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@DLosc indeed; this is documented in Sloshy's README too (there's a link from Sloshy's main profile to the Github project with the documentation)
if anything, I tend to get complaints that Sloshy is a little bit too eager (the freeze bot kicks in after 14 days)
I hear Toasty might be making a comeback but I guess given its track record it's probably a good idea to leave Sloshy running as a fallback
cc @LuisMendo
6 hours later…
@tripleee Thank you! If that's configurable, wouldn't it be better to set Sloshy's time to 13 days, to be on the safe side (given that the freeze limit is 14 days I think)?
@LuisMendo Sloshy's time is set at 12 days, which is even more on the safe side than 13 days. ;)
@LuisMendo it only runs once a night, I need a bit of margin in case something fails (like it did last night)
the bug which kicked Toasty off-line had me running it manually for a few days, which I defo can't commit to for any longer stretch of time
1 hour later…
@DLosc Ah, great then!
@tripleee No, 12 sounds great. I was suggesting 13 because I thought it was currently set to 14

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