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@UlrikeFischer — sorry about that test, I had already updated it in the working branch but hadn't updated for a while. There are a number of tests that need updating for LuaTeX now so I'm re-running as we speak.
@UlrichDiez The standard way do this is basically what you did, leave a comment, ask in chat, and people will vote to reopen. It's no reopened.
6 hours later…
@UlrichDiez Open a meta thread for discussion
@AlanMunn May need discussion: one for meta
Morning all
@JosephWright Morning
@StefanKottwitz :)
Working on l3build this morning, then 'real' work for later
@WillRobertson Just found github.com/wspr/unicode-math/commit/…. Yes that's exactly what's confusing me too. But as you see the difference too the new fontloader is not the problem. Perhaps different font versions?
@UlrichDiez I see the question was re-opened
@JosephWright could you perhaps compile github.com/u-fischer/tagpdf/blob/master/source/examples/… on a linux with pdflatex and sent me the pdf?
@UlrikeFischer Sure, I'll look at it: may be not until after lunch
@JosephWright no hurry, I only want to get a feeling what is perhaps different between the OS.
@JosephWright I made a pdf version tex.qa/phone.pdf of the TeX FAQ to carry on my phone / in iBooks.
@StefanKottwitz This is nice! Will it be updated regularly, as the online FAQ gets updated?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Possibly, if somebody may be interested, I could automate it. I used github.com/pgundlach/luadetexfaq with fixes and tweaks.
@StefanKottwitz Okay. I stumbled across a problem though: ↓↓
Looks like code snippets didn't get included.
The problem appears to be pervasive. Caused by the narrow paper size, perhaps?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen It's caused by wrapping that code in <dl>, <dt>, <dd> tags in the source html. Fixed.
@StefanKottwitz Great! Thanks.
@StefanKottwitz I think it would be great if it were automated. Failing that, maybe release the “fixes and tweaks, so others can do it themselves?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I did stupid stuff because I'm lazy :-) you know, tex.ac.uk is forwarded via texfaq.net (DNS alias entry) to texfaq.org . That is mirrored to tex.org.uk for simpler html, but since Lua could not fetch https/ssl it's mirrored to latex.org.uk (non-ssl). The script fetches this and that's been put to tex.qa since that's easier to type for me.
@StefanKottwitz Laziness is a virtue, of course … but that was rather convoluted.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I played with a mirrored Wiki version anyway, so it already existed.
@StefanKottwitz Ah. If it works, it works.
2 hours later…
@FaheemMitha well, there's a swimming pool, but it's covered and @PauloCereda refuses to uncover it, so who knows...
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I still work on completing the FAQ translation to (Brazilian) Portuguese: latex.net.br/faq/brtexfaq.pdf - still in TeX, but this may go to Markdown too, and together with the German FAQ (latex.org/detexfaq.pdf, or smartphone version: latex.org/faq-klein.pdf) it can be consolidated to one workflow for the PDFs.
@StefanKottwitz Splendid. So you know Brazilian Portuguese? That seems a bit unusual, for Europeans.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I tried to learn it for the TUG meeting. Written is easy, but you should hear my accent :-o
@StefanKottwitz I'm impressed. But maybe you knew “reguler” Portuguese already?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I did not know European Portuguese. But I was motivated and got help.
@samcarter There are two cats, and yes, I met them both (it's difficult not to meet a cat when there's one in the house...)
@barbarabeeton thank you barbara!
@yo' Clearly, you don't know my sister's cats.
@yo' A covered swimming pool? How odd. Covered why?
@yo' Some cats are shy and retiring. Others less so. Like humans, cats can be either introverted or extroverted.
@FaheemMitha well, to keep it clean I think...
@FaheemMitha yeah, but I saw both of them already :)
@yo' cute cats?
@JosephWright et al: unicode-math & fontspec should now mostly follow the [check-declaration] standards — there might still be a fair few edges cases but the test suites are okay. Both have updates being processed by CTAN now.
@WillRobertson Great
@FaheemMitha -- probably because it's winter. although it may feel like summer to us northerners, people who live there certainly experience it differently.
@WillRobertson did you saw the new mathfont package? It claims that it is "significantly more versatile than the unicode-math package" ;-).
@UlrikeFischer oooo, does that mean it's time for me to retire?
@WillRobertson I'm not sure if I want to use a package that is too lazy to define its own commands and then has to resort to \def\usepackage{\restoremathinternals ... to minimize the bad sideeffects ;-). (But beside this it like mathspec only sets "alphabets").
@UlrikeFischer Ah yes, I see. It's more a replacement for mathspec than unicode-math.
@UlrikeFischer Still, should be incentive for me to get back to improving the "less optimal" parts of unicode-math, though. Unfortunately my plans are always greater than my resources...
Ahhhh, and with that, it's time for bed — first proper day back at work tomorrow.
@UlrikeFischer Oh crikey
@UlrikeFischer I have a feeling it's another 'not quite' package
@JosephWright yes looks like this. One wonder why he didn't ask that e.g. \DeclareUnicodeMathSymbol or whatever he needed gets added to the kernel, it would make everything much easier. Sometimes I think that some people haven't really realized yet that the kernel can add new stuff ;-).
@UlrikeFischer That's true, but I also suspect particularly with fonts, thinking through everything is complicated
@UlrikeFischer Perhaps one for an email (@WillRobertson, @DavidCarlisle, @egreg)
@UlrikeFischer By the way, this is from today: github.com/wspr/unicode-math/issues/485
@egreg oh. What a coincidence ;-). Well that's really the point: unicode-math has __um_set_mathchar:NNnn, mathspec has \XeTeXset@mathchar, the new package redefines \set@mathchar. It would be really better to pull this back to the kernel @JosephWright @DavidCarlisle @WillRobertson
@UlrikeFischer One for the team list: could you mail so Frank, etc., see it
@JosephWright @UlrikeFischer Nice part of the package
  \csname fontspec_set_family:Nnn\endcsname
@FaheemMitha big cats :)
@yo' You mean like panthers?
@FaheemMitha no, I mean like the domestic cats, but big ones
@yo' Ah. Disappointing. A pet panther would be cool.
@egreg I like also \ifnum\csname g__fontspec_math_bool\endcsname=1. And that the optional argument (a sort of key-val list) shouldn't contain any spaces.
@FaheemMitha well, I saw some of these big cats in the zoo in Foz do Iguaçu
@UlrikeFischer Hand-made key parsing?
@egreg yes, something like \@for\@j:=upper,lower,greekupper,greeklower,digits,operator\do ....
@UlrikeFischer Oh goody
@UlrikeFischer I have a bad feeling about this
@JosephWright ;-).
1 hour later…
could it be that there has recently been an update for Biblatex or biber? I'm not getting a bibliography since today..
ah nvm got it ><
@UlrikeFischer See GitHub question :)
2 hours later…
Hello everyone,

For this answer https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/390497/2288, how can I put \toprule and \bottomrule at the start and end of the glossary output, respectively?
@samcarter @barbarabeeton How about this?
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