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@512122 I think \renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addcomma\addspace} is enough in your case.
3 hours later…
@512122 You're welcome!
Hey @TeXnician
@manooooh Hello.
I have emailed the maintainer of the listings package
And he replied me!
He literally said what you told me
Today I have calc 2 exam, but later I will answer him
What is a polar bear?
- A rectangular bear, after a change of coordinates
@manooooh LOL, you're using tikz too much
Wait dear @CarLaTeX
How would you determine the volume of a cow?
- Physical: when we place the cow in a container with water, the water that comes out will be equal to the volume of the cow.
- Mathematics: the surface of the cow is parameterized and the triple integral is found.
- Engineer: suppose the cow is a sphere...
And my favourite
- Computing: for tail to horn...
@CarLaTeX that is for real?
@manooooh LOL, I found it on the Internet, I don't know if it's real or not, ask @DavidCarlisle, he always does it
@manooooh Horn clauses are important in computing.
@DavidCarlisle probably knows a lot but the king of bad jokes is me
@manooooh I had of course already translated that before you removed it.
@DavidCarlisle hehe mistype
@manooooh Eu nunca faço erros de digitação e falo todos os idiomas com facilidade
@CarLaTeX probably did not see that, and I am happy for that
@manooooh No, I did not, but now I'm curious!
@DavidCarlisle oh yes? ¡Háblame en español!
@CarLaTeX save your curiosity for ****the**** joke of SE
@manooooh Los idiomas son iguales, de cualquier manera, solo escriba italiano pero mueva algunas de las líneas y puntos alrededor de las letras. Nadie sabe lo que significan de todos modos.
@manooooh my understanding of cultural differences is as good as my mastery of languages:-)
@DavidCarlisle mode spanish on good spelling!!
@manooooh actually your avatar ought to have reminded me which language to use initially:-)
@DavidCarlisle nah, often when you hear an american talking in Spanish is "Omg this guys needs Spanish class" because they don't need that language, so it's okay you forget what language you use initially
But, let me say that you don't know how mathematicians do sex
🔥 🔥 🔥
Or yes?
(Btw you note that my English is not so good, so I prefer to write in English because for foreign works it's super important)
@manooooh Same is true if you hear an american talking English
@DavidCarlisle ??? I refer "american" as the person who lives in USA
@manooooh sure like @barbarabeeton but I refer to "English" as the language spoken in England :-)
@DavidCarlisle oh, but in England the language spoken is English too
@manooooh yes but it's a running joke between the two countries that we can not understand each other as the American version of English is wrong different in some ways.
@CarLaTeX I use so much tikz that I forgot how to graph (x-2)^2 + (y-2)^2 + (z-2)^2 = 1 (using spherical coordinates) :///
@DavidCarlisle haha, there are few words that are pronounced in different ways!!
@manooooh and spelling: colour/color, theatre/theater, pavement/sidewalk, roundabout/omg-what-is-this-intersection-with-cars-going-everywhere
@DavidCarlisle wow
I didn't realized that
@manooooh do you get spelling difference between spanish spanish and argentinian spanish?
@DavidCarlisle spelling? I don't think so, do you have an example?
Because the differences with the pronunciation of a Spanish and an Argentine are too obvious
@DavidCarlisle uhmmm, I am thinking of the case Tío
I realized that the voice of the girl in Google Translate English with a Spanish word input, is the same as the way Americans speak Spanish!
Time to sleep here
I will review for calc 2 tomorrow (Gauss, Green and Stokes I'm going there!)
Have a good day @DavidCarlisle and @CarLaTeX
@manooooh Good night, sleep well!
@manooooh bye
@CarLaTeX and all others I just posted question. Can you have a look on it regarding Equations Alignment please?
@FaizanZaheer people will see the question, you don't need to advertise it here, also, I see you already have an answer.
5 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle -- hmmmmph. that's "traffic circle", and the only time we get in trouble is when we're confronted with one in which the traffic is proceeding clockwise. or when the right of way is assigned to incoming traffic, not to vehicles already in the circle. (i was told that latter used to be the rule in paris.)
@barbarabeeton probably depends where you live? I have found some of your countrymen that find the whole concept of town road layouts that don't look like graphpaper somewhat alarming:-)
@barbarabeeton all roundabouts round here have clockwise circulation:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- yes, i know. and since i live in providence, which, like boston, seems to have been laid out by cows, i don't have such problems finding my way. (although i must admit, for self preservation, i learned to read maps at a very young age.) and the fact that too many drivers in providence have a habit of driving the wrong way down one-way streets has habituated me to looking both ways before i cross -- even in a zebra crossing. literally a life-saver when visiting the u.k.
@DavidCarlisle I've been there: it's the most exciting thing in Swindon
@JosephWright so cruel:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- ohmygosh! a traffic engineer's nightmare!
@barbarabeeton aha so proving my point, see above translation I suggested for "roundabout"
@DavidCarlisle It was a bit of a stressful trip, which might have coloured my judgement (I was in Amsterdam, so had to fly to Southampton and drive to Swindon, arriving after midnight, for a 30 minute interview the next day.)
@DavidCarlisle -- i admit to never having seen a two-way circular interchange, never mind ever having to negotiate one.
Do you understand this question?
@Anonymous Makes sense to me. It defines an infinite series of points and asks you for the equation describing the line passing though all of them.
Do I have any chance to patch out the \begin{center} stored in \@begindocumenthook by tikzposter (ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/tex/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzposter/tikzposter.dtx)? I get "macro cannot be retokenized cleanly".
(I'm trying to solve this problem: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/243842/30156)
well done!
@fefrei the class adding \begin{center} looks wrong, if it wants to center it priobably should have used \centering
Yeah, I know.
This is what I do now, but that means I'll have to ship a patched tikzposter.cls.
I hate that, and would really prefer to use patching instead. I can patch the \end{center} away, but can't touch the \begin{center} because etoolbox refused to touch \@begindocumenthook.
@fefrei can you make a mwe? presumably there is something weird added elsewhere to that hook
@barbarabeeton When we were visiting Ohio people warned us about the dangerous intersection where many accidents happened. Some people even refused to drive there. It was a roundabout. ;-)
@marmot -- i think that maybe if you learned to drive in an area where there weren't any such things, getting used to them later can be daunting. (it was a bit of a challenge when my husband and i visited bermuda, and, on our rented scooters, were faced with clockwise circles. i made it around safely, but my husband nearly didn't. i think my success was at least partly because i had several years where my only transportation was a vespa.)
@barbarabeeton Yes, and if you are in France, you have to learn to pretend not to look at the cars when crossing a crosswalk. If you look, car drivers tend to interpret this as you acknowledge that they have priority. That's a skill that I never really acquired. ;-)
@marmot -- ah! i'll have to remember that. fortunately, i've never had to challenge a car when i was in a crosswalk. maybe i'm just patient enough (or enough of a wimp) to willingly wait until the coast is clear.
@barbarabeeton That's certainly the safer option: pretend there was no crosswalk. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Here's a MWE for the original problem: pastebin.com/1aTYfAgt
Replacing \begin{center} with \centering and removing \end{center} in tikzposter.cls fixes the problem, I'm looking for any way to do that via patching.
@barbarabeeton hmm I'd better add pedestrian crossing/crosswalk to the translation list (not one I think I knew before)
@DavidCarlisle You could also add street/highway with many stop signs ;-)
@fefrei oh that's crazy it's fixed at source bitbucket.org/surmann/tikzposter/commits/branch/master but hasn't been pushed to CTAN since 2014.
@marmot I hear something similar from Hanoi: To cross the street there, walk at a steady pace while looking straight ahead, and traffic will swerve around you. If you speed up or slow down (or worse: stop), you throw someone's calculation of your orbit off, and you'll be hit, quite likely.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Yes, or Nepal or Egypt. The issue is just that in France the cars are much faster, and one is less prepared for that.... ;-)
@DavidCarlisle -- but i thought you knew everything about the differences between the english spoken on opposite sides of the pond. you should check with @WillRobertson to see if it's yet something different in strine. (are you familiar with the term "jaywalk"?)
@DavidCarlisle or pedXing, as I have seen them marked over there.
Another item: Being pissed means quite different things on the two sides, I think.
@DavidCarlisle That is profoundly scary.
@barbarabeeton only from films, it's not a term I'd ever use or have heard spoken
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I think I'd visited the USA three or four times before I finally worked out what that sign meant:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- but i bet you are guilty of doing it on occasion.
@barbarabeeton oh never
@DavidCarlisle -- sometimes, rather than having it on a sign, it's painted on the roadway, in "reverse" 3-part order, so it comes out "ing X ped" when read "in natural order". amusing.
@barbarabeeton I remember the first time I saw that, I got so befuddled I might have mowed down any peds in the Xing if there had been any there.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- in many neighborhoods, especially near schools, there are signs where the message is (presumably) arranged with the most "important" word in the center. so you get "slow children crossing". how sad!
@barbarabeeton Indeed, I have been amused by signs saying “slow children playing”. I figure that means I can go fast, since the children are too slow to get into the road ahead of me.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- assume nothing. my sister was driving along a city street past a row of parked cars, and suddenly a small child (no more than three years old) ran out from between the parked cars and into the side of my sister's car. my sister was the one who got the ticket ...
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Nah, having driven it recently, it's OK
@barbarabeeton Ouch. (My comment on going fast was a joke, though.) Without knowing more specifics, it's hard to say, but I can't think of any conceivable precaution a car driver can take to prevent a child running into their car. Maybe some police officer hadn't met their quota of tickets for the week. How did the child fare in the incident, though?
@JosephWright Perhaps it looks less intimidating from the ground level than from above. But I, being used to driving on the right, would be scared stiff.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen It's just a big roundabout :) We have lots of them
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- neither the child nor the car were damaged. (my sister was probably not going more than 5 mph.) the person who should have gotten the ticket was the child's parent or current watcher -- any child out on a potentially busy street without supervision indicates a problem elsewhere.
hello friends . . . anyone know how to make the arrowhead of a tikz edge a circle?
i guess i could cover the arrowhead with a small node, but that seems hacky
i feel like there should be a way to replace the arrowhead with an arbitrary shape . . .
this seems like what i want -- tex.stackexchange.com/q/79175/85086 -- but it's for the \draw command rather than \path edge
@DavidCarlisle I know... But I also can’t update to the source version because that introduces other issues for me.
How does one <u>underline</u> stuff in the comments of TeX.SX, is it even possible?
@Skillmon Don't think you can
Is there any way to avoid the weird \textit{}'s in the arXiv abs' (like here) when using italics in the original paper's abstract?
I wonder if the powers consider my reply to the design meta post as a rant. I hope not.
@Blue As far as I know you can put in any HTML code and you can also put equations there. A very ad hoc choice would be to put $ around the words you want to have italic. Note that these things change, and it is safer to look up the arXiv help pages. In my experience, the arXiv admins are actually very friendly and answer emails.
@UlrikeFischer I'm sorting a few more issues in l3build: probably an update later today or early tomorrow, including allowing more than one engine for PDF-based tests (I think if you want the same test for multiple engines, you should be allowed!)
@JosephWright ;-) But I guess I could implement tests with different engines with folders and config-files.
@UlrikeFischer Yes, that was my original idea. But then I thought perhaps easier is one folder, all the .pvt files, one .tpf per test-engine combo. In the end, the user should be in charge
@UlrikeFischer I think in most cases you'll want the PDF tests using a separate config to the normal tests, anyway (could now all be in one folder)
@Blue yes, just forget about formatting. That's the safe thing to do in abstracts.
anyway, the internet closes in 10 minutes, see you tomorrow!
@JosephWright yes, on the whole using folders is not a bad idea, it gives some order. The main problem with different configs is that l3build (at least) on travis stops if one config-test fails, so you have to sort this out before running the next tests.
@UlrikeFischer I could change that: probably we should only stop if -H is active
@JosephWright that would be quite good.
@UlrikeFischer Trivial change: committed for next release
@JosephWright if every problem where so easy to solve ...;-)
3 hours later…
@JosephWright With unicode it seems possible, but not with markup. E.g. conversion from manytools.org/facebook-twitter/strikethrough-text works.
TUGboat open-access survey

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