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The drama increases in the comment threads: stackoverflow.com/questions/6911235/… Maybe I should do a blog post about delta functions ...
2 hours later…
@AndrewStacey Hmm. When aren't domains discrete in computer science? Splitting hairs now, but still...
@Seamus Oh the joy of being a mathematician! You can wriggle out of anything! It's just clicked that actually, I was getting my delta's mixed up. But of course, because the question was ill-defined, I just change my assumptions and, hey presto! My answer stays correct. All the fun of philosophy with none of the dangerous bits.
@AndrewStacey is there anything you guys can't do? I wish I could upvote +10.
2 hours later…
@AlanMunn: I'd like to see you as a potential contributor: meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1444/… Please please pretty please (with sugar on top). =)
@PauloCereda Seconded. Let's get some non-scientists involved.
@AndrewStacey Hey, I resemble that remark. Linguists are scientists (at least my sort). Are mathematicians? :-) Anyway, to answer Paulo's request, I've been pondering the idea.
@AlanMunn *wonders how someone can resemble a remark; thinks: "Strange how these linguists change the language; almost mathematical in its Humpty-Dumptyism."*
We didn't want to be scientists. We wanted to be... lumberjacks! Leaping from tree to tree, as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia. The Giant Redwood. The Larch. The Fir! The mighty Scots Pine! The lofty flowering Cherry! The plucky little Apsen! The limping Roo tree of Nigeria. The towering Wattle of Aldershot! The Maidenhead Weeping Water Plant! And so forth...
2 hours later…
How am I supposed to type that in ReCaptcha? o.O
@PauloCereda lol
@PauloCereda You have to pour the relevant substance onto your keyboard.
@AlanMunn ROFL!
@AlanMunn LMAO!
Four of the five starred chat messages on the right are from @AndrewStacey...
If I knew that substance. =P
@MartinScharrer On a more serious note, do you know why \clearpage is necessary to associate a pagestyle correctly. e.g. \pagestyle{empty}\tableofcontents\pagestyle{headings} yields 'headings' on the TOC not empty.
@PauloCereda Where's @JosephWright when you need him?
@AlanMunn Indeed!
@AlanMunn The setting valid at the end of the page is taken.
The header and footer are added after the page content is processed.
@MartinScharrer Ok, that's what I thought. Thanks.
(However, the header is written on the page before the text box with the content is placed on it, so any special stuff (e.g. TikZ overlay) is placed behind it.)
@MartinScharrer Nice, that converts the time automatically.
@Caramdir Yes! But I can't find a way to link directly to it, just to the schedule page itself.
@MartinScharrer Could you please link the time in the banner either to that page or a time conversion utility.
@Caramdir Yes, that would be great, for the timezone impaired like me!
@Caramdir Done
Thank you
@PauloCereda 'Compound 1' :-)
@JosephWright Oh. =P
@Seamus He's a wild and crazy guy. (Do I need a Youtube citation for this one too?)
1 hour later…
Since probably nobody noticed it, I want to bring Jeff's comment on meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1617/… to attention:
> well, it's up to you guys, but be sure you're not making a global change based on one user. If you have a problem user, warn and suspend them.
What methods do mods have to warn users?
2 hours later…
@Caramdir Moderators can write private messages to users (as on-site messages and PM)
@Caramdir Thanks for the edit!

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