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2:58 PM
aye! . . . ay eye I
 . . . bi buy by bye
 . . . dew do due doo-doo
 . . . knot naught not nought
 . . . multiply multiply multiply
 . . . present present present
Q: And and... and. And.?

Mike GledhillThis is a cool riddle, which my Maths teacher taught our class, 25 years ago. I still remember it and find it very cool. Can you create a perfectly valid English sentence, which makes perfect sense, but which contains the word "and" in it, five times consecutively in a row ? "Something-or-othe...

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs through lexical ambiguity. It has been discussed in literature in various forms since 1967, when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence employs three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: as a proper noun to refer to a specific place named Buffalo, the city of Buffalo, New York, being the most notable...

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