@yo' and @Derpy -- An item "We're testing advertisements across the network" has now appeared on the "Featured on Meta" box on the main site. I've registered a comment regarding the disappearance of our "community ads", asking "Will they come back?" Within the first ten minutes, it has received several upvotes, so apparently other people have the same question.
Time to sleep now. I'll check again in the morning.
@mickep if they just take pdf specifying that it is made with tex or word or whatever is not reasonable, but some places (certainly some book publishers) have edit/review cycles built around in-document review tracking facilities and to make that work it is not unreasonable to commit to a particular file format.
@DavidCarlisle yes, there was a bug but it has been resolved. But +tlig in luatex is implemented in the fontloader with more or less complicated code that replaces the input. But this isn't in stock harfbuzz so harfload would have to add something for it (and xelatex has to use a mapping for this too ...).
@CarLaTeX yes they are. Unfortunately it is the institute matching my interests best, so if I want to do my doctorate at this university it would be at that chair (but I have yet to decide whether I want to do that)
@DavidCarlisle I can read Fraktur quite well (dependent on the used Fraktur type, there are differences I have to get used to if reading a new type for the first time)
@CarLaTeX for me that's really something to consider. I can't stand working in Word, every time I try I get aggressive with my beloved PC, and writing something huge like a dissertation in Word appears really scary to me.
Is someone really good with regular expressions around? Does anybody know a regular expression that matches all correct usages of the macros \lstinline and \mintinline, the optional arguments and optional braced arguments are killing me. For \mintinline I got one that covers everything except for an unbraced single letter language, like \mintinline c|<code>|, and unfortunately the number of matched groups must be the same across all the usages.
@DavidCarlisle I meant capturing groups in the regex, not TeX groups.
@DavidCarlisle and matching balanced braces is possible with recursive regexes, which unfortunately are not supported by JS, for which I need the regex.
@Skillmon oh ok but it is of course nested cases that are impossible (in general) although any finite depth is possible, but back to the issue do you need to capture it all in one regex rather than just tokenize using regex and grab the bits in javascript code?
@Skillmon otherwise known as non-regular regular expressions:-)
There is a popular quote by Jamie Zawinski:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
How is this quote supposed to be understood?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen thanks, I know. As already said, the decision wasn't made by mean, I just have to stick with it if I don't want to rewrite an entire system.
@DavidCarlisle ;-). Do we have some plan about a global lua table for l3kernel/latex? I would like to store some functions for the page resources there.
@UlrikeFischer there was some discussion a while back about top level table usage, I think the outcome was that luatex and/or the font loader already used so many tables trying to constrain things to a few top level tables was a lost cause....
@DavidCarlisle I remember the discussion (I think I started it ...). But as we have a l3kernel table it makes sense to use it. It allows me to use pdf as (sub) table name without clashing with the global pdf table ;-)