This is not exactly a question for Parenting, but still I‘d appreciate some feedback from the community. Thanks in advance for letting me vent a bit.
The COVID numbers are going through the roof, Germany had something dubbed “lockdown light”, but it clearly didn’t work out where we are. State government has issued a set of stricter rules, that basically say that everyone has to be at home between 8pm and 5am. During the day, visits are limited to persons from two households and not more than five participants (with a few other exceptions that can be ignored in this case).
Minor 2’s BFF planned a sleepover party, celebrating her birthday, which was scheduled for tonight, the guest list included the third of the girls friend trio, plus possibly a few cousins of the birthday girl. We had given minor 2 permission to go (before the stricter rules), there’s a nice gift ready and wrapped, matching the party theme. We really put some effort into this.
We as parents had expected the other family cancel or postpone the event, which they didn’t. So we retracted our permission, minor 2 is at home.
He other friend went, which is now allowed during the day, as she’s the only guest. But her staying overnight isn’t. And the careless attitude of the other parents has us pondering whether they show the same careless attitude in everyday life, which also strengthens our assumption that not letting minor 2 go was the responsible decision.
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Transcript for
Dec '2012
The Playground
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