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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@UlrikeFischer The error I’m getting happens also with LuaTeX built from the git repo without my changes
$ luatex --shell-escape example-luatex-ffi.tex
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.09.0 (TeX Live 2019/dev)
 system commands enabled.
(./example-luatex-ffi.tex (./luatex-basics.tex) (./luatex-fonts.tex <push names
pace> <./luatex-fonts-merged.lua>(using write cache: /home/khaled/.texlive/texm
f-var/luatex-cache/generic)(using read cache: /var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/gener
ic /home/khaled/.texlive/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)./luatex-fonts-merged.l
Maybe I should have based my changed on the latest stable release…
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@KhaledHosny Sounds as if you trying to use it with an rather old fontloader. They don't work with new luatex versions. Can you try a latex example? In a current texlive it's fontloader should be new.
@UlrikeFischer I guess the problem is the new one doesn't use hb and the old modifications in the luatex-harbuzz repo doesn't work with current luatex....
@JosephWright, @StefanKottwitz Hi, excuse me for this message. Continuously every time I inadvertently make mistakes a user that I reported with a flag several times continues not only to make comments but there was also a previous very rough message like that I'm damaging the quality of the site. I would really like to understand why there is this resentment with me.
@JosephWright @StefanKottwitz I had voluntarily left the matter for you to examine the situation. Thank you and I really feel bad when situations occur that are not at all dependent on me.
@UlrikeFischer @DavidCarlisle Good morning from Sicily.
@DavidCarlisle in the example above @KhaledHosny is simply trying the generic "plain" fontloader from context with a new luatex and it fails for the same reason luaotfload failed with luatex 1.09.
@UlrikeFischer oh OK, not tried yet (I'm waiting to see if the version I have here compiles after Khaled pushed some new configure files this morning)
@DavidCarlisle I do have some files to setup a format which uses the generic fontloader here github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/tree/master/texmf/tex/luatex/…. But it is a bit of a pain as the font database has to be created with context scripts. I only made it for possible bug reports ...
@UlrikeFischer No luck with uptodate TL 2018, where do I get updated fontloader. No luck with LaTeX example either, luafontload can’t find GentiumPlus-R.ttf that is in the current directory.
@KhaledHosny what about some standard font in the texmf? e.g. \setmainfont{texgyretermes}?
@UlrikeFischer Actually the LaTeX example works, it is luaharfbuzz that is asserting, looking into it. The font not found message is misleading luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: "File not found: GentiumPlus-R.".
@KhaledHosny doesn't it work at all or only when you are trying to use some luaharfbuzz stuff?
@UlrikeFischer luatex example does not work with LuaTeX trunk, with or without my changes, latex examples work.
@KhaledHosny You mean luatex examples using luatex-basics.tex? Quite probable. You would need newer files from a context standalone. Or a special format made with github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/tree/master/texmf/tex/luatex/…. If you want to try with plain, better do \input luaotfload.sty.
@DavidCarlisle et al, why does this give different results with and without hyperref? (it seems to work fine if you replace the call to geometry with memoirs own interface equivalent).
The paper sizes are not the same
@daleif See the duplicate: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/384945/…. (It is not hyperref, but the graphics drivers loader by the color option).
@daleif ah sorry just saw that hyperref alone is also problematic. The problem is that memoir has this specific stockwidth and geometry and hyperref doesn't set it.
@UlrikeFischer yes but why didn't geometry set up the page size in a way that the standard drivers saw the size? I'll need to check.....
@DavidCarlisle memoir is overwriting it at begin document.
@UlrikeFischer ah that's because I put in a \stockwidth test to be nice to memoir:-) (@daleif)
@DavidCarlisle exactly ;-)
@daleif my plan would be to wait for a pull request from @UlrikeFischer to hyperref or geometry or memoir sources, and then accept whatever is in the request.
@UlrikeFischer using \input luaotfload.sty works in the sense that the file compiles, but the Arabic output is garbage, I guess luatex-harfbuzz and luaotfload are not compatible any more.
I wanted to save time by starting with luatex-harfbuzz, but I guess I should start anew.
@KhaledHosny changes in luatex completely broke luaotfload and the original developer disappeared which is why @UlrikeFischer stepped in and made a working fork using the latest context sources. So if luaotfload-harfbuzz was based on an older luaotfload it probably needs some updates.
@KhaledHosny how are you trying to tell the code to use harfbuzz? (and I don't know if luatex-harfbuzz was ever compatible with luaotfload, there is some rather unclear discussion in the old isse list github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/314)
@UlrikeFischer @daleif suppose the question is, if geometry detects that \stockwidth is defined is it clear what papersize={10cm,25cm} should set it to? I suppose it could set stockwidth to paperwidth by default and have an option to set it to something else?
@DavidCarlisle sounds like a good plan. Do you have access to geometry now or does this mean a new round of asking for an update? ;-)
@UlrikeFischer access
@DavidCarlisle so we can blame you that it doesn't work as expected currently ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I don't see why me having write access to geometry, hyperref and the graphics drivers means that we can't blame @dalief for \stockwidth changing the page size logic in memoir.
@DavidCarlisle if people want to mess with \stockwidth then probably they ought to be using the memoir interface.
@DavidCarlisle Nope, that was Peter
And I see why he did so, standard latex has no concept of designing a document to be printed on a different stock than the document size the document is defined with.
@daleif well... then geometry doesn't mess with \stockwidth but the graphics drivers detect that it is defined so set the page based on \stockwidth not \paperwidth and you get what you report, that the size specified by geometry is ignored.
@daleif the question on the main site didn't try to mess with stockwidth, the problem is that it doesn't have a sensible value.
@daleif If @UlrikeFischer can blame me for geometry and hyperref, I can blame you for memoir:-)
@DavidCarlisle @Daleif but geometry has a similar concept with layoutwidth.
@UlrikeFischer I'd say that geometry should just set stockwidth/height to the paper width/height.
if memoir is detected
@UlrikeFischer does it? I suppose I should read the manual one day:-)
@UlrikeFischer I hardly use anything but memoir so I did not know. In that case that specific interface could set stock size to something different than paper size.
@DavidCarlisle yes, probably it should be set up to be an alias for stockwidth - but one should check the offset settings.
@UlrikeFischer doesn't geometry has a passthrough option, that should not touch anything.
@DavidCarlisle or better read the manuals as I probably mixed up layout and paper -- last time I needed it is a year ago.
@daleif yes, but people using geometry with memoir probably do so that it does touch things (its key-val syntax is imho easier than the memoir commands ...).
BTW: just noticed (after getting fully updated), problem goes away (at least for me) with setpagesize=false option for hyperref
@UlrikeFischer There are latex examples in the repo that use luaotfload, and judging from the pdfs, they used to work at some point.
Then at least by pdf viewer shows the same size as without hyperref
@UlrikeFischer There are two examples for using luahbtex in github.com/khaledhosny/luatex-harfbuzz, luatex-harfbuzz already had support for the luaharfbuzz library I use, so I reused that. The examples produce garbage even with the original latex files and vanilla texlive luatex.
@KhaledHosny compilation gets further but still dies:( end of log from build.sh is:
../../../source/libs/harfbuzz/harfbuzz-src/src/hb-blob.cc: In function ‘hb_blob_t* hb_blob_create_from_file(const char*)’:
../../../source/libs/harfbuzz/harfbuzz-src/src/hb-blob.cc:545:40: error: ‘_O_BINARY’ was not declared in this scope
   int fd = open (file_name, O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, 0);
../../../source/libs/harfbuzz/harfbuzz-src/src/hb-blob.cc:545:40: note: suggested alternative: ‘O_BINARY’
   int fd = open (file_name, O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, 0);
does that O_BINARY errror look at all familiar?
@DavidCarlisle you need a new computer. :)
@PauloCereda or same computer with a different OS, but where's the fun in that?
@marmot where is your crystal ball?
@Skillmon @samcarter has it
@DavidCarlisle boo
@KhaledHosny seems it shows up in cygwin builds of other things too: github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/issues/100
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
'ello, I am Psmith, the TeX bot!

List of commands:
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/battle    Displays the battle of titans!
/cricket   Fetches cricket news from ESPN.
/duck      Displays a random duck picture.
/football  Fetches football news from ESPN.
/help      Displays this help message.
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/say       Makes the bot say something.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
oh no
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
'ello, I am Psmith, the TeX bot!

List of commands:
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/battle    Displays the battle of titans!
/cricket   Fetches cricket news from ESPN.
/duck      Displays a random duck picture.
/football  Fetches football news from ESPN.
/help      Displays this help message.
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/say       Makes the bot say something.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
@Skillmon loves me!
/8ball are you accurate?
@PauloCereda Don't count on it.
/learn mean @DavidCarlisle you are mean
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Saved.
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
@Psmith contradict yourself much?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
ohhhh... that borussia
was expecting more yellow
/8ball does any other Borussia exist?
@PauloCereda Reply hazy try again.
can /learn overwrite commands?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I should flag that
/football monchengladbach
@Skillmon Deeply sorry, old chap, I do not know this country/team. I can only fetch: england, spain, brazil, nigeria, germany, portugal, netherlands, monchengladbach, australia, juventus, unitedstates, ghana, mexico, argentina, france, ivorycoast, uruguay, belgium, italy, chile, colombia
- ICYMI: Sanchez caps Man United comeback, unreal Mbappe & more
- Bayern thrashed at home as pressure mounts
- Bayern Munich shut out at home in loss to Borussia Monchengladbach
- Kovac insists spirits are high at Bayern despite poor form
- U.S. team veterans John Brooks, Fabian Johnson score in Bundeliga action
- Southampton 0-3 Borussia Monchengladbach: Saints outclassed
- Southampton sign Denmark defender Jannik Vestergaard from Borussia Monchengladbach
- Denmark defender Jannik Vestergaard to have Southampton medical -- sources
It's Mönchengladbach you heathens... Respect the umlaut!
@marmot I don't think so. Last time I saw @Psmith with it.
@samcarter 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
@Maeher YEP
@DavidCarlisle Teaching offensive speech to a robot – what could possibly go wrong?
/8ball Does @Psmith has the missing crystal ball?
@samcarter 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
@samcarter My reply is no.
/8ball Can @Psmith be trusted?
@samcarter Very doubtful.
@PauloCereda you should teach @Psmith the umlaut, and while you're at it, he should also understand fohlen-elf and gladbach
@Skillmon 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
"Monchengladbach", "Mario Gotze"... what's wrong with espn? Can they really not be bothered to spell names correctly?
'ello, I am Psmith, the TeX bot!

List of commands:
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/battle    Displays the battle of titans!
/cricket   Fetches cricket news from ESPN.
/duck      Displays a random duck picture.
/football  Fetches football news from ESPN.
/help      Displays this help message.
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/say       Makes the bot say something.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
@KhaledHosny difficult to test without own binary ;-). But for the example using context/luatex-basics, you will need the newer files standalone.contextgarden.net/current/context/beta/tex/generic/…. And you probably should remove the local luaotfload-features.lua (or check why it is there).
"Marcos Reus" Oh come on now...
@PauloCereda can we create aliases? Something like /learn fohlen-elf /football monchengladbach?
@Skillmon I don't know. :) Maybe it's worth a try. :)
@Skillmon Recursive learning! Opens up interesting possibilities. Maybe we can make @Psmith Turing complete?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
@Maeher there is only one borussia ... youtube.com/watch?v=v69q1PV1ZCw
@HaraldHanche-Olsen recursion sounds dangerous... /learn football /football
@UlrikeFischer The weird yellow guys one city over seem to disagree.
@UlrikeFischer I'm trying a mingw64 build now...
@UlrikeFischer talking of spreading blame: github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/commit/…
@Maeher with break and conditionals not so much.
@Maeher that's the BVB not Borussia.
/learn realborussia i.sstatic.net/X4pBy.png
@Skillmon Tricksy hobbitses. Command names can only contain letters (a-z) and numbers.
@Skillmon Saved.
@samcarter I always had a feeling that ducks cannot be trusted....
@Psmith Have a look here if you want... ;-)
@marmot 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
'ello, I am Psmith, the TeX bot!

List of commands:
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/battle    Displays the battle of titans!
/cricket   Fetches cricket news from ESPN.
/duck      Displays a random duck picture.
/football  Fetches football news from ESPN.
/help      Displays this help message.
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/say       Makes the bot say something.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/texdef \LaTeX
/texdef -l \LaTeX
Error: Listing for commands is only implemented for LaTeX!
/texdef --tex latex \LaTeX
macro:->\protect \LaTeX

\LaTeX :
\long macro:->L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em\TeX
/learn latexdef texdef --tex latex
@egreg Saved.
/latexdef \mbox
texdef --tex latex
/unlearn latexdef
@egreg Hurrah, command forgotten.
/8ball Are you helpful?
@egreg By no means.
@PauloCereda ^^^^^
@egreg Good plan: @PauloCereda can that get added as a 'core' command?
Hi, I'm trying to create flowcharts like this:
Is there any standard LaTeX/TikZ package for that?
Defining the box-widths from scratch is sort of a pain
@KhaledHosny @JosephWright @UlrikeFischer anyone want a linux subsystem for windows version? :-) This is LuaTeX, Version 1.09.0 (TeX Live 2019/dev)
@JosephWright Sure thing!
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@Blue not tried it but google "ctan tikz flowchart" turns up ctan.org/pkg/flowchart?lang=en
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/latexdef \LaTeX

macro:->\protect \LaTeX

\LaTeX :
\long macro:->L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em\TeX
oopsie :)
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@DavidCarlisle not until the end of next week. I will never finish all the things I have to do if I start this adventure now ...
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/latexdef \LaTeX
@UlrikeFischer very wise
/latexdef \LaTeX
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, that looks good. I will need to read the documentation
@Skillmon the size of example-image-duck has changed and broke my tests ;-).
Mar 26 '12 at 19:37, by David Carlisle
@Canageek moral of the story: never read the documentation, bad things happen
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@DavidCarlisle lol
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/latexdef \LaTeX

macro:->\protect \LaTeX

\LaTeX :
\long macro:->L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em\TeX
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/latexdef \LaTeX
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@UlrikeFischer which tests? And the size change was months ago, I think, to make 256 a multiple of the sizes.
@Skillmon in one of my projects. Not a real problem, I resaved them already.
@UlrikeFischer why were your tests size dependent with a hard coded size?
@Skillmon they weren't. They simply did \includegraphics{example-image-duck}, but the log reported 171pt and now 184pt.
Psmith has to wait, I am rooting my phone. :)
@PauloCereda Can Psmith run on your phone?
@samcarter Yes. :)
@PauloCereda Wow!
@UlrikeFischer I'm sorry in that case. I think I wanted to match a specific format back then when I also created the portrait format. It wasn't my intention to break anything anywhere.
@Skillmon don't take my complain to serious ;-) around 10 tests broke and 9 of them due to the changes in luaotfload ...
@Skillmon and nobody forced me to use duck images in serious tests ...
@UlrikeFischer but the images dimensions and page count won't change in future versions of duckuments anymore.
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@Skillmon Good ;-) Are you sometimes looking Borussia live in the stadion?
@UlrikeFischer I'm living in Bayreuth currently, the distance is too big -.- I'd love to, though.
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/latexdef \LaTeX
macro:->\protect \LaTeX

\LaTeX :
\long macro:->L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em\TeX
/latexdef maketitle
\long macro:->\par \begingroup \renewcommand \thefootnote {\@fnsymbol \c@footnote }\def \@makefnmark {\rlap {\@textsuperscript {\normalfont \@thefnmark }}}\long \def \@makefntext ##1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hb@xt@ 1.8em{\hss \@textsuperscript {\normalfont \@thefnmark }}##1}\if@twocolumn \ifnum \col@number =\@ne \@maketitle \else \twocolumn [\@maketitle ]\fi \else \newpage \global \@topnum \z@ \@maketitle \fi \thispagestyle {plain}\@thanks \endgroup \setcounter {footnote}{0}\global \let \thanks \relax \global \let \maketitle \relax \global \let \@maketitle \relax \global \let \@
@Skillmon well if you are in the vicinity then notify me and we could try to organize it.
'ello, I am Psmith, the TeX bot!

List of commands:
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/battle    Displays the battle of titans!
/cricket   Fetches cricket news from ESPN.
/duck      Displays a random duck picture.
/football  Fetches football news from ESPN.
/help      Displays this help message.
/latexdef  Runs latexdef on the provided parameters
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/say       Makes the bot say something.
@UlrikeFischer Last time I saw them live was the test match against Bochum in Willingen.
@Skillmon not quite Bayreuth either ;-).
@UlrikeFischer I was staying at my parents house that weekend, which is not far from Willingen (around 30-40min)
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Let us blame @samcarter
@PauloCereda Let us blame @PhelypeOleinik
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/blame David
@PauloCereda Dear chap, this command does not take parameters!
@Psmith ooh no!
@samcarter 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Let us blame @TeXnician
@samcarter ^^ this command blames someone pingable. :)
@DavidCarlisle, @JosephWright ^^ very useful command
@PauloCereda Let us blame @PauloCereda
@PauloCereda I was wondering how the list of blameable people is generated. At first I thought all people in the room.
@PauloCereda You should exclude yourself :)
@samcarter I am trying to find how to do that. :)
@samcarter ooh
@PauloCereda Let us blame @mickep
@samcarter Let us blame @user1732
@Psmith Unusual choice, why did you select this user?
@samcarter 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
@samcarter I think we could have a list. :)
@PauloCereda ooh
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Let us blame @marmot
oh no
@PauloCereda Let us blame @barbara beeton
oh no
also, spaces
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@Psmith Oi! Why me? :)
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PhelypeOleinik you are pingable. :)
@PauloCereda Let us blame @daleif
@PauloCereda Ooh, nice :D
@PhelypeOleinik Let us blame @TeXnician
@PauloCereda | suspect that you should disable this.
@DavidCarlisle hm?
@PauloCereda How about a list of people which is opt-in?
@PauloCereda randomly pinging people to chat is going to be annoying (and make the chat fairly unusable)
@samcarter Fair enough. I will implement something.
@DavidCarlisle roger.
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@samcarter It would be interesting: -- "Hey, do you want to be blamed?" "Yes, I do :D"
@samcarter Not something people would usually say :P
@PhelypeOleinik This is the one good chance to say this :)
@samcarter Good point :)
@PauloCereda For the improbable case that not enough people want to be blamed, you could also use a list of comic characters or something similar :)
@samcarter I am implementing an add/remove stuff, hold on. :)
@DavidCarlisle how would you organize XXXX\footnote{YYYY} ZZZZ in a xml-file?
@UlrikeFischer rather vague question, but presumably something like <p>XXXX<footnote>YYYY</footnote> ZZZZ</p>
@DavidCarlisle well I have only vague idea about it yet. context is doing something like

@UlrikeFischer or for industrial strength book markup, Docbook uses tdg.docbook.org/tdg/4.5/footnote.html
but I don't find this very convincing.
@UlrikeFischer is this some existing xml from somewhere, that uses no markup around the 1 ?
@DavidCarlisle that's the xml export from a tagged pdf from context.
@UlrikeFischer well it has all the features of automatically generated markup translated from some other format. Not all translation services are as flawless as google translate.
@DavidCarlisle I probably can do better with some patching of footnote commands. But I'm not sure what I should do with the two footnote marks and if the footnote text should be in the middle between the XXXX and ZZZZ or below.
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/blame list
@DavidCarlisle perhaps it would be best to set the marks as artifacts and the text in the middle as footnote.
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Dear chap, there is no one in the blame list!
/blame add DavidCarlisle
@PauloCereda Dear chap, either invoke this command with no parameters at all or with at maximum two parameters: the action and the username, respectively.
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/blame add DavidCarlisle
@PauloCereda User is now eligible for blaming!
/blame list
@PauloCereda Dear chap, I can blame the following people: DavidCarlisle
@PauloCereda Let us blame @DavidCarlisle
@DavidCarlisle ^^
Oy @Psmith nasty automaton, why don't you go compute Ackermann(4,2) or Tree(3) instead of blaming innocent people in chat
@daleif 'ello, I bid you good day! Type /help to see all my commands.
@daleif sorry :(
@PauloCereda hehe
/blame add dog
@samcarter Dear chap, either invoke this command with no parameters at all or with at maximum two parameters: the action and the username, respectively.
@samcarter User is now eligible for blaming!
/blame list
@samcarter Dear chap, I can blame the following people: DavidCarlisle, dog
@samcarter Let us blame @DavidCarlisle
@samcarter quote support in future releases. :)
@PauloCereda don't worry, it was just a try :)
/blame remove dog
@PauloCereda User is no more in the blame list!
@PauloCereda How about just using the name, without ping?
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
@samcarter fixing. :)
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Let us blame DavidCarlisle
/blame list
@PauloCereda Great!
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
/blame list
@PauloCereda Dear chap, I can blame the following people: DavidCarlisle
/blame remove DavidCarlisle
@PauloCereda User is no more in the blame list!
@PauloCereda Dear chap, there is no one in the blame list!
/blame add David Carlisle
@PauloCereda User is now eligible for blaming!
@PauloCereda Let us blame DavidCarlisle
Initiating shutdown sequence. Cheerio!
'ello, Psmith is now fully operational.
@PauloCereda Let us blame David Carlisle
@samcarter ^^ now spaces are supported. :)
@PauloCereda Cool, let me try
\blame add the dog
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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