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@PauloCereda Haha!
@PauloCereda Oh dear
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda I really envy people with so much spare time... (sigh)
@PauloCereda that's the final nail in TeX's coffin.
@PauloCereda <breakfast/>
@DavidCarlisle oh no
2 hours later…
@Rmano this tbh
1 hour later…
@yo' Getting enough sleep these days?
@mickep it's reasonable, and really we aren't complaining.
@yo' Sounds good!
@mickep it is! And I also say, the high oxytocin and endorphin levels help :D
@yo' Hehe, wonderful!
The dante mailing list is discussing dishwashers today ...
@samcarter Oh, now we need to look that up.
Oh, no public version available...
@mickep Apparently the colour of some coffee mugs fades if they are placed in the dishwasher :)
@samcarter Thrilling.
Anyone around to help reopen tex.stackexchange.com/questions/703063/… ?
@samcarter Added my vote. What a weird logic in the comments...
@AlanMunn Thanks!
(the question has been reopend, thanks to all who voted!)
Hello everyone,
May I know how I can get the x-value of a coordinate (e.g., (c)) to be used in some calculations by \fpeval{ }? Is there a command that can return its value to be used directly inside \fpeval{ }?
I forgot to say that I am talking about getting the x-value of some tikz coordinate.
@Diaa Did you already try to get the x value using let?
@Diaa search the network, should be used in several answers. But you won't be able to directly use it inside of \fpeval, as it's not expandable I fear.
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda -- But they can't spell: :langauge"? And they really don't go beyond arithmetic; didn't see a single Greek letter.
@barbarabeeton oh no :) Not everybody is a cunning linguist as @DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda Oh, my my, I see what you did there. :-O
Oct 14, 2021 at 15:42, by gusbrs
@PauloCereda If that's really what you thought in this case, you are definitely pure of soul and god forgave you for the word play. hahaha
@PauloCereda But I'm starting to doubt that... ;-)
@gusbrs I am a pure and inocent duck :)
@PauloCereda This strikes me as precisely what someone who is not would say. :-)
@gusbrs oh no :)
@PauloCereda :)
@PauloCereda "cacófato"! I was trying to remember this word. It was deep lost in memory...
@gusbrs ooh for that sentence? Maybe "pleonasmo" was more fitting. :)
@PauloCereda Yes, of course. What did you think I was talking about? And not pleonasmo. Did you really think that of all adjectives for "linguist", "cunning" was a good one without consideration of how it sounds? hahaha
@gusbrs Ah! LOL
@gusbrs took me a while, sorry! :D
@PauloCereda I don't believe it! lol
@gusbrs goodness gracious, now it's stuck in my head lol
@PauloCereda And now it's getting worse! :-D
@gusbrs I thought of another sentence, not THAT one. :)
@gusbrs STOP :D
@PauloCereda Don't blame me, you are digging your own grave. :)
@gusbrs oh no
@PauloCereda We should probably ping @AlanMunn too. ;)
@gusbrs ooh
hi everyone, simple question, why \addlegendimage not shown in this picture?
title={Operation Mode},
ylabel near ticks,
\addplot[red,very thick] table[x index=0,y index=5,col sep=space] {data1.txt};
\addlegendimage{1: manipulation}
\addlegendimage{2: navigation}
@CroCo This not a question for chat, and certainly not with a code fragment that uses data we have no access to. Ask a question on the main site and make sure the example is compilable with data included.
@AlanMunn thanks. I will do. I've read the manual and the examples provided are straightforward.
not sure why it is not working here.
@CroCo But looking at the code, the way to add extra legend lines is with \addlegendimage{empty legend}\addlegendentry{content}. The \addlegendimage command just makes the space.
@CroCo The argument of \addlegendimage is a style name, not the content.
@AlanMunn this is from the manual
\addplot {x}; \addlegendentry{$x$}
\addplot {x^2}; \addlegendentry{$x^2$}
\addplot {x^3}; \addlegendentry{$x^3$}
\addlegendimage{empty legend}
\addlegendentry[text width=25pt,text depth=]
{Neg Sign:}
\addplot {x^(-1)}; \addlegendentry{$x^{-1}$}
\addplot {x^(-2)}; \addlegendentry{$x^{-2}$}
\addplot {x^(-3)}; \addlegendentry{$x^{-3}$}
I think the purpose of \addlegendentry is to add entry for non data
@CroCo Right that's what I just said, and not what you did. :)
it is weird. I don't see any issue with the axis properties.
If I add the manual's example, it shows \addlegendentry
@CroCo Look at your code, and look at what I wrote. You're trying to add the content of the extra legend entries by using \addlegendimage. That's not how you do it. \addlegendimage{empty legend} creates space, after which \addlegendentry will add the content.
@AlanMunn you're right. I think I've overead the example.
@samcarter Please, check my relevant question tex.stackexchange.com/q/703234/2288 if you don't mind.
@Diaa urg, pgfplots coordinates make this into whole different problem. That shows that chat messages without a mwe are really not a good place for questions.
@PauloCereda refeição noturna
@DavidCarlisle oh no

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