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Q: FirefoxCP Isolated Web Content CPU overdrive

Dave BensonJust recently, MathOverflow has started to cause Firefox to use massive CPU resources, at least on my machine. In particular, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 running Ventura 13.4.1 and Firefox 116.0.2. Some MathOverflow posts cause "FirefoxCP Isolated Web Content" to consume 100...

I wonder whether you might have bigger chance of getting some useful response on Super User or Ask Different rather then here. Two questions which seem relatively natural: Does this happen on other Stack Exchange sites, too? Does this happen only on pages with MathJax? — Martin Sleziak Aug 15 at 3:23
Would something like that be a reasonable question for Ask Different? (It was asked on MathOverflow Meta.)
I have ask the same thing in the Root Access chatroom associated with Super User.
6 hours later…
in Root Access, 9 mins ago, by Michael
@MartinSleziak I'm seeing the same behavior on FF on Windows. The FF process permanently spikes to around 30% (i.e. 1 core on a 4-core system) when I open the example page listed in the comments.
So this doesn't seem to be specific to Mac.

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