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Can anyone direct me to any manual that would explain how to define a two argument operator?
Essentially, I want to use $\square$ in place of $\otimes$.
Because $\otimes$ is a two argument operator (I cannot think of a better name now), spacing is properly handled by TeX, but this is not the case for $\square$.
Compare $x\square y$ and $x\otimes y$.
Would something like \newcommand{\sq}{\,\square\,} do?
@DavidCarlisle HellO!
@PedroTamaroff \newcommand\sq{\mathbin{\square}}
@PedroTamaroff \mathbin = math bin ary operator
Ah, thank you.
@wilx I don't think anything is wrong with my computer.
@DavidCarlisle Hi. I have again a problem with a tex file after a sudden power interruption.
In notepad one sees nothing despite the fact the file has around 1 MB.
@Then if you have a million null that's possible, but look at the file in something else (and take a backup copy of it before doing anything)
@DavidCarlisle I have lots of null. This is what notepad++ shows.
@Then if it is all null then there is no useful data there, if it is thousands of null then your original file then it might be, but I wouldn't trust notepad to detect the difference
@DavidCarlisle Could you recommend me some software to use (free if possible)?
@Then well I always use emacs (I've used same editor almost every day since 1987 so not best person to make an objective review:-)
@DavidCarlisle OK. Let me try then. :-)
@yo' So what happens to all the boxes? Do you just have to keep them in a pile, more and more each year? (Unless you're in the higher echelons, of course. Then you don't need Boxing Day.)
@DavidCarlisle Isn't it a special feature for Windows? Or is it just that Windows crashes?
@Then When you say again, do you mean this has happened before and you still use TeXworks and still don't keep backups?
@DavidCarlisle I installed emacs and opened the file. I have a long table of @^@^@... . So, do you mean that my tex information could be somewhere inside that nasty table?
@DavidCarlisle You didn't need the English sub-titles, of course.
@cfr I keep backups, but I work very much every day. In general I save my files at the end of the day.
It's enough to have ruined a day of work.
Yeah, I still use TexWorks, I like it.
@DavidCarlisle Hello. Would you aid me in something else?
I have a paragraph that is not breaking
What could be the reason?
I mean, I have something that reads
`\mathsf{Gr}(\varnothing)$. One can readily check $\mu$ is associative and unital with respect to $\eta$, so we have defined a monoid structure on $\mathsf{Gr}$.

In general, defining a monoid structure on a linear species $X$ corresponds to defining for each finite set and each decomposition $(S,T)$ of $I$ a map`
But that empty line is not creating a new paragraph.
@PedroTamaroff it's a new paragraph, but visual effect could be anything, depending on code you haven't shown
@DavidCarlisle Hm, I mean that the text continues with no break whatsoever.
Should I provide a screenshot?
@PedroTamaroff well \def\par{} would do that it's easy to make \par do anything, question is what code did you load that redefined it... as always needs complete small document that reproduces the problem
@DavidCarlisle Ah, I am pretty sure I didn't redefine \par.
This is the only plce where this is happening.
@PedroTamaroff as i say, example....
OK. How do I provide one?
It's a rather longish code.
@PedroTamaroff as always start with a copy of the document, delete everything after that line, and delete everything before it that you can delete while still showing the problem
@PedroTamaroff either you have redefined \par or you are in horizontal mode, eg \mbox{a blank line b} just puts a and b on a line (or some other less likely things like \endlinechar being negative or having non standard catcode
OK, I'll try that.
@PedroTamaroff -- maybe it's just an omission in copying the code here, but since you start the paragraph with \mathsf{Gr}, one would expect a $ sign to precede it. without the $ sign at the beginning, the $ sign after {\varnothing} will put everything that follows into math mode, and then it surely won't break. (but look for error messages in your log file.)
@barbarabeeton yes I assumed that was just cut and paste error (as no error messages mentioned:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- i agree that's probably the case, but with no visual, ... (and we know that some users don't look at logs or read messages, ...)
@barbarabeeton @DavidCarlisle Incredibly enough, I get no errors when rendering that section.
I am actually rending three parts of a monograph, as \includes, with \includeonly.
I do get a vbox 1342, a vbox 10000 in INTRO, a vbox (something too high) in CAP1, but the above is in CAP2.
1 hour later…
@Then Well, it takes all sorts, I suppose. Given that I taught myself LaTeX and converted 2 chapters from Word using Word's find-and-replace to avoid the risk of losing perhaps 10 minutes work, I find this a somewhat alien perspective. If you really like the editor, despite its throwing your work away, then you need to develop an alternative workflow or find some other way around it. That is, you need to make backups more often. I did do this for an editor at one stage rather than switch.
@Then The other option is to keep the editor and switch to a different OS. TeXworks is cross-platform and this only seems to happen on the one platform. (But check this with @DavidCarlisle first. Perhaps I've only seen a non-representative sample.)
3 hours later…
@cfr OK
So much LaTeX work to do, so little time!
@Then for fun, try opening the file in Wordpad, not notpad, Wordpad. Recently one of my users had a similar null incident. Emacs just shows ^@ all over. Other programmes showed blank data. But Wordpad somehow accessed the right version. Not idea how.
How does one update texmaker in Ubuntu?
@Ralf17 Use the Ubuntu package manager to search for updates
I ran update-manager -d
I'll wait for it to finish and see what happens next.
@Ralf17 Is there a new update?
If so, it's a matter of time of this update hitting the repositories, so a apt-get upgrade might help. :)
I never remember the order, is upgrade / update or update / upgrade?
@PauloCereda I don't know something is wrong with the pdf its generating.
It's not the same as the one found in my Sharelatex copy.
They have the same code but there is no numbers in the subsection title in my Texmaker.
@Ralf17 That's nothing to do with Texmaker: down to your TeX system (TeX Live)
@JosephWright It might be I checked the version: tex --version.
It says
TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2015/Debian)
kpathsea version 6.2.1
Copyright 2015 D.E. Knuth.
There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the TeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the TeX source.
Primary author of TeX: D.E. Knuth.
I'm going to upgrade TeX Live to its 2016 version.
@Ralf17 That's unlikely to be the issue :) Add \listfiles to your input: it will create a File list section in the .log file with details about the packages you are using
@PedroTamaroff that's not incredible it is what was expected:-) that is why we always ask for a complete document that reproduces the error, people always post code that doesn't have the error and somehow expect it to be debugged:-)
@Ralf17 so not too old (texlive 2016 has been out for a while now though) although it is highly unlikely that you get any difference between tex versions it will be a package or font update that you are looking for
@DavidCarlisle OK, this is embarrassing. I had two almost identical sentences that ended and started with that, and I was breaking the paragraph in the other sentence and not in the one I was looking at.
2 hours later…
wooo @WillRobertson is here
@DavidCarlisle — So I've FINALLY got around to addressing <https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/issues/207> — are you happy enough with the syntax described following? <https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/commit/503acca4549cc87a37e75fb6dac6fedd1a7020e‌​c#diff-eef5e26ddeb4011c370387bc19715cb1>
@DavidCarlisle — I give up trying to link directly; follow this link and scroll down :) <https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/commit/503acca4549cc87a37e75fb6dac6fedd1a7020e‌​c>
@PauloCereda Sorry, not for long :)
@WillRobertson oh no
@PauloCereda Story of my life :)
@WillRobertson: happy belated Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you!
@WillRobertson Same here, don't ask for my thesis. :)
@PauloCereda But the smell of dinner is wafting through the house
@WillRobertson ooh food has top priority at any time
@PauloCereda You too! Happy holidays and good luck with the thesis: I know the feeling very well...
@WillRobertson Thanks!
@WillRobertson Nice to see you here! Happy holidays to your family! We want photos!
@egreg In Australia, everything is dangerous!
@PauloCereda Kangaroos?
@egreg ooh they are very mean
@PauloCereda Probably @WillRobertson has several of them hanging around
@egreg a kangaroo army!
1 hour later…
@ChristianHupfer has reappeared on the site! :-D
@egreg Yay
3 hours later…
I will say a bad word!
@PauloCereda But that sound very good to my ears!
@wilx lalalalalala can't hear you
@PauloCereda I might utter a terrible three letter word.
@egreg oh no, sed!
You are mean!
@egreg you mean nano?!
@yo' Uh, a four letter word!
@egreg Oh, really? Sorry, I didn't notice :)
2 hours later…
R.I.P. Princess Leia :-(
@ChristianHupfer Welcome back!!!
@samcarter @egreg: Thanks for 'welcoming' me ... (again)
@ChristianHupfer :(
This year sucks in so many cases...
@ChristianHupfer Yeah. Among the musicians, we miss Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Neville Marriner.
@egreg Well, even if I was no fan of every musician who left us this year it's true that they were artists... (more or less)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright Hallo from Sicily
@JosephWright Can I have an explanation from you?
@Sebastiano You can ask
@JosephWright Thanks a lot
@JosephWright What means this? That is, what good is the review button?
@yo' Good evening
@Sebastiano The review queues are (supposed) to let more experienced users look over posts which might need attention. On the main site (StackOverflow) there are so many posts that this is really needed: not so necessary for us
@JosephWright Can you add a minimal example? With a picture, please. I have not undestand very vell. Can you use a simple English?
@Sebastiano You don't have to do anything
@JosephWright 0 posts, First Posts, Review first posts from new users (???) what should I do?
@JosephWright Can I have a easy example?
@Sebastiano Nothing.
@TorbjørnT. Hello to you too
Although I understand a bit of English I find it hard to understand then what am I to do
@Sebastiano There is even nothing you can do. If a new user posts his first question or answer, you may see that it says 1 next to First posts. If you want to, click on First posts, and you will see that post by the new user. Your "job" then is to look at the post, and see if there is any improvements that can be made. For example, editing to fix tags or improve formatting, or posting a comment to ask for more information (if needed).
@Sebastiano well, nothing. The "review queues" are usually empty on this site. The feature is not really useful here, and some high-rep users even think it's harmful.
Damn, I've never realized how expensive LED strips actually are if you want to use them for a whole room 4x5 meters...
In fact it is you who are very much better than me. I do stand corrected ones better than me? I leave everything as it is.
You are exceptional and all of you I offer my congratulations
In my land there are few people that know LaTeX.
Regards to newcomers
@Sebastiano Regards from an old bloke from the Dark Side to a newcomer ;-)
@ChristianHupfer @Christian :o But your icon does not exist in the upper right.
@ChristianHupfer I have wrong
@Sebastiano: I am there ;-) I can clearly feel my presence there ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I already feel afraid :(
@ChristianHupfer But how can you sneak in?
@Sebastiano The Dark Side is strong in me ... ask @PauloCereda ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ahahahahha. Paulo is a great man. The force is with him.
@Sebastiano Yes, he is Duck Vader ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ahahahh.
@ChristianHupfer You are very nice. Then someone can always see me in secret?
@Sebastiano Thanks...my bad reputation is wrecked now...
@Sebastiano See you in secret? Stealth mode?
@ChristianHupfer no. I see my icon in the upper right. this is not good
@Sebastiano I can see dead people your icon as well as mine own ;-) This is normal...
@ChristianHupfer well, your icon used to be different in the first place...
@yo' I used to be different as well ;-)
@ChristianHupfer oh no! You've stolen the old Christian and you are a new Christian!!!
@ChristianHupfer oohhhhhhhhhh
I see you, now
But how do you disappear and to appear?
Excuse me Now I have seen a question A: A long table on two pages
there is two same question
@yo' Not stolen... reassembled, maintained and prepared for more ill-doings in LaTeX, like \bf \begin{section} ;-)
It is possible that exist two same question?
@Sebastiano That are answers to the same question, I think
Can I marked as duplicate?
Infact Christian
Add the link
@Sebastiano What do you want to mark as duplicate? If you don't find another question there is nothing to mark then. It's perfectly alright to have more than one answer to a question (as long as not 'copies' of each other)
ok excuse me
@Sebastiano The question can be a duplicate of another one however (I am pretty sure, it is)
well I'm sleeping in a while. I greet you with a big hug. You are talented everyone
from my land
good nighttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
@Sebastiano Live long and prosper... to say it with the words of another already late icon ...
It took only 3 months... to go from this:
back to this:
@ChristianHupfer ...was it the hats?
@Werner Sure... ;-) Someone asked me to look after some post, that's all.
@Werner @ChristianHupfer was probably missing the cricket scores

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