cfr These two sets have the same cardinality indeed.
@JasperHabicht yes.
The rationals are countable though, and the reals uncountable, so the reals have a larger cardinality than the rationals.
@mickep Right, I start to remember slowly
@mickep @UlrikeFischer thanks. it is reassuring to know I remember something ;).
@mickep Cantor. that proof I do remember.
@UlrikeFischer but not the same infinity in the reals as in the rationals ...
I remember Hilbert's hotel where you never run out of vacancies, even if all rooms are full =)
@egreg Oh no! In bocca al lupo, Enrico!
@JasperHabicht you can even fit an infinite number of buses filled with infinite guests in the fully booked hotel.
@Skillmon Yes, and so cfr's argument has a point

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