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@UlrikeFischer sorry, was away from the computer. it looks like it should work - thanks! it is still compiling, but it certainly doesn't error in the same place.
@gusbrs including journals, apparently. why not orphan it, then? at least then the situation would be clear. (not that it would necessarily make any practical difference.)
@UlrikeFischer however, it fails later with non-updated TL. (maybe this is expected?)
@UlrikeFischer please ignore ^^. apparently I don't know the difference between a bash script and a tex document.
@UlrikeFischer but it fails anyway. however, I think you probably expect this.
@cfr I don't know, you'd have to ask him. ;-) Perhaps he cherishes it too much to let it go? And I'm neither judging or complaining. It is just really a little sad to see a cool and traditional package bit rot like this.
@gusbrs I agree. just I guess it is one thing to say: I have no interest in maintaining this or I'd love to, but I am not able to maintain it, and another to prevent anybody else from fixing it. this doesn't seem like a case where there's any disagreement about whether things are bugs or not. I've refused to let somebody else take over a package and refused to implement the requested changes. but I considered that to be definitely in the feature request category.
but I've also had an author refused to accept a corrected file unless I agreed to take adopt the package, which I'm unwilling to do. (but, even in that case, at least there's transparency.) I can also understand somebody promising to fix things and never actually finding the time to do it. and I don't know enough to judge. I've only really heard one side of this story ....
@cfr I really have no idea of what the story is. I was just teasing Ulrike a little since "something" is popping up every other day, or more, and it falls right onto her lap. A little empathy, if you wish. ;-)
@gusbrs oh, yes, I know. cleveref is Ulrike's thorn, for sure.
1 hour later…
Can anyone guess the meaning of the following assignment? \let\tikz@signal@path=\tikz@signal@path To me it makes no sense at all…
3 hours later…
@cfr what fails anyway?
@UlrikeFischer I just meant it doesn't work on non-updated TL, but I assume that's expected.
@cfr you might want to comment about the sole h under that question instead of under my answer :) (I corrected it in my answer)
@cfr what doesn't work? The fix should do nothing if the format is not new enough, but on the other side cleveref shouldn't error there.
@Atcold not prefixed by \global for example?
@Atcold where did you find that and what is around it?
  \let\tikz@signal@path=\tikz@signal@path% for detection at begin of matrix cell
  \pgfutil@ifnextchar<{\tikz@path@overlayed{#1}}{\path #1}}%
From tikz.code.tex
^ @DavidCarlisle @Skillmon
@DavidCarlisle grr array
@JosephWright isn't using b-argument here simply a "don't do it"?
@JosephWright ?
@UlrikeFischer I think so yes
@JosephWright typo spotted: "baaed" instead of "based" in the second pdfTeX paragraph.
@Skillmon Yes, I spotted that :) Fixed
@JosephWright another one in the "other engines" section: "and so are may see"
@Skillmon Thanks - fixed
@JosephWright also technical thing (that you most likely can't do much about): If the cursor is to the right of the text block scrolling via mouse wheel doesn't work (on Firefox)
@Atcold Instead of repeating the same chat question on the next day, you could use one of the Q&A sites to ask a proper question.
@Skillmon "baaed" sounds like an activity a sheep would do :P
@samcarter :D thought the same
@Skillmon :)
:66564883 ooh, so removed
@Skillmon ;-)
@JosephWright "exiting LaTeX documents" ;-)
@Rmano after you entered a document you have to get out somehow
@Rmano Fixed
@Skillmon yep, me too...
@mickep my in depth technical assesement is that \let\tikz@signal@path=\tikz@signal@path is for detection at begin of matrix cell
@DavidCarlisle who are you that you're so wise in the way of science?
Anybody knows why my thumbnailer is trying to run mkofm ptmri8t and, especially, why it fails with kpathsea: Running mktexmf ptmri8t ! I can't find file ptmri8t'. ` and several more error? I think I have the full TeXLive installed...
@Rmano what do you get for
@Rmano which engine?
$ kpsewhich ptmri8t.tfm
@Skillmon I was schooled in the ways of a wise mistress who put down her sword and taught that code could have comments
@DavidCarlisle Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for knowing how to code!
% kpsewhich ptmri8t.tfm
@Skillmon If it's good enough for ruling kingdoms...
@Skillmon :)
@UlrikeFischer this is evince-thumbnailer calling something strange... I will have to investigate more. It generated tons of logs...
% mkofm ptmri8t
mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input ptmri8t
This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182 (TeX Live 2024) (preloaded base=mf)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf ptmri8t
! I can't find file `ptmri8t'.
<*> ...jfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input ptmri8t

Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
<*> ...jfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input ptmri8t

Transcript written on mfput.log.
grep: ptmri8t.log: No such file or directory
mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input ptmri8t' failed to make ptmri8t.tfm.
This is a TeXLive 2024 "portable" installation.
@DavidCarlisle Well, I just copied the code... :)
@DavidCarlisle What is it with people ending math with dots anyways ...
@mickep who knows ...
@DavidCarlisle not me ...
@UlrikeFischer We never lost control ...
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer this:
LaTeX Info: Redefining \labelcpageref on input line 2370.
Package cleveref Info: `listings' support loaded on input line 3131.

! LaTeX socket Error: Socket 'refstepcounter' undeclared!

For immediate help type H <return>.

l.126 }

You tried to use a socket that was not declared before.

! LaTeX socket Error: Socket 'refstepcounter' undeclared!

For immediate help type H <return>.

l.127 \AssignSocketPlug{refstepcounter}{cleveref}

You tried to use a socket that was not declared before.
@cfr well yes, my fix needs a current latex (or a test for a current latex). But I will add that to hyperref and upload today. So tomorrow or thursday it should be ok again.
1 hour later…
@mickep ... so instead of dots, you are now posting answers about single dots a the end? :)
@DavidCarlisle time for picture mode? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/730177
@samcarter Weird, isn't it?
@Skillmon This is because the text is set in a div that is set to window height and has overflow: scroll instead of having the things around this set to position: fixed. So it is a matter of how to design the website template
BTW I now changed quite a few inline loops to function loops which seems to make compilation quicker ...
@Skillmon as requested
1 hour later…
@Skillmon more context here.
@samcarter I thought it was off-topic and questions were supposed to be about the use of LaTeX rather than looking into source code.
@Skillmon and the tick goes to...
@Atcold no it is perfectly reasonable to post a question asking what some code does
@DavidCarlisle you're welcome
@JasperHabicht depends on the number of items. For few items function is faster, for many inline is.
@DavidCarlisle though I need to get the 6 back at the end, so I should've posted the picture mode answer as well... :)
@Skillmon Hm, but if expandability is needed, I guess there is no other way than using function
@JasperHabicht or tokens if you need to map more than a single N-type, but yes
@Skillmon Weird images for that question, indeed.
@DavidCarlisle No font testing today? I assume you've been too occupied with ...
uhm ... compiling the same code with LuaLaTeX instead of XeLaTeX results in a Missing-number error ... line refers to something at a page break, I would say ... command that raises the error is \__kernel_tl_set:Nx ... this is highly unspecific, but does someone has any idea? I use titletoc, titlesec, hyperref and I suspect it being related to some labels or toc line ...
@mickep yes to ... this afternoon and virtually in Prague this morning, I need to get my minionpro setup working again but I will get back to it (actually I could probably just use the same tex code and different fonts sinc eth eerror is on font allocations not the actual fonts, but I''l look later)
@JasperHabicht \__kernel_tl_set:Nx can't be the cause for a missing number error. Please show the relevant passage from your log file verbatim.
Oh, just realised, you mean you're seeing the \__kernel_tl_set:Nx as the token TeX expected the number at. That makes indeed sense. Still, please show the log verbatim.
@Skillmon True. Let me first try to track this down a bit
Seems that I had a \pdfcreationdate somewhere in the code ... e_e
@DavidCarlisle I tried with stix2 here, but I could not trigger it.
Well, the log just says `Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>

A number should have been here`
In line 34, there is nothing, so a \par
AHA! microtype ... hmmm
No, not microtype, but I think I found it
Strange ... I have \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{zchinrchapterindex}{\thechapter}} and this works with XeLaTeX, but not with LuaLaTeX. I try to come up with a MWE
It is microtype. Something does not work properly. Maybe I just switch it off then
@JosephWright -- Can you think of a reason that Firefox gives no indication that this file continues past the first paragraph headed LuaTeX? Or must I simply assume that my laptop is sick? (I really would like to be able to read the rest of the document.)
@JasperHabicht that's because LaTeX sets up TeX not to show context lines... :) Try \errorcontextlines=5 and take a look at the log with that in the preamble. If you don't spot anything try to turn tracing on in the vicinity of your error line and take a look what starts number scanning.
Is this tex.stackexchange.com/a/573331/218142 still a good way to make a simple watermark? \put is not deprecated is it?
@Skillmon Hopefully this will enlighten me ... It seems really to be connected to \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{zchinrchapterindex}{\thechapter}}, but I don't know why exactly. It only appears on the second compilation, so I take it that it has something to do with how the stuff in the .ptc file are parsed on the second run.
@LaTeXereXeTaL yes but I wouldn't call that "still" the shipout hooks are relatively new
@barbarabeeton note just firefox, the content scrolls with my laptop if I use a two finger scroll on the traclpad, but the scrollbar is suppressed (@JosephWright)
@JosephWright @barbarabeeton the site has css .site-main{scrollbar-width:none} so you get no scrollbar, if you select inspect from the right menu you can get it back
@DavidCarlisle -- Thanks for the suggestion. That works. Still, it would be better if the page behaved more predictably.
sigh I am too tired to be able to fix this issue. Now, it seems to be gone which can't really be ...
@DavidCarlisle Okay thanks.

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