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everybody losing their minds with the typst thingy
also quack
@samcarter you got mail (from a fellow Brazilian) :)
@PauloCereda Oh, I've seen nobody losing their mind. But maybe one should? :)
@mickep ducks and dodos are very calm birds :)
@PauloCereda Curious, but calm.
@mickep ooh
@PauloCereda dodos are calm as long as they don't have three melons.
oh no, I've lost my expkv-support room (due to inactivity... Stupid SX >.<)
@Skillmon Somehow a good sign. No support needed...
@Skillmon ooh
@JosephWright ooh a duck
@PauloCereda Just replied! Such beautiful art pieces!
@samcarter awww <3
@PauloCereda I wonder if future museums will have them on display just like the current museums show nice book illustrations from the middle ages :)
@samcarter ooh
2 hours later…
To the LaTeX3 development team: Has it been considered redefining the math active character definition of ' so that f'_2^2 would not yield a double superscript error (so that you were not forced to write f'^2_2). In other words, one could use an e-type-like syntax
@Gaussler probably no, although redefining lots of such things likely to come up when the tagged pdf work gets to math...
@Gaussler Considered, yes; safe, no
@JosephWright Life is boring if lived safely
@Gaussler but it lasts longer :)
@PauloCereda 😀
Hmm, perhaps texmaker should inform their users if false positives on marking errors

\typeout{! test}

It marks the ! line in the log as an error. That was an interesting debugging sesson. The users case was similar but down to a line in the log starting with !
@daleif that's the approach of many of the log-filters searching for error (which is a good thing for me, expkv's expandable error messages work by exploiting this).
There are some that use a different approach (for instance vimlatex-suite compiles with -file-line-error and searches for that pattern instead)
@Skillmon I think we tried -file-line-error on a texmaker user one time. It broke all log parsing.
It would just be nice if they informed user that there might be false positives.
@daleif well, comes naturally with any heuristic log parsing.
Parsing is usually 100% right in 50% of time. :)
@Skillmon I don't think I've relied on log parsing since I started using latexmk -pvc , yes I have to find the error line my self, but that if fine. And ` -file-line-error -halt-on-error` makes it easy
@daleif same (well, not latexmk -pvc, but I also use -file-line-error and -halt-on-error, though I either run self-written Makefiles, or pdflatex directly)
@Skillmon I just find -pvc so much easier to work with. Just save and it compiles.
4 hours later…
@mickep ^^
@DavidCarlisle ?
@mickep I forced the windows luametatex binary to live in my cygwin tl2023 and not complain too much, so made that locally
@DavidCarlisle And... It works? :)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@mickep 100% success rate on my extensive collection of context file s
@PauloCereda typical of @DavidCarlisle getting everything by force!
@Skillmon the force is with me
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, so next document can be a tutorial for how to use luametatex in cygwin. :P


{\put(5851,-2311){\line(-1, 0){375}}
\put(5476,-2311){\line(-1, 1){225}}
\put(5251,-2086){\line(-1, 0){375}}
\put(4876,-2086){\line( 0,-1){300}}
\put(4876,-2386){\line( 6,-1){887.838}}
@mickep ^
@DavidCarlisle ha!
@mickep xfig's picture export may have lost some of the finer details
@PauloCereda -- And it looks like there is more than one cat snuggled in there.
@barbarabeeton ooh
@PauloCereda I didn't realize you were Paulo from Overleaf.
@LaTeXereXeTaL Quack :)
Also, hello Joe. :)
@PauloCereda I still have a box of pens and a box of green ducks.
I think we need some LaTeX hummingbird plushies to give away. (@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright)
@LaTeXereXeTaL awesome, please let me know if you need more. Always a pleasure to support. :)
I will write to you in an official capacity. :)
@LaTeXereXeTaL ooh I can prod Frank about it!
Swag is always good.
@DavidCarlisle you could also use pictex.
Does anyone here expect to "attend" the TeX Hour tomorrow? If so, please contact me via email.
@barbarabeeton Might do
@JosephWright -- Thanks, I have a couple of questions I'd like to have answered, that I'd rather not post here.
@barbarabeeton You know how to get hold of me ;)
@barbarabeeton what is the topic?
@mickep -- One of the topics is Typst.
@mickep I could use metapost in context but where's the fun in that?
@barbarabeeton no
@DavidCarlisle ohh, there is a lot of fun in that.
@barbarabeeton oh, the hype... 🤭
I did an experiment. I am trying to find if I should use IPE drawing tool or Tikz to make flow chart with math in it. Here is link to PDFs, one generated by tikz and one by IPE. WIll let you guess which one is from IPE and which is from tikz. first and second. I'll mention few things I found out also as result of this trial.
btw, I am not good in either of these tools, but know enough to make basic drawings with them. Main advantage for using tikz, is that I can change global settings and it affect all the drawing at once. For example, space between nodes and so on. With IPE, I have to manually change each and every one. Main advantage of IPE is that one can see the drawing itself as they make changes, which makes it much easier to add/delete things or move things around.
I used forest in the above example btw, which makes making flow chart much easier.
@Nasser Given their names ... :)
@mickep You are not supposed to look at the link name :) OK, I made it easier I guess. Btw, with IPE, learning how to use the grid and snapping on the grid can go along way to make it easier to make uniform drawing. And that key to using it., I am still not decide if I should use tikz or IPE. I need to do more experiments and learn forest more to find out.
@mickep back to compiing lmt :-)
@Nasser I think I would have guessed that anyways given the arrow heads (I know one can change their style, but ...)
@DavidCarlisle You do it wrong, you should just install it and then use it to typeset your documents. :)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/contextgarden/luametatex/build/cygwin
[202/202] Linking C executable luametatex.exe
I wonder if it works....
@DavidCarlisle Try it on your only document. :)

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